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David Oliver Jun 2020
The push and pull leaves us feeling unstable as the ground shifts beneath our feet.
So much has changed and confusion is rife as the separated pieces feel incomplete.
Still we keep on keeping on with determination to not wither away and admit defeat.
This time offers chances to make things different and learn from mistakes we cannot repeat.
With new found knowledge and wisdom to share we discover new strength and we won’t be beat.
With fire in our souls and love in our hearts we will make divisions become obsolete.
David Oliver Jun 2020
We are here,
we are all as one,
under the same sky and golden shining sun.
We all live,
and have the very right,
to be free of fear and never need to fight.
We all fall,
we deserve support,
to be given hands by which we can be caught.
We must love,
all of the living,
take a lot less and be much more giving.
David Oliver Jun 2020
You’ve got this and we’ve got you, between us there is nothing that we can’t do.
Together we can achieve every dream no matter how crazy it may seem.
Side by side we face our fears and laugh and smile and cry out the tears.
Through the good and bad we act with love even when push comes to shove.
Here you will find a shelter from the rain
and somewhere safe when you are in pain.
Know that people truly care to help you through when you need someone there.
David Oliver Jun 2020
Days can seem humdrum and make you feel glum,when the things you wish would happen just don’t seem to come which isn’t what you want and isn’t any fun.
Plans are made that don’t come through,and now you have to find something else to do, but don’t let it get you down or let it make you blue.
Make the most of the time to take it slow, you don’t always have to be on the go, because time for your self can be enjoyable when you just go with the flow.
David Oliver Jun 2020
We seek to connect when separation is enforced upon us.
We are told that it is unsafe to be close but we should not fear being together.
We feel that we are going against our own nature to keep each other from harm.
Conflicting confusion clouds the mind and adds to an already difficult experience.
Anxiety and unease are amplified to heights so hard to bare.
It is a heavy price to pay but it will pay off.
From these trials and tribulations we shall create better situations.
Caring connections will be in abundance and their power will be unbeatable.
Unity shall prevail above all else and bonds will be forged with mighty strength.
The path we walk may be difficult but it will lead to a truly beautiful destination.
David Oliver Jun 2020
You betrayed and cheated, hurt and destroyed, creating a vast and irreparable void, invading where you were not welcome and disgracefully you stole and lied.
Unsatisfied with what you had, you found something to take that wasn’t allowed, and decided to taste of the forbidden fruit, only to discover that it was rotten inside.
The fool that you were continued to consume the rancid bitter flesh, hiding away far out of site, still trying to convince your self that your prize was worthy of pride.
Lavishing attention upon a hollow husk, a soul that was empty as a void, the final shreds of your dwindling essence disappeared and with it, all chance of redemption died.
David Oliver Jun 2020
If your soul feels like meandering let it be free, who knows what delights it might find?
Maybe a beautiful summer night sunset,
the gorgeous orange orb finding hills to hide behind.
Somewhere in the distance you hear a church bell softly toll, then a moment of silence, so soothing to the soul.
As the pink hazy sky gives way to the night, the shining silver stars twinkle in space.
Flitting, darting bats swoop in flight, darting and dodging all over the place.
The moon majestically takes her place in the sky, a truly enthralling beauty that catches the eye.
The hedgerows bustle with creatures out of sight, rustling through grass and leaves somewhere close by.
The warm evening air gently blows through your hair, as your thoughts drift away without a single care, enjoying the perfection of nature’s pure way of creating a perfect end to another perfect day.
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