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Jan 2019 · 210
Darkloner Jan 2019
Surrounded by many
Yet feeling so lost
Who am i
What has become of me
I feel like an empty shell
I can't recognize me no more
In a world so bitter
I lost my gentle touch
Jan 2019 · 213
A lone soul
Darkloner Jan 2019
She is a mess but doesn't want people to see that, least they judge her for being weak.
The battles are getting harder
The demons are way stronger
She is exhausted
Pain to great to ignore
Nothing more appealing than to lie down and never have to get up again.
I am fine she says
Just a scratch
Am okay
Just a tear
Just a scream
Just a cut
She is going crazy...
Would you kiss my lips knowing a razor kissed my wrists she asks..
Her wrist are stained
Her heart a broken mess
Eyes,an ocean of sorrows
Mind far too lost in the abyss
Aye her demons are back to drag her back into her abyss, the lonely limbo
And they might just succeed for she has no strength left to fight them off.
She might just be loosing the war without even winning a battle.
Jan 2019 · 980
Darkloner Jan 2019
You give so much love,
Yet forget to love yourself
Your heart so fragile
It shatters so easily
Yet it's a heart so big
It's craves to bring joy
To everyone it encounters.
The kindest of them all
The loving of them all
Are those that know not love
Jan 2019 · 183
My favorite thought
Darkloner Jan 2019
When the sun is gone and the stars dance in the midnight sky,my heart beats with memories of you.
I'm in a peaceful trans gazing at the dazzling dancing stars.
Stars that remind me of my chaotic mind.
chaos  that's tamed by the amazing twinkle in your eyes ...eyes that i am so  tuned to that i see the galaxies..within them
As memories of you,sweet and gentle ,harsh and cruel  play in my mind like a broken record.
Cause you are all i get to think of.
You got me so crazed,
I keep looking for your face in every crowd
Memories of you are my best thoughts...
My lifeline,thats what you are.
Yeah, you are my alpha, my world.
My favorite thought.
Jan 2019 · 167
Darkloner Jan 2019
A new dawn ,a new beginning
A new age,
It does not mean just because the year is new. That you are a new
You are still the same being with the same demons.
But you are stronger ,you survived to yet face another year.
It will come with it challenges,
You will hurt,you will love,
You will loose, as you will gain
Yes the demons are still there but you will learn to embrace them.
Its a new beginning, so you are given a chance to make changes in your life...
There are things you will leave behind
Your bad habits
Your favorite joke
Embrace the beauty in darkness
As black is a shade so deep
Be a star
As you see them twinkle in the dark night sky
Be a star
As they use the darkness around them to show their beauty
Be a star
And shine in your darkness
Smile a little more
Dance with the winds
They might just take you to a place divine
#new dawn #positivity
Jan 2019 · 226
Darkloner Jan 2019
A wild game, an enthralling one
A game of adventure in the field
A fight for an egg like ball
A tackle here and another there
Boom you have the crowd screaming in delight.
A try there ,conversion gone good
And its an uproar of applause.
A game for the strong.
The lion hearted beasts of men
Jan 2019 · 175
Darkloner Jan 2019
Its dark, its raining, there is a storm.. you're drenched by the rain, by your own sweat.

There is a storm, lightning flashing bright, thunder clapping so loud.

But you're unaware despite your drenched state for the storm within is far much greater.

There is a battle going on inside. A fierce one at that. The sorrows are weighing you down, the sadness too intense.

your eyes produce there own rain drenching you further. You feel lost in the dark, the darkness is consuming you..

The pain is so intense, yet you're numb. There is not a soul in sight that sees you're drowning, you're dying...

You look up as the thunder claps so loud... you see the lightning flash... that light... ignites a feeling within. .a feeling of hope. ..a feeling of life.. weird huh?

That's how it is... you tell yourself.. .the beating of your heart is as loud as the thunder... only the heartbeats tell a different story to the thunder..

The heartbeats tells a story far much stronger... it tells you.. no screams at you to live... calm the **** storm within. .or rather control the storm... bend it to your will... close your eyes to stop the rain from falling...

use the storm to feed your heartbeats...use the energy that the storms yields to brighten up...use the fierceness of the storm to right yourself...

We all have our storms within ...each of us with a different intensity.. don't let it break you... instead let it build you.
Jan 2019 · 141
Perfect imperfection
Darkloner Jan 2019

That's the word to describe her.
She was a shattered soul
With no one to lean on
She was on fire,hot flying flames
That burned from deep within her inner soul
Yes, she was broken
But she chose to mend herself again
To piece her broken self together
She rose again, head held high
Her cracks so freaking stunning
She chose to make do with her brokenness
And embrace her being..
With missing pieces and stunning cracks
She stood tall with a smile and twinkling eyes
Eyes so pretty, and so ****** calculating..
She chose to smile the pain away..
To talk the memories away..
And to stand again in her cracked beauty
Her perfect imperfection
A freaking piece of art she was
Forgive and live she did
For she realized she had to live despite it all
For no one will care to mend her
Her so she shut them all out..
And rose like the angel she was. Like phoenix from its ashes..born a new.

— The End —