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Feb 10 · 443
Darkeseed Feb 10
Plagued by haunting dreams
Of what could or could not be
You false hopes please flee
Darkeseed Jan 24
Raging “Phoenix” came
Spewing mouthfuls of flame
At equally fierce “Luwu”.

Little tiger did not back down.
Rising temper and bad ***
Hurling fire whence it came.

"It matters not you are who!”
With cheeky tongue and sass
“I will never take the blame!"

Phoenix’s eyes narrowed
Body coiled and vigilant
Mouth venting fire petulant.

She lashed
He darted
She fired
He dodged

Neither giving ground
Hurling flames
Delivering pain

Then “Earth” came
Rock solid and calm
Tender yet strong

Holding little tiger
Soothing pride
No need to hide

Gazing at Phoenix
We’ve been through this before
Not a word more

Her eyes aflame
Hurling angry cinders
His dance would not splinter

Steadfast as stone
Flowing like water
Loving like flower

With caring eyes
And deep penetrating voice
He held them

I see you both
It was merely a miss
We can do this
Jan 20 · 53
Twenty Thousand Years
Darkeseed Jan 20
Twenty Thousand Years
I've lived this life many times
Each time it is new

Twenty Thousand Years
I've felt sorrow, grief and joy
Each time it has worth

Twenty Thousand Years
How many was I alone?
This time it's with you

Twenty Thousand Years
What would our souls say in kind
Twenty thousand more?
Jan 11 · 263
Dreams of two
Darkeseed Jan 11
Your dream is your dream
My dream is mine
When we held this truth
We fell in love

Your dream is my dream
My dream is yours
When we embraced this illusion
We became lovers

My dream is your dream
Your dream is mine
When we fell to this delusion
Our hearts broke

Your dream is my dream
My dream is mine
When we return to this truth
We will know the loving way
Reflections on the Toltec dream
Jan 7 · 148
Magical chill
Darkeseed Jan 7
Frosty mountain tops
Bright sun radiating heat
Spellbound winter day
Jan 4 · 54
Grateful Breath
Darkeseed Jan 4
Hu Xi

Hu Xi

Hu Xi
Is there a word to describe such a blessed sound?

Hu Xi
Is it like the rustling of a gentle breeze?

Hu Xi
Or the gushing of a sudden gale?

Hu Xi
Is it warm like the mountain wind?

Hu Xi

Hu Xi
It is nameless like the Wu Wei

Hu Xi
It is timeless like the whooshing of the sea

Hu Xi
It is the orchestra of life

Hu Xi
Imagine if we are grateful for every breath

Hu Xi
Letting each Hu fill us with love

Hu Xi
Letting each Xi release our pain

Hu Xi
The way of the grateful breath

Hu Xi

Hu Xi
Read this slowly, closing your eyes and listening to the beauty of your breath between each Hu Xi. Hu Xi is the Chinese word for breath. It is pronounced somewhat like who-see. Enjoy!
Jan 4 · 154
Twilight awakening
Darkeseed Jan 4
I walk this path called life
One day at a time
Through joy, grief & strife
I like to carve a plan
Yet when hail storms come
Such forging is wan
To learn is to grow
To be taught is a gift
To thrive is to flow
Love comes, I embrace
Nothing comes, dreadful place
Anger comes, just grace
Mother goes, deeply sad
Illness goes, such relief
Storm goes, not so bad
The path is not straight
The plan changes now
Awaken to life's fate

— The End —