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Mar 2024 · 89
Dani haruna Mar 2024
would it make sense living without fun, brain gets smart head gets dumb so much to do, there's, so much to see why take the backstreets. You'll never know if you're not involved, they say you'll never shine if you don't glow. If all that glitter is gold, you're no special star, but darling you're special to me.  
the twinkle in my eyes
only shooting stars breaks  
only shoot stars cross the line drown in the sand
give me your hand, give a hand
i can’t do it without you, you’re the fun.
The missing part of me
Jan 2021 · 144
Dani haruna Jan 2021
My love for you is ramping,
The wisps in my ears getting loud and are distracting the attention I'm investing in us.
the grips in my heart's getting worn
And it's contracting the intentions that brought about my trust and I'm toast, my words, failing to falsify the doubts hoarded in your thoughts
I should put myself back to the post, where your feelings  towards me recognizes most.
Cuz I'll love to swim with you in this ocean of emotions, sock in the deep, again and always and not drawn. discovering from the place of deep, the treasures within.
I'll love to sit with you in the fields, right before our minds the image of products we can yield Vastly beautiful beyond what a single mind could ever dream.
And the sounds of the wind hovering from unknown place whereat it's blown
Lost in your presence, immensely renewed mind, body and soul.
In essence,
I'll love to love you just like it started, with the strength of a thousand stallions no one could compress.
But gosh I'm inexpressibly stressed-up
#lovesick #changing_value
Need some time alone #notaloner
Nov 2020 · 125
Aug 2020 · 103
Keep up
Dani haruna Aug 2020
I was like is this the end of the road?
Cause I don't see no way forward
Yesterday right!, I thought of giving up, I was on the edge and couldn't keep up..
I was like it's finished, but I was still breathing and my eyes didn't close my heart still beating
I heard the voice ,
Then I made the choice,
That choice lingers till this moment,
Slowly I'm freeing, getting my way around this torment
I'm fleeing, discovering the world outside the one I've been seeing ...
That choice is called "get some hope you can" I know you got the strength and it might not seem like it but there's strength behind the stretch .. So keep up

— The End —