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Feb 2013 · 491
When I Hold Your Heart
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
Our life paths crossed,
You're so sweet and so kind.
But I've something to tell you,
And I want you to know.
I know there's been those,
Who've held your hand tightly.
This I will promise, but for now it can wait.
I know there's been those,
To give things of beauty.
This I will promise, but for now it can wait.
I know there's been those,
To show you the wonders,
This world of ours.
This I will promise, but for now it can wait.
I know there's been those,
To promise forever,
And treat you so tender, no less than perfect.
This I will promise, but for now it can wait.
All of this I promise you, but only ...
... When I hold your heart.

Re-written 12/31/09  (originally titled “Till I Hold Your Heart”)   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 420
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
Oh, how I long to see,
       your pretty face,
       your eyes,
            your hair.
       I’ll do that tomorrow.
        Oh, how I long to hear,
           your voice so sweet,
               a dove’s dear song.
         I’ll do that tomorrow.
         Oh, how I long to hear,
your laugh,
                       it’s wonderful melody.
         I’ll do that tomorrow.
            Oh, how I long to tell you,
             that I love you still,
             always have,
                   always will.
         I’ll do that tomorrow.
     Again I’ve awakened,
             and again it’s today,
I wonder,
              I cry, my tomorrow.

     11/0/04   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 532
To Be That One
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
I want to be that one.
That one who says g’mornin’ to you.
Not on the phone or in a workplace,
But, from right there.., just beside you.
I want to be that one.
That one who opens the curtains,
Lets in the morning light to brighten your day.
I want to be that one.
That one who to give a special touch.
A loving kiss, a gentle stroke of your hair.
I want to be that one.
That one who makes you smile.
With joy and happiness for all time.
I want to be that one.
That one who holds you oh so tight,
To wipe away your tears when things go wrong,
When you’re down or scared.
I want to be that one.
That one who makes you mad,
Just so we can make up and be happy all over again.
I want to be that one.
I may not be a king, and much I do not have,
No wealth, no riches or jewels to say,
Only a heart big enough for the world,
And only room for you, but still,
I want to be that one.
That one you hold so deep within your heart,
To be yours for eternity and then some.
1 want to be that one.
That one to walk forever with you,
Not before, beside or behind,
But in your shadow, so it’s you to shine
I want to be that one.
You know just who you are,
You know just who I am.
So please
Now, let me be .... that one.

3/4/04   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 880
The Wink of an Eye
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
In the wink of an eye you said hello,
And I returned it.
In the wink of an eye you wanted friendship,
And I returned it.
In the wink of an eye close feelings developed.
And I returned them.
In the wink of an eye I said I love you,
And you returned it.
In the wink of an eye I said forever,
And you returned it.
In the wink of an eye you pushed me away,
My world fell apart,
But I didn’t return it.
In the wink of an eye you said goodbye,
It broke my heart,
But I couldn’t return it.
In the wink of an eye your love was gone,
And I can’t return it.
In the wink of an eye I started to miss you,
I hope some day,
You'll soon return it.

       2/10/04   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 444
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
Learn from the quiet
They're more than we think,
They're stewards of wisdom,
Of the right side of God.
They live the world,
His creation and grace,
Her history, and majesty,
Magnificent place.
They ponder her people,
They're hear they're tongue,
They're ponder they're word,
For most never heard.
They're culture and life,
For most unfamiliar.
They experience to see,
They hear to find out.
They speak they're wisdom,
For those who don't know.
They stand up for right.
Changing the wrong,
All wrong that they can.
To seek the unknowing,
So they too will learn.
Understood,...not always,
We're more than you think,
We are who we are.
When all else is done,
We are... the quiet

12/27/09   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 391
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
I had something I wanted to give to you today.
I tried and tried to get it ready for you,
But the more I tried I couldn't get it right,
I worked and worked
A part was missing I couldn't put it together.
I got in my car and drove to the store.
I looked form here.
I looked to there.
I just couldn't the  part I needed.
I asked the attendant to help me please,
He told me quickly tell just what I want.
He looked and looked,
Then brought the bad news.
I'm sorry sir, we don't have a special part,
To fix your broken heart.

7/09/04  © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 684
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
Sun shine brightly, blue spring sky
See the faces, see them point
Sun shine brightly, warm summer sky
See the faces, see them stare
Sun shine brightly, clear autumn sky
See the faces, hear them snicker, hear them laugh
Storm clouds thicken, dark and gray
See the faces, why so cruel
Why they do the things the things they do
I'll never understand
Watch the faces, see me cry.

12/30/09   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 416
Now And Forever
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
I promise you now and forever,
    That I will always care.
   All I have that you could want,
    I’ll give to you to share.
   All the good and happy times,
   And never any tears.
    I’ll stand right here just by your side,
   ‘Till all the days have turned to years.
    I promise you now and forever,
    That I will always care.
   And darling when you need someone,
   I promise to be there.
   I promise you now and forever,
   If ever we go our seperate ways,
   You’ll took back onto today
   Remembering only loving days.
   I promise you now and forever,
   That I will always love you.
   I promise you now and forever,
        That I will always care.
   I promise you,
   Now and forever.

       This is my first attempt at a poem. I wrote this when I was in the Air Force in 1978   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 749
It Should Have Been Me
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
Woman stood, son child in arm,
At the nursery viewing window,
A beautiful newborn baby girl they did gaze.
Should have been me instead.
A precious little toddler girl waddling 'round
Learning, exploring, sweetly playing,
As the little toddler boy he watched.
Should have been me instead.
She played the playground up and down
Swinging the swing set, sliding the slide.
The little boy watched, played just the same
Should have been me instead.
She grinned ever so widely,
Her friend he was carrying her papers and books,
As they  walked home from school.
Should have been me instead.
High school prom did come one night,
She's dancing the floor like she's done it before,
Spinning, twirling, feet off the floor,
Happy she is, with he and his lead.
Should have been me instead.
Years have gone by, gold ring on her hand,
Forever it means, for one and for both
Children all her own, so beautiful so young,
Should have been me instead.
Angel of death he now hovers , the girl of his dreams,
To his knees he did fall, his head he did bow,
Trembling and tearful,to the Lord he did speak,
God take my soul, Sir please spare the girl,
Humbly he prayed, but so sadly she passes.
My Father in heaven, you've taken my dream,
You've taken my world, you've taken my heart.,
Oh God in heaven I say, ...
... It should have been me.  

Re-written 12/31/09   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 350
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
If ya’ ever get down an’ depress’d,
Nothin’s workin’ an’ ya’ think th’ world’s against ya’
Ya’ think ya’ don’t have a friend,
That nobody cares, an’ nobody loves ya’,
I tell ya’ now that ya'll be wrong.
Ya’ll be so wrong.
B’cause, I do,
No matt'r where ya’ are,
Or where I am.
No matt’r who ya’re with,
Or who I’m with.
No matt'r what our situations
Always have, always will.
An’ darlin’ that’s f’ life.

          4/20/02  © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 589
I Know Your Heart
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
1 know your heart, I know I do.
Though about it much, I’ve never been told.
I know your heart, I know I do.
Thru life’s game, mine’s been the same.
I know your heart, I know I do.
Bright and shiny heart of gold.
Kind and tender, warm, never cold.
I know your heart, I know I do..
Thru life’s game, mine’s been the same.
I know your heart, I know I do.
A golden, shiny, careing heart,
Yours a beautiful, precious part.
I know your heart, I know I do.
Thru life’s game, mine’s been the same.
Something special I know of you,
inside you beats not one, but two.
I know your heart, I know I do.
Thru life’s game, mine’s been the same.
I know your heart, I know 1 do.
Heart of gold, incased in glass.
Heart of glass, cracked, broken by an unkind past.
I know your heart, I know I do.
Thru life’s game, mine’s been the same.
Cracked and broken, made a’shatter,
To the unkind past, it didn’t matter.
I know your heart, I know I do.
Thru life’s game, mine’s been the same.
Heart of glass broken, cracked . .tumed a shatter.
To you, I say, you’ll always matter.
I know your heart, I know I do.
So take the words I give alas,
I’ll never break your heart of glass.

11/5/04   © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 491
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
So, ya' think sunsets are beautiful
Take my hand an' come with me,
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
I'll show ya' a sunset from th' dark side'a th' moon.
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
So, ya' say ya' like t' dance.
Take my hand an'' come with me.
I'll take ya' dancin' on th' rings'a Saturn.
Take my hand an' come with me.
So, ya' ya' like a chilly winters day.
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
I'll keep ya' warm on th' polar shelf'a Mars.
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
So, ya' enjoy a dark'n starry sky.
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
I'll show ya' 'roun th' Andromeda Galaxy
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
So, ya' like t' watch th' Sun rise.
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
I'll show ya' somethin twice as nice,
... sunrise on a planet with a double star sun.
Take my hand an' come with me.
Ya' wanna' see what I've seen ?
We've been t' all these wonderful places,
We'll go t' a world'a pure beauty and peace.
We'll caress f'ever in a field'a celestial bloom'n spice.
These things ya' say ya' only know in dreams.
I'll show ya' th' dreams, ...
I'll make 'em come true.
So please, take my hand,
... come'n see what I've seen.

2/10/09  © 2/20/2013
Feb 2013 · 556
As Time Goes On
Frankie Morrison Feb 2013
As time goes on, an’ days turn t’ years,
     Though my eyes soon f’get your gorgeous face,
      your beautiful hair,
      your wonderful smile.
     As time goes on, an’ days turn t’ years,
     Though my ears soon f’get
     your voice so sweet,
     your cute laugh,
     of an angel.
    As time goes on, an’ days turn t’ years,
    Though my skin soon f’get
     your tend’r touch,
     so kind, .so gentle.
     As time goes on, an’ days turn t' years,
     Though my mind with age an’ time be dimm’d,
     you’ll be there still
     as vivid col’r mem’rys fade t’ black an’ gray,
     rememb’rs in only thoughts, how great would’a been, th’dance.
     As time goes on, an’ days turn t’ years,
     My heart’ll nev’r f’get ya',
     b’cause he nev’r f’gets
     th’ ones who touch him,
     th’ ones who’s touch leaves an impression,
     ‘specially th’ one who’s touch left an impression so deep,
     that th’ impression can only be fill’d,
     by th’ one who made it.
    As time goes on, an’ days turn t’ years,
    I’ll nev’r f’get ya’,
    please, nev’r f’get me.
    th’ one who loved ya’ from firs’ glance,
    an’ nev’r had his chance t’ dance.
    I love ya’.

            1/08/04  © 2/20/2013
Jan 2012 · 2.1k
Frankie Morrison Jan 2012
The Corp, even life itself, is a test.
The Corp, life, a test of humanity,
a test of values, ethics and morals.
The Corp, life, a test to learn,
a test to live,
results to apply.
Pass the test, receive your reward,
your honor,
your pride and professionalism,
your character.
Take what you learn,
Experience, ...
... share.

( Dedicated to Mr Thomas Forbes. A great friend, a co-worker and former Marine, ... Semper Fi ) 1/15/2008, ... FAM   © 2/20/2013

— The End —