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431 · Nov 2017
DJ Nov 2017
My thoughts keep me awake at night.
My brain never wants to sleep.
What runs through my head makes me anxious
But you'll never hear me utter a peep.
I keep what's inside bottled up.
It eats me away piece by piece,
Will these thoughts ever cease?
263 · Nov 2017
DJ Nov 2017
One of the worst diseases in the world is greed.
The top one percent already has so much,
But they take what you need.
They have the best food, best clothes and cures to diseases that no one else sees.
The top one percent is spoon fed, while the little guy is stuck under the table begging for some bread.
What are we supposed to do with all that the world is putting us through?
We have sweatshops overseas and we have men and women working ******* their hands and knees.
They say slavery is abolished but in all honesty, it is still around today
It's just been polished.  We are slaves to money, and slaves to greed.
No one will ever know what it truly feels like to be free.
199 · Nov 2017
DJ Nov 2017
lay by my side, let me look at the beauty hidden behind your eyes. not the outside or the materialistic you that people see, I want to get to know the you on the inside and be as close as I can be. smiles can hide pain, eyes can hide tears. I want to get to know all your hopes, dreams, and fears. open your heart to me and I'll open mine to you, believe me when I say my intentions are true. you may think that you've hidden yourself so well, you look happy on the outside and you think no one can see the pain you're trying to hide. you've been hurt before that much I know, you say you're and open book but there's pages that have been torn away, Id like to be the person that sees those pages one day. I'm not looking for a physical connection, I'm looking for more than some momentary affection.
170 · Apr 2018
In this moment forever.
DJ Apr 2018
the sun peaks through the crack in the blinds and a stream of light hits your face perfectly as you sleep next to me. the innocent look on your face at this moment takes my breath away. I wish I could live in this moment forever. your eyes slowly open, you smile so gently at me and and say in a tiny voice, “good morning”. my heart melts and I can’t help but smile back at you, leaning forward I kiss your forehead and whisper good morning back to you. you lay your head on my chest and I hold you close. your eyes close again and I played with your hair til we both fall asleep. when I wake up, you’re gone. I wish I could’ve stayed in that moment forever.

— The End —