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Sep 2019 · 115
The ant hill
Cameron W Sep 2019
The ant hill crumbled as we poured on the water,
Hoping for a better world for our sons and daughters,
The words we spoke flowing through the streets,
Started as trickle now covers the workers feet,
Rubble crashing down as the walls erode,
Not a flicker of remorse from the many was shown,
So the Queen stayed hidden in the depths of her fort,
For she had nothing left but fear the day true freedom was taught.
Sep 2019 · 116
What if
Cameron W Sep 2019
I sit staring blankly through my sunglasses,
The sun disappeared behind the clouds hours ago but still they stay,
Wondering if like these grey clouds we will get past this,
If like the weather life can promise us a better day,
If like the rain these tears will dry and bring new life,
If like the trees and the flowers a smile might blossom,
If we tend to the gardens of our life we have a chance in this fight,
But without the waters of your love the rose lays rotten,
I sit staring blankly at this grey cold world,
Reminding myself it hasn’t always been this way,
Wondering how the future will unfurl,
If like the weather life can promise me a better day.
Sep 2019 · 152
Cameron W Sep 2019
I embraced the sensation filling my body,
That euphoria of pleasure running through me,
The realization that this isn’t reality,
Once again lost in a fairy tale fantasy,
So clear minded it could almost be sobriety,
But it’s so far from a perfect dream,
These unwanted urges and hated needs,
Hoping it’s hidden for no one else to see,
Without the potion I will never be pleased,
A taste on the tongue and I’m being teased,
Call it an illness or even  a disease,
I hope one day my mind will rest free.
Sep 2019 · 137
Cameron W Sep 2019
A silent scream drowning out the noise
Hearing nothing but the echo of emptiness
Sep 2019 · 125
Floating debris
Cameron W Sep 2019
I watched as the debris plowed through the river,
Like the past that haunts me never slowing,
Some pieces left behind forgotten on the banks,
Rotting away till there is not a trace to be found,
Are these logs the tales of our lives?
The river our time in this world of change,
I saw it was not the same by the end.
Smashed and broken these trunks all sank,
Letting time pass over without a care,
The debris of our lives resting on this riverbed.
Sep 2019 · 164
Life's a zoo
Cameron W Sep 2019
He stood there shaking as the world passed by,
Like a chick in a nest unable to fly,
A fish in a net, a rat in a cage,
Simply observing whilst filling with rage,
Like a deer in the headlights waiting for impact,
Asking yourself why would he do that?
Like a dog on a leash tied to the peg,
A shark in a tank no need for a bed,
An animal trapped inside of this zoo,
That man who is living like me and you.
Sep 2019 · 143
The drink that killed
Cameron W Sep 2019
The drink that killed
He gripped so tight in his cold hand
Empty bottle held by an empty man

Desperate to find the feeling again
Remembering nothing since then
In denial that the glass is the enemy
Nothing compares to that moment
Killing yourself just to smile again

Kind to others never yourself
Intentionally destroying what’s left
Listening to the demons
Like one day they will care
Expecting a different outcome
Despite what history has taught

Moving closer to the end
Everything might make sense then.
Sep 2019 · 107
Nothing matters anyway
Cameron W Sep 2019
A random existence with no purpose or meaning.
Just a collection of energy floating through time.
This life is irrelevant in an infinite realm.
For something will be regardless of us.
That doesn’t make it anything less.
Every moment is there for us to see.
To live to breathe to experience.
To accept it’s never what it seems.
Senses fool and minds can lie.
So we all live in an individual reality.
Intertwined at the seams but never aligned.
Your life is not theirs it is only yours.
Sep 2019 · 593
Last goodbye
Cameron W Sep 2019
I cannot lie and say it will not break my heart,
To loose you even more, to be so far apart,
And I know the way I am, sorry it will be farewell,
For id rather stay silent, a truth too hard to tell,
I can make an empty promise, say we'll keep in touch,
But to put myself through such misery will truly be too much,
So I’m waiting for the day you no longer rule my dreams,
I see your face less clearly when I close my eyes it seems,
Blurring out the last few good parts of me,
Until like you they become just a memory.
Sep 2019 · 104
Heart of glass
Cameron W Sep 2019
Shattered like a pane of glass
A thousand pieces glistening
Broken but still shining
Reflecting the light of life
Crystal debris falls like rain
Beautiful and deadly it crashes down
Burying itself under the skin
Not so deep you feel the pain
Just enough to know it’s there
Sep 2019 · 192
Do you see me?
Cameron W Sep 2019
Did you ever see me? The shadow of the man blinding the world with lies.
False promises of a better world and days that will make sense.
That happiness exists beyond fake smiles and momentary bliss.
This feeling of suffering is the only thing to make me feel alive.
The struggle and burden that drives me to make it through another day.
Because I am better than this and I am more than this.
Yet even in my own reflection there is standing a stranger.
No longer who I was but not the man I’ve become.
Some jaded limbo state my soul trapped in the twilight zone.
Do you even see me? The darkness that exists behind the blinding light.
Sep 2019 · 112
Wild like fire
Cameron W Sep 2019
The fire that’s burning creates it’s own path
Not knowing how long it is going to last
Though obstacles may come and get in the way
In ashes and dust they soon will be lay.

It is only your environment that is holding you back
Don’t rest with the ashes cold grey and black
Be like the flame leaving carnage in its wake
Charging through life as the master of your own fate
Sep 2019 · 127
Positive consequence
Cameron W Sep 2019
Positive thinking, positive mind, positive action, positive life.
Onward and upward, for new heights we will strive.
Caught in the breeze or flowing through water.
Embracing life so much it’s making it shorter.
Over and under, around or straight through.
As long as you get there that’s all you can do.
Not fearing death is the courage to live.
Making the most of your time the greatest gift you can give.
So spoil yourself with new reasons to grow.
And come in swinging when against the unknown.
I’d give you the world, but you only took my breath.
A small price to pay not knowing how many are left.
Sep 2019 · 317
Late night circus
Cameron W Sep 2019
When the setting sun has passed in the night we will run free
Let the **** bags and the vagrants join the drunkards on the street
Dancing down the side walks to a midnight Melody
When the outcasts all take over it’s a sight you've got to see

Now they're howling at the Moon as the fires glowing in the dark
You can hear the bassline echoing from the far side of the park
A few who have had too much now staring at the stars
I’ll take the freak show circus over all these clubs and bars
Sep 2019 · 361
Beautiful mayhem
Cameron W Sep 2019
A petal in the wind, flapping and fluttering, just floating along.
Seemingly dancing through the forest, to the winds silent song.
Spinning through the flowers of the valley where  the river runs.
No control which direction, it’s beautiful mayhem, taken as it comes.
Sep 2019 · 129
My story
Cameron W Sep 2019
A moment of weakness is only a moment not the rest of our lives.

But it only takes one moment of strength for us to survive.

The future is constant, ever changing and free.

A story to be written and the author is me.

A chapter may come and a chapter may go.

One a success, the other a failure, who am I to know?

They can never be erased the ink has already set.

But with each comes a lesson I will never forget.

My futures my story and the author is me.

For only I can dictate what it will turn out to be.

— The End —