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Nov 2012 · 736
Nst'Watl, The Night Dragon
Joshua Jones Nov 2012
Dusk brings the night, and nightmares
Roars echo in the darkened sky
And even the bravest hide in mortal terror
Glaring at the darkness waiting
On this night it may come for us all
Now dawn's light reveals what the nightmare has taken
Some say this dragon is a curse for living
Nov 2012 · 832
Jack of all Heartache
Joshua Jones Nov 2012
I open that which I loved
touching that which gives love
removed that which grants breath
ripped open that which housed my child
pulled out that which grants nourishment
threw away that which gets overlooked
discarded that which passes it all
carved out that which eggs are made

I washed my hands of her
leaving her life surrounding her on the floor
now searching for a new soul to carve
to deliver a new heartache
Nov 2012 · 586
The Demon Hiht'tahs
Joshua Jones Nov 2012
He waits at the end of the street
I think the fog follows him
He can smell her fear
The street lights flicker and dim
Those glowing red eyes, their prey did meet
This night for her would prove grim
At this hour of late he draws near
Her screams gave him a gorgeous hymn
She laid ripped apart, as her blood runs down his lips
Nov 2012 · 730
Within Torment
Joshua Jones Nov 2012
Her eyes are so beautiful, a shade of green I have never seen
With a voice that could calm any broken heart
After all these years I couldn't believe she still longs for me at night

But now her beauty turned into something different
She stood facing me, so close I could smell her perfume
The look on her face...
I smiled and told her how much I love her
She pleads with me not to do this...
She cries and begs...
I leaned in to kiss her, those lips were always so soft...
"Please, baby don't!, NO NO PLEASE NO!"....


She cries over my body.
Nov 2012 · 627
Fear and Wonder...
Joshua Jones Nov 2012
So I wait for her...
Wreaked with suffering and abandonment
Tossed into this realm of discord
Minutes seem like decades as time perverts
     while I'm with her millenniums dissipate in seconds
I love her so and yet she torments me with such precision
     you would think she hates me for all I have done

...Revelation of reality...

Does she love me, does she secretly despise me
Will she cast me aside, cull me at every chance
Have I wronged that which I seek to praise
Within my twisted reality have I created this love from lust
Have the demons in the dark corners finally gained the upper hand
Can this be... No... I wont let you win this time
But the questions still linger in my chaotic thoughts...

So I wait for her...
Wreaked with suffering and abandonment
Tossed into this realm of discord
Nov 2012 · 426
Joshua Jones Nov 2012
Like the rain,
Like the snow,
Like the leaves,
Just as the millions before me,
Just as the billions after me,
I will surely fall.
Sep 2012 · 818
was it just a dream...
Joshua Jones Sep 2012
I lay awake at night looking up into the darkness
Flashes of our time together keep me dreaming
Wondering if you too lay awake dreaming into the darkness
Walking on that beach listening to the waves crash ashore
The night air is cool, and the stars are bright
From the darkness a light shines
Walking toward me... it's you
Your white gown flowing in the wind, the night air caressing your face
I take you in my arms, I found you
You look up at me with those beautiful brown eyes
Saying the words that echo in the wind:
"My love for you is everlasting."
I hold you tight as the wind cries out and dies, the waves fall in silence
You look up at me and whisper my name...
I open my eyes to find myself alone
Sitting up asking out loud"
"Was it just a dream?
Throwing the sheets back I freeze...
I smile as I see the sand laying at my feet
Sep 2012 · 792
Joshua Jones Sep 2012
We were thrown in this holding cell, spaced evenly apart
I remember it being cold and damp, it was hard to move
All I could see was a bright light above us, so bright almost blinding
The haunting laughter of children echoed, bad things happened here once
The cell shook and we could feel the entire room moving, the prisoners silent with fear
With a crash the cell was still, the light was fading
Now the light was gone, "whats going on?" a fellow inmate screamed
We could feel heat raising from the floor we were trapped to, it steadily increased
Some time passed and now the heat was getting unbearable, the smell of burning flesh was in the air
Scream after scream my fellow inmates were over come by the heat and burned to death
I knew this was the end, as my screams followed the countless others
There was now silence as I lay on the very edge of my own end...
When I felt the heat being taken form the chamber, and now i could feel the cell moving again
The Familiar bright lights gave no peace, and just before my life gave out I heard a woman saying...
"Okay kids cookies are done!"
Jun 2012 · 1.6k
The Happy Fisherman
Joshua Jones Jun 2012
You see that man there? He is one happy man.
But don't let his smile distract you he shouldn't be here.
Then why is he so happy you ask? I'll tell you.
He sits there everyday, fishing... passing the time.
You see before he came here he was sick, very sick.
But he never gave up, he fought until he just couldn't fight anymore.
And when his time came he faced the light without fear.
At the service he family held, he came to see that which he left behind.
For in that instance he was able to see his entire family and every friend he had ever made.
But he did not cry, nor did he weep.
He picked up his tackle box and grabbed his fishing rod then sat down on that boulder next to the water.
And with a cast of his rod he just smiled... for now he knew he was home and one day they would be too.
Now you see that man there? He is one happy man.
This is for my uncle, now fishing where they always bite.
Nov 2011 · 506
The Calling
Joshua Jones Nov 2011
Down that path
fear awaits...
into that forest
death awaits...
crossing that line
battles await...
from the front line
your duty awaits...

that feeling within
your destiny awaits...
Oct 2011 · 1.5k
Darkness Comes to light
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
Darkness engulfs me
Echoing screams penetrates  my soul
I feel nothing, emptiness surrounds me
Suspended in place by the energies of the abyss
Something pulled me…
Pulling harder and harder
I can’t control this force
Pulling so violently
With a flash of light I gasp for air…
My vision blurry at first clears
Have brought me back to life
Oct 2011 · 699
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
In the forest there is a down tree
Its crossing the road ahead
I drag out my chainsaw
I try to start it up but I cant
Now I got it going, I start to cut the tree
The moisture from its bark lands on my face
I cut half way down I almost got it then I realize
I don’t have a chainsaw, and I’m not in the forest
All I have is a razor, and I’m sitting in the tub
Oct 2011 · 550
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
Sun sets on the back drop of the tree line
Cool air blows the tall grass
Trees sway to the change of the season
Feeling of the coming winter are still in the air
Memories of distant seasons flood the mind
For now this is home and always has been
Oct 2011 · 486
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
The first time I saw her I loved her
I tried to see her as often as I could
I tried to control myself but I had to kiss her
I said I loved her as she replied she loves me
Our lives have changed but I still love her
I hope she knows I still love her no matter what
That will never change, for it is our fate
Oct 2011 · 3.1k
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
To honor the code is my quest
My blade forged in the Arkaine Magiks
My armor forged in the dragon’s fire
My banner a symbol of my clan will never fall
I will never fail
For I am a samurai
Oct 2011 · 907
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
As a human I was a knight
But as a Vampire I was more
Carnage left in my wake
Despair, my gift to my prey
Everlasting Chaos
Fearless, of mankind’s warriors
Generals now bend and kneel at my sight
Hunted by those who fear me
In the darkness, I await them
Justified by the curse of nature
Knowing that I will never be returned
Legions of warriors under my power
Marching masses burn the land in their wake
No one will stand in my way
Overlord of all I see
Peerless on the field of carnage
Quieting the voices of those who suffer
Relentless murdering
Sacrificing to the Dark Lord
Tormented by immortality
Under my rule, they did bend
Valor and might, powerless
Waiting for the one battle
Xiabalbia’s gate awaits
Years turn to centuries turn to millennium
Zethena, my bride we immortal rule this world
Oct 2011 · 1.9k
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
The Zombie
Rotting, festering
Unstoppable wave of
Oct 2011 · 715
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
As I pushed the blade further in she screamed
I could see the fear and discomfort in her eyes
The years of loyalty lay to waste, deceived
The love that was is no more as she laid, dies
Oct 2011 · 1.1k
Dark Path
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
Down that path I fell
Into madness
As though a spell
Threw me into darkness
Wings sprouted from my back
This feeling this emptiness
I took flight as a bat
This craving for blood is senseless
From the brotherhood, to the dark gods we pray
We take flight together in search for our prey
Oct 2011 · 1.2k
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
I** stood at that cliff
Silenced by the unspeakable things I saw
On the plane of pain and discord
Letting the fear rise within me
As I see the masses of ****** souls
Tormented, burned, stabbed, Impaled and torn apart
In the eyes of the scythe wielder a flame flickered
On me his eyes did now fall, siring pain corrupted my body
Not one soul is spared “he proclaimed as the scythe ran through me
Oct 2011 · 1.5k
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
Slip into madness
Let the thirst consume you
It fills you with passion
Piercing the flesh draining the blood
Knowing the vampire within is growing
No longer human reaching for sanity
On your way to hell but never reaching it
T**he night gives you immortality never to sleep again
Oct 2011 · 702
The beginning of the end
Joshua Jones Oct 2011
As the sound is heard
The sky burns and falls
And the high elves are no more

As the sound is heard
Hell pushes up from the depths
And the leviathans of the sea are no more

As the sound is heard
A star falls
And nothing is the same anymore

As the sound is heard
A blackened claw strikes the stars and the moon
And the sun dims for the loss of many old friends

As the sound is heard
A champion arises
And he falls to the wraith of Abaddon

As the sound is heard
Dark knights are released from *******
And their legions sweep the land with plagues

As the sound is heard
He claims dominion
And a new age of darkness now begins with the end

— The End —