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I feel like a alone child alone in my heart
Alone in my mined alone in my spirit alone for a very long time

I feel like a alone child alone for a very long time a long time is to long of a time but they say time flys when your out having a wonderful time.

But it’s hard not to think of time when it feel like the end of time.

I like a alone child alone  why do I feel so alone when it’s my time I’m long gone.
I feel like a caged bird.
A caged bird surrounded by walls in a room with no windows to look out of.
I feel like a caged bird with no mate or friend nor love one to call on
I feel like a caged bird. Caged bird that can not fly because there isn’t any light nor bird call to follow or relie on.
I feel like a caged bird oh dear lord let me free for I’m a caged bird that needs to be lead to his distiny

— The End —