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2.8k · Nov 2013
Coraline Riley Nov 2013
We veterinarians are a weird type,
Striving to create love in the world.
Yet not quite sure how to do it,
We place our love in the animals.
The ones whom you care about,
And bring to us when they fall ill.
We care for every single one of them,
Fixing and mending all their wounds.
Hoping that all of our great love,
Makes its way into the world.
Maybe we're not so weird after all,
Simply wishing to make the world better.
1.7k · Apr 2013
Insanity -- Sanity
Coraline Riley Apr 2013

Such a long road
A road with many

Naught but a thin
Path separates
Boundaries of the
Sane and insane.

Forever lost
To us are the
Sane ones across
The narrow path.

1.2k · May 2013
Why we can't fix the world
Coraline Riley May 2013
To fix the world, is the simplest, yet hardest thing to do.
Everyone knows how to fix it.
People simply need to put aside their differences,
But, that can't happen because,
The few people who can make a difference, choose not to.

You may think me crazy for such a bizarre notion,
Perhaps I simply am insane.
Maybe it is a wild thought that the world can be fixed,
But I know it's possible.
I also know however, that it will never happen.
The greed won't let it happen.
893 · Apr 2013
All Imprisoned
Coraline Riley Apr 2013
The world is but a prison, harsh and cruel.
It has two very different wardens,
Life, and Death.
The first of which is cruel, and the second is kind.
Millions of guards watch over it,
Guards including disease, and emotions.
Inmates are the inhabitants of the planet,
They have no chance of escaping.
We have no chance.
868 · Apr 2013
Art, with a Twist
Coraline Riley Apr 2013
Draw, draw a picture on your wrist,
Draw this picture with a twist.
Draw it with a razor blade,
Draw it deep and hard, until away you fade.

Splatter paint upon a canvas,
Splatter the canvas in red.
Splatter it with a gun,
Splatter the wall as your senses run.

Hang, hang a mobile on the ceiling,
Hang it high so all may see how you're feeling.
Hang it with a tight noose,
Hang it until your body drops loose.

This is art with a twist,
Art resulting in death.
Art stemmed from depression,
This is real.
816 · Apr 2014
Coraline Riley Apr 2014
Always, always know your dreams,
Never forget your goals.
Even when life seems to be bursting at the seams,
Strive to keep it together.

Always, always remember family,
Never forget the ones who raised you.
Even when the yelling never stops,
Love the ones who've ever cared.

Always, always love yourself,
Never regret your actions.
Even when they sadden those who care,
For those actions are what make you, you.

Because, without goals,
We wander endlessly.
To forget family,
Is to forget who we are.
And without love for ourselves,
We cannot truly love others.
689 · May 2013
Coraline Riley May 2013
How does one know what love is?
It is not an emotion you feel constantly throughout your life,
Such as anger, sadness, and happiness.

So how can one possibly know what love is?
One knows love simply from being loved,
And loving someone.

But if one doesn't know what love is, how can they love someone?
Love is not something you need to know what it is to experience,
Love is something you must wait for, and notice when you find it.

Many people say they never find love though?
Everyone finds love in their lifetime,
Though many let it pass them by unknowingly.

How will I know if I am loved or love someone?
You will be able to see it in the people that love you,
And you will feel something never felt before by you.

What if I never find my love?
You will, all you need do,
Is always pay attention to the people in your life.

— The End —