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Annie Graves May 2021
Well, it's spare the rod and spoil the child, right?
So I'll spare the parents and burn the whole village tonight
For all of us forced to smother and bury our lights
Unshone stars who were killed out of spite
Annie Graves May 2021
I chase love like a drug;
An addict in all but name,
to a high I'll never claim.
Annie Graves Mar 2020
I walk alone
Invisible to all
But I'm still here
My only comfort?
The glowing moon
Lonely and distant
Just like me
Surrounded by stars
That she could never, ever be
Annie Graves Feb 2020
Listen well, child,
Do not fail yourself to think that you could bind me with a name
Do not be the fool who walks where the dead do not dare to tread
I am the fury of a winter’s night, colder than hate, longer than eternity
My song is the storm of a summer’s eve, the thunder that rattles mountains and burns cities
Kings tremble and fall in my gaze
Gods bend the knee to my voice
I do not need your prayers
I do not need your adoration
All that was
All that is
All that will be
Rests in the palm of my hand
And so I say again
Listen well, child
For this will be the end of you

— The End —