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Charan P Feb 1
Maybe I am like salt,
invisible, yet whole.
My presence not felt,
but my absence makes everything tasteless.
~just an idea 😅
  Feb 1 Charan P
I feel so small,
yet so do the stars,
when seen from afar,
they shine through the scars.

And now I feel better.....
  Jan 31 Charan P
Torri Pines
I get allot of bad feelings
And no one wants to here about those
So I try to ignore them
Until they are so loud they scream at me
So I try to distract myself from them
Until they become overwhelming the only thing I can feel anymore

And then I’m just stuck feeling bad feelings that are things no one wants you to say to them with no more ways to distract myself from being left with them

I know you’re just supposed to think about something else…. I know. But I don’t know how to make bad feelings go away anymore
I am the bad feeling.
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