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411 · Jan 2016
Cletus Paul Jan 2016
Hair ***** blonde
Wavy gritty sand

Pearly white teeth
Scar skewed smile

Cobalt blue eyes
Sad with despair

Pointed red nose
Tissue riddled floor

Hand holding hers
Unwilling grip loosens

Shoulders slump forward
Burdens weight heavy

Restless legs quiver
Anticipated end close

Body gone silent
Angels hovering nearer
78 · Nov 2018
Cletus Paul Nov 2018
The soft silence of beauty
Twisted spoons laying side by side
Arms tangled grape vines
Warmth of bodies linger

Gaze moves from eye to eye
Giddy smiles sparkle
Elbows touch innocently
A gentle pet of the hair

White cotton shirts strewn about
Blue jeans stepped out of on the floor
Bra caught on the fan
Underwear damp from desire

Sweat rolls from the nape of her neck
Heat pierces her anticipation
Body quivers from excitement
Dry lips moistened from passion

Heart beat slows
The gentle kisses of her body
A soft touch down her side
Skin stands *****

His tongue finds her warmth
Her back arches
Body quakes uncontrolled
Euphoria found

Still of bodies
Holding hands
Lost in joy
Loves correspondense

— The End —