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44 · Jun 2020
Claire De Lune
Cleopatra39 Jun 2020
And the sadness was not as strong as it once used to be
the aging house comforts us
I have been peaceful for so long , that whatever death is , I could give him a smile
and show him your face , and tell him what a marvel you are
and I don't mind if he takes me with him , I don't mind at all
the end is warm and welcoming
now that I've seen it all
I've seen the pole star , long before it ever rose, in your sad eyes , last night when we cried

does the thought of leaving crush you, dear ?
when we're tired and empty,  I hear the sound of a broken piano in your laughter , you remind me of incomplete nights , and water slipping through fingers
your grip is tighter, your hands have frayed and wrinkled with age my love
I hear our wedding bells again, faintly, a memory sixty years old . I remember you laughing , when I tripped in that ridiculous gown
we have been friends for so long now , I forget how different you are from me
it's almost as if we always came as a pair
I heard you whisper to me , while you held my sleeping form
'when we become stars, promise me you'll find me again'
It was 2 in the night , and I was tired , tired of the world and it's ways , and toiling everyday for nothing . I put my earphones in , Clair de lune was playing softly. And it felt like the entire world stopped. And the ethereal dark blue space was all that existed , and for now , that'll keep me alive .
36 · Jun 2020
Cleopatra39 Jun 2020
Dusk settles in , the Oak wood underneath our feet shivers
Soaked in rain over and over , but we don't replace it
We tread on it , together
We travel places in our little cottage , hand in hand
like the fine lines of your wrist that I remember on instinct
The evening sun sets in , yet our day has just begun .

Moonlight seeps through the holes in our doorway and you find what you were looking for all your life
You feel it , under the soles of the shoes I made for you
In the grains of rice we sowed together
In the soft patterns of our breaths , during the early hours of dawn
Aim high they say , but we only aim farther and farther into ourselves
Until we find another galaxy , a place bed-time stories spoke about
then we leave , into nothing
And beyond that nothing , the sun rises again , and we part ways again
only to find ourselves and travel into nothing , yet again .

And life goes on

— The End —