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Clay Face Jan 2019
Feed us lies, thankfully we have you as our parents. So you can condescendingly preach us your scripture. Careful, you might end up our martyr. We just haven't woken up from our nap yet. When you wake us we'll build the cross. Keep on underestimating us. Once we come together and see through your *******, the government will lose two sons.
Clay Face Jan 2019
From which verbal filth flows is called the mouth of a poet. Art is always biased and always leads to pretentiousness. Poison is a product of art. Everyone who partakes in this now fetish in the modern age is afflicted by it. Sometimes it's cured but it roots again and again. Luckily it's worth the illness it spreads. To live without pseudo-intellect would be boring. To not care about what others think would be so hard. To come together to explore art without smugness would be so impossibly difficult. No one would feel better or smarter than anyone else. It would dully ****. Let's be honest, meaningful discovery and understanding never happened when people work together without prejudice or ego, don't be ridiculous.
Clay Face Jan 2019
Attics and basements are scary
Shouldn't purgatory be Mary?

Provide relativity to snow those impotent of reality

We blind ourselves with modern fruits of eden, we think not even within reason and indulge in them.

Slowing progress kills,

immobilization is death.

We eat a carrot out of the hand of "leaders". They return with a garrote.

One that strangles through manipulation and instant gratification.

Progress falls dead.

What hell it is to be alive and exist stagnant.  

We could stop our burning
We just need a yearning

One that fills us with urgency for collectiveness. And instills higher consciousness.
Clay Face Jan 2019
Love has become a greedy act. Two people two minds. Their branches of accumulated knowledge and ability never intertwine. Coitus is all, and not exactly alchemy. We just "Love" now. It's tone is dull and hollow. We should come to ponder if it's time to wonder into an open question of loving not the physical. Our collective neglect for humanities has flown high. Love, science, math, empathy, art. All starved out by the greed of their caretakers and guardians. Phrases so selfish like, "I love you" or "I want you" should disgust us. What filth it fills our ears with, to repeat phrases that used to be meaningful. Now we call it art to compile them in a rhyme or writing as a whole. To describe a person only by the physical aspects you enjoy while you're in the shower, in bed etc. Not to say you shouldn't cherish people intimately. It should make our hearts low to have numbed phrases like those. If we collectively view love as something intense again we indulge our lives and others with a more profound meaning. We have lost touch of what it means to actually love someone. It's very rare now.
Clay Face Jan 2019
This day in age really proves these creatures are mythical. A piety for pretentiousness inundates us. Drowning in its waters, our egos float up to our heads. Would it not be exceeding if we were as a Blemmy? For without a ceiling to float to, our egos would stay concealed. We could just drain our ocean of turgid avarice for fabricated intellect we seek to praise ourselves with. On the other hand we would become dull. But isn't it wise to at least conceal ego if we cannot smother it? Without ego we can work as one. Think as one. And when we achieve that, we receive the ability to complete all that is conceivable. To bad most aren't willing to give up what they treasure most. The acreage of Real discovery and accomplishment is a fertile, vestal place with unimaginable possibilities. Hopefully one day we will come together and parade through its pastures and meadows as one.
A Blemmy Monster has no head for those who don't want too google it. They are cool you should check them out. This poem tries to express how we let our egos go to our heads while we strive for praise through being pretentious. Without it we could accomplish more especially together.
Clay Face Jan 2019
A net of self indulgence strangles us
Through it we see our indecency
We should hate our parents
Mother of our nature
And father of this selfish life bestowed upon us
Luckily paragraphs are short,
This one will just embarrass us for the rest of the essay
As so it should be.
The disgusting state of mind the net intoxicates us with is so painful to bear,
But to survive we must.
For being sober would be to alienate yourself from your fellow lamb
Wolves are shadowed within the herd, and don't pray on those poisoned with selfishness they are tainted with as well.
The poem I submitted to join. I just really wanted to share it and see what people think.

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