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Love is strange.
You give your whole heart.
You forget about your goals in life.
And what do you get in return?
What do you get when your life is on the line?

All the promises perishes
And as days pass, love turns into hate
Happiness turns into sadness
Each one takes his own path
The heart bleeding
For the love was there!

Then comes the regrets
The hell you went through for them
The compromises you took for their joy
The pain you went through alone
When they could not care about your feelings
But arrogant enough to find themselves righteous always!

I have loved becomes the hymn of the broken heart
You start the healing process once again
What hurts the most is thinking he was the one
And finding out he was like any other you met
With a mouth full of promises
And a heart full of selfishness!

          Ma Maêllah👩‍👧
Relationships torn
The little things that mattered
They never were your priority in my eyes

Promises unfulfilled
Walls crumbled faster
The memories hurt deeper

Heart broken
Gone are those days
They built the woman I am today

Ma Maêllah👩‍👧
In these sleepless nights
Lying in my bed facing the ceiling
Do I think of myself? No

3am in the morning
Checking my phone constantly
The emptiness in me? Of course

The dogs barking outside
The darkness in my room
My heart pounding fast? Why not?

Spending hours overthinking scenarios
The aches of my body crying out
Ever thought of me? Never
And now you claim you love me!

Ma Maêllah👩‍👧
You were
The first poem in my mouth
The first sunset in my eyes
The first follower in my world!

I was
The last affection in your heart
The last enmity in your veins
The last breath in our lungs!
Don't wait
That love is now
That happiness is now
That success is now

Don't wait
Break down every wall
Pick up every piece
Fight back ever battle
Its not about how happy they make you
Its about how grateful you feel to have them

Its not about how they complete you
Its about how they understand you

Its not about how they make you smile
Its about how they keep the smile on your face

Its not about how corny they can be
Its about how mature they act in needed times

Its not about how you feel protected around them
Its about how you cherish moments spent together

Its not about how sentimental you feel about them
Its about how you express your feelings to them

Its not about how much they love you
Its about how much you love them in return
I love you
Not because it is convenient
But because it lightens my heart

Not because you are hansdome
But because you never doubt me

Not because you lend me a helping hand
But because you are YOU around me

Not because our future seems bright
But because you are a door to happiness and joy

Not because you make me smile
But because you always make me feel special

I simply love you because you make me a better person each day I spend with you.
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