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Chinny Maia May 2019
Didn’t realise how much i had been pulling
Didn’t realise the load i had been carrying
Didn’t realise how much my soul was aching
Didn’t realise that my strength was failing

I just kept pushing
I just kept moving
I just had to keep on going
I just thought i had no choice .. no stopping

Then just in a twinkle of an eye
I almost saw it all pass me by
All i have been struggling, leave me behind
And all that would have been left behind was a sigh..

I now had a to have a rude realisation
I don’t know what direction do i visualise
I have to make a new path, a different direction
A new realisation

I just don’t know what my role is or who am I anymore
I need to realise .. i need a new plan.. a new me
I need a new awakening
Everything i have and i know and i am is not as it is
Is this me or it isn’t

I need a new realisation..
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
The dragon awakens...
The lion is alerted
The phoenix is risen!!

The silence has been shattered
The darkness of the night has become awash...
The power of her ...a light has set it all on fire

The Earth shudders..
The trees sway in the winds of her might
The clouds part..announcing her presence

The Queen has come to claim her rightful throne..
Her rightful place ..
She watches as they all scurry..
Like rats about her feet..

Yes she has come..
A new dawn has come..
A new Era is ushered!
A new sun is overhead..
A new moon is risen..
The stars are there to light her path!!!

Be very afraid.. She is awakened..
Warriors stand at her guard..
She is renewed..
She has fully come into...
She is who She is..
She is .. And would always be...  SHE
Chinny Maia Dec 2019
Why have u left me all cold and lonely
All tired and grumpy
Why have u left me all alone in this bed?

My mind is alert and screaming
My eyes watching the time go by
Why have you left me and not said goodbye

My body is calling and crying out for you
Tonight was meant to be a special night
Why did you choose tonight to forsake me

Oh sweet sleep!!!!
My sweet sweet sleep!!!
Why have thou forsaken me??
Chinny Maia Feb 2020
Come to me
Let urself go ..u say
I would catch u
Have no fear.. U say

I stand tranfixed
My entire being in a fix
A great turmoil twirls in me
Fear,hope, pain, trust.
To mention a few, thrown in the mix

Should I let go
And come to u
Should turn around
And run the other way

should I believe u
Would u catch me
Would u leave me
Are u for me

All u say is..
Let it all go
Come to me
U r safe
U r mine...

So u say..
Chinny Maia Jun 2018
Take this weight
The heavy lead
Take this all
Out of my head

Take this pain
All the lost joy and dispair
I don't feel fear
Neither do I cry a tear

Take me to where
I can feel smthing
Take me there
To where i can feel again

Take it away
I need to stop being this way
Make me feel
Like a person
With feelings all happy and gay

Or just lemme have feelings
Take this emptiness
This hole
This dark void away

Just take it..
Chinny Maia Jan 2019
I’m exhausted
I just need it all to end
I can’t hold on any longer
I’m falling off this bend

I see the darkness calling
I want it so bad
I hear the silence loudly
Is this all thats to be had?

I am drained and empty
All cold and dry
I have no more energy
No tears left to cry

I call on the bleakness
To come take me away
I have nothing but darkness
Only nights and no day

I’m exhausted
When will this all end?
Or maybe it’s wasted
Maybe I should just make it the end...
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
The weight..
It goes with me everywhere..
Weighing me down..
Slowing me down..
It's always there..

Draining me..
Pushing me..
Pulling me..
Always with me..

It's there in my smile..
It's there when I cry..
Lurking there behind my laughter..
As my forever after..

The Weight..
It's now one with me.. As I'm one with it..
MY Weight... The Weight..
Chinny Maia Jan 2018
Turn on All of the Lights!!! ...
I am coming .. A force so strong
Feel the power...
See me shining bright!!

Turn up the lights ..
Turn them up extra bright..
Head held high..
Watch me fly..

Turn on the light!!!
Hear me expolde through..
You'll go blind with my shine
Yea.. I am coming through..

Turn on all the Lights!!!.
I want u to see this, all of this
As i soar higher..
This gal is on
Chinny Maia Feb 2018
You look my way
You come my way
U take my breath away
I'm blown away
I feel ur love flow my way
In it I sway
In it I wld dwell..everyday
In it i shall stay..
From it I wld never stray
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
I stretch out my hands.. All i feel is the unending stretch of cold sheets
I close my eyes..try to remember ur feel..
Ur taste.. Ur smell
All I get is the taste of my tears..the smell of my despair .. The feel of my loneliness enveloping me..
I ask myself when wld all this end?? I'm growing weary
O my heart be soul alil more patience..
I hear ur voice in my mind.. I feel ur breath all over my face.. I'm set ablaze
Burning all over
It's just abit more time..
And I'll be there
Wrapped in ur embrace.. Soaking in ur love
And out of it all I would rise up.. Stronger than ever... A new being.. A great one
All this pain , suffering and longing wont be in vain..but a far distant memory..

I turn around n look at the clock..counting down to it beginning and my end...
Chinny Maia Nov 2017
When love dies
So do the butterflies
There are no tears
And still no smiles

When love dies
Your memory no longer invokes those deep smiles
I look at your picture
And i wonder, i thoughtt u where my future

When love dies,
I think of you,  and i wait for the flutter
But all i get is a cold shudder

When love dies
I look back and wonder
I thoughtt i was stronger
Or atleast wiser

When love dies
Gone are the fire flies
But in their place lies
A new one..much more wise

When love dies
Don't  u worry
Just say ur sweet goodbyes
Don't ever feel sorry.

When love dies
It's out with the old
U r new and u r bold
Remember u have a heart of Gold!
Chinny Maia Feb 2021
There is so much noise inside me
There is so much hurt inside me
There is all this feelings within me

I’m restlessness
I’m burning inside
I’m crying inside
Slowly dying inside... literally

So much fury,
so much anger
So much pain
Lots of fake laughter

I’ve forgotten how to sleep
I can’t remember how to live
I can only remember how to survive
I have learned to forcefully smile while I weep

I feel stuck
I’m cold
My heart’s like a rock
I don’t know how to make me work

I need to sleep
I need to weep
I should cry
Till I’m raw and dry

But why can’t I find the answer to my question “WHY”
I need to find the answer to my WHY!

Why me??  
Why is this me??

Someone please tell me- Why!!
Chinny Maia Mar 2018
How did it go this way
Never thought u wld loose my love this way
It was literally just yesterday
And now u have gone ur way

How could we be so much in love yesterday
And we are complete and total strangers today
What went wrong... I need you to say
This feels like a unreal.. It was just yesterday

I close my eyes and play back everything
So it means all u promised..meant nothing
And here i was, finally letting down my walls
Getting myself engulfed in ur love, with all the flaws

I am in such shock, i cant even cry
My world is shook, my eyes painfully dry
How can you change in a blink of an eye
And not even spare me a goodbye

It was literally just yesterday
I lay in ur arms,
U telling me u loved me
Making me laugh
Mesmerising me with ur charms

But here i am
Standing here ..alone
Wondering where all the love has gone
What the hell went wrong.. So it's all gone
It was all here just yesterday!!!!

It was literally just YESTErDaY!!!!
Chinny Maia Oct 2018
The winds blowing through my hair
The glow of the sun , warm on my face
The sounds of the birds,
A melody in my ears

I look up and see You standing , proud , silent and tall next to me
Your handsome face cast in the shadow of the bright sun
I feel the warmth of your presence beside me

I loose myself in the scent of You
I squeeze your warm and caring hand that holds my cold and unsure one in it
You squeeze back .. in your silent way of reassuring me that you would and are always beside me..

I realise’s You

And I know I can now let out a heavy sigh,
A sigh that has been wedged in my soul
since I can remember...

I now know I have been found
I have arrived
I don’t need to search anymore
I don’t need to want anymore
No more yearning , tears or running

I have arrived
And it’s with You ,I have been found
I lay my heart in yours
For I know You  would keep it safe.. always

I have arrived
I am awakening..
I have let go
I am now ready for You...catch me
I have let go.. it’s just You and me

Now I know it has always been You
I have found You
You have made me , me

Chinny Maia Jan 2018
You walked right in
And my heart missed a few beats..
Time stood still..
The air froze cold..

You smiled..
And my knees went weak..
Where is the bold me
I've gone so meek

You embraced me..
It felt so good
I sunk into your warmth
I needed nothing else

And then you left me
U left your fragrance all over me
Your smell filling me..
Your essence.. Enveloping me..

You walked off
You went with a part of me
You left a part of you
I think I've gone too deep

You have imprinted on me
I am engulfed by you
Now where does me begin
And where do you end?

But there u go
Walking away..
farther away
Or are you walking back in????

— The End —