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Jan 2018 · 205
O !!! MY!!!#
Chinny Maia Jan 2018
I feel the heat of ur gaze
I look up and I'm ****** in
Ur eyes..ur  fiery gaze..
U r calling me
U r wanting me..O my!

I feel my self coming closer..
I'm moving closer and closer
Until I don't remember where I end and you begin
U have gotten me , o my!

I'm drowning in your love
Ur eyes..say all the things i need
My knees have grown weak
I'm stuck.. Cant move.
O my! Here ..u have me

Please don't smile..
My heart can't take it..
I can't take anymore
Those lips!!!!
O my!.. U have really gotten me.

I can't explain Whats happening
Ur touch is setting me ablaze
O what sweet torture..
I know i fallen, I'm still falling
Please take me.. O my!

I am drowning in the smell of u
In the essence of u
I want u
All of u
O my! U can take me now

And then u whisper in my ear
The feel of ur breath
The sound of ur voice
I am in bliss..
I need this..
I know this...
U will always have me.. O my!

O!!  My!!!!!
Jan 2018 · 125
Laying Here...
Chinny Maia Jan 2018
Laying here...
All alone...
Wondering where did it go wrong
Where did it all go??

The sheets are cold
The air is cold
My heart is cold
My soul old

I need ur warmth
I need the light back
I want ur arms
I need the love back

The darkness is my lover
It's cold fingers caressing my empty heart
Wrapping me in its lonliness..
Laying with me in my bed of despair

We keep laying here..
All day and all night

Laying here..
Jan 2018 · 86
Turn on All of the Lights
Chinny Maia Jan 2018
Turn on All of the Lights!!! ...
I am coming .. A force so strong
Feel the power...
See me shining bright!!

Turn up the lights ..
Turn them up extra bright..
Head held high..
Watch me fly..

Turn on the light!!!
Hear me expolde through..
You'll go blind with my shine
Yea.. I am coming through..

Turn on all the Lights!!!.
I want u to see this, all of this
As i soar higher..
This gal is on
Jan 2018 · 67
You... Walk
Chinny Maia Jan 2018
You walked right in
And my heart missed a few beats..
Time stood still..
The air froze cold..

You smiled..
And my knees went weak..
Where is the bold me
I've gone so meek

You embraced me..
It felt so good
I sunk into your warmth
I needed nothing else

And then you left me
U left your fragrance all over me
Your smell filling me..
Your essence.. Enveloping me..

You walked off
You went with a part of me
You left a part of you
I think I've gone too deep

You have imprinted on me
I am engulfed by you
Now where does me begin
And where do you end?

But there u go
Walking away..
farther away
Or are you walking back in????
Dec 2017 · 74
Chinny Maia Dec 2017
O sweet slumber where art thou
My sweet respite, y have you forsaken me..
I need your warm embrace..
Wrapped in your dreams..
I need the softness of your silence...
The peace of your weightlessness..

My succor, come back to me..
Please don't leave me..
Where did the attraction go
When did u decide that i was to be alone
Why did the love wane
My rest come and lay with me..

O sweet slumber, pls remember
I would always need you
I am nothing without you
O sweet sleep where art thou????
Dec 2017 · 92
Foot steps
Dec 2017 · 85
I wonder...
Chinny Maia Dec 2017
I look at you and  wonder ..
I think of you and ponder of a when
I remember you and it seems it's grown fonder
I then realise i keep yearning for the yonder

I want and wish
I can't help but miss
I know it's what it is
I just feel , maybe what if

Sometimes i feel like it's a possibility
Then it becomes a maybe
Other times it's a never
Or could it be a foerever??
Am i lossing my sanity??????

I wonder..
Nov 2017 · 104
When love dies
Chinny Maia Nov 2017
When love dies
So do the butterflies
There are no tears
And still no smiles

When love dies
Your memory no longer invokes those deep smiles
I look at your picture
And i wonder, i thoughtt u where my future

When love dies,
I think of you,  and i wait for the flutter
But all i get is a cold shudder

When love dies
I look back and wonder
I thoughtt i was stronger
Or atleast wiser

When love dies
Gone are the fire flies
But in their place lies
A new one..much more wise

When love dies
Don't  u worry
Just say ur sweet goodbyes
Don't ever feel sorry.

When love dies
It's out with the old
U r new and u r bold
Remember u have a heart of Gold!
Nov 2017 · 113
Chinny Maia Nov 2017
U know u have gat me yearning..
This is new..
Something i should be learning..
Mon Dieu!

O my.. What a craving..
I am in awe
I'm loving this feeling
O wow

U got me healing
I'm hot all over
It keeps growing
I want this to last forever.... .

Yes !.. It's a renewing
A turning of a new leaf
An awakening
I've found my release..

This is not a tease
Oct 2017 · 181
Mixed feelings
Chinny Maia Oct 2017
Mixed feelings...
There they go..
Swaying and swimming...
Roaming about..
None is winning...

Should I go ...
Should I stay..
Do i go ahead..
Do i stay back..

Which way do i go..
Do i go up..
Do i come down..

**** u mixed feelings...

I start to smile..
But before it reaches my eyes..
Tears flow over their edges..
And im left with wet cheecks and lashes..

The laugh starts to bubble over..
But ends in a heart wrenching cry.
Do i walk away??
Or do I stay n pray????????

**** u mixed feelings..

I have a melody n a melancholy ..
I am happy and I'm sad..
Ecstatic and heart broken
What an irony..
It's just to bad..
This can't be changed..

O you mixed feelings..
**** u mixed feelings...
Sep 2017 · 391
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
The dragon awakens...
The lion is alerted
The phoenix is risen!!

The silence has been shattered
The darkness of the night has become awash...
The power of her ...a light has set it all on fire

The Earth shudders..
The trees sway in the winds of her might
The clouds part..announcing her presence

The Queen has come to claim her rightful throne..
Her rightful place ..
She watches as they all scurry..
Like rats about her feet..

Yes she has come..
A new dawn has come..
A new Era is ushered!
A new sun is overhead..
A new moon is risen..
The stars are there to light her path!!!

Be very afraid.. She is awakened..
Warriors stand at her guard..
She is renewed..
She has fully come into...
She is who She is..
She is .. And would always be...  SHE
Sep 2017 · 119
Tick Tock... Insomnia
Sep 2017 · 276
Sep 2017 · 113
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
I stretch out my hands.. All i feel is the unending stretch of cold sheets
I close my eyes..try to remember ur feel..
Ur taste.. Ur smell
All I get is the taste of my tears..the smell of my despair .. The feel of my loneliness enveloping me..
I ask myself when wld all this end?? I'm growing weary
O my heart be soul alil more patience..
I hear ur voice in my mind.. I feel ur breath all over my face.. I'm set ablaze
Burning all over
It's just abit more time..
And I'll be there
Wrapped in ur embrace.. Soaking in ur love
And out of it all I would rise up.. Stronger than ever... A new being.. A great one
All this pain , suffering and longing wont be in vain..but a far distant memory..

I turn around n look at the clock..counting down to it beginning and my end...
Sep 2017 · 122
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
The tapping of my feet
The beating of my heart
The rythm of my breath
The melody of my sighs
The elagance of my movements

All these produced by the beating of the drums of this thing called life

O the beautiful music it makes.. Making me sway, my spirit soar n sink
Making me scream n cry

All in a rhythm of its own.. Not to ur understanding nor mine..

But i cant help it.. I must dance..the music calls me..I'm captured in its melody..mesmerized by the harmony..

Through the pain and fatigue...I must dance..for the music never stops.. For I shall not stand still.. I keep moving..swaying..staggering..
But all to the beat..
The music of this world..
Till the time... The music stops..n I must dance no more.. .
Sep 2017 · 103
The weight
Chinny Maia Sep 2017
The weight..
It goes with me everywhere..
Weighing me down..
Slowing me down..
It's always there..

Draining me..
Pushing me..
Pulling me..
Always with me..

It's there in my smile..
It's there when I cry..
Lurking there behind my laughter..
As my forever after..

The Weight..
It's now one with me.. As I'm one with it..
MY Weight... The Weight..

— The End —