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Chinny Maia Apr 2020
I want to cudde!!!
I want to feel your arms around me!!!
I want to touch you !!!!
I need to kiss you!!!!
I want see you!!
I need to feel you beside and inside me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you incredibly 😔💕
Chinny Maia Apr 2020
Oh Chris
Oh how i miss
The taste of your lips
The caress of your fingertips

My sweetheart
Heal my aching and lonely heart
How it yearns ...
Longs for your love...
And cries for your touch...
To caress and make still, this longing and weeping heart

My love
My one and only love
Time and distance keep us apart
I crave for strength and pray for patience,
though it’s very hard..
As i await  the day i can touch the face
And be held in the arms of the man I love..
and we shall never part..

Oh how I can’t wait for that day..
The day I am with...
My man.. My love...
Chinny Maia Mar 2020
Night time...
I love nighttime
I abhor  nighttime
Why are you just not the same
Why torture me every time

Nighttime ...
When my mind is awake, alive and full of ideas
When my body remembers every single thing
Every ache it could have , in weird and wonderful areas

Nighttime ...
When inspiration is at it’s peak
When the pain is so bad I can’t speak
When memories flood my mind
But I can’t move , I’m just a freak

When the lyrics make the most sense
When my pain is at the most intense

When the beats and rhythm are all i can feel
But this agony won’t let me be
I wish it would just set me free
I wish i could just get my mind out of my body and flee

I’m awake
My body is craving sleep
My mind is as wide as the lake
My body is laying all limp and weak
Yes i know I’m a freak

The best time of the day
The worst time of the day
The most creative time of the day
The most torturous time of the day

I ride the wave every single night
The ups and downs
The laughs and the cries
I enjoy all of it every night
Or maybe not- maybe it’s all lies

The sun is rising
It’s getting brighter
The dawn is no better
Maybe its time to finally start sleeping

My best friend
My worst foe
But its all I’ve ever known
And looks like it’s all i would ever know

Chinny Maia Feb 2020
Come to me
Let urself go ..u say
I would catch u
Have no fear.. U say

I stand tranfixed
My entire being in a fix
A great turmoil twirls in me
Fear,hope, pain, trust.
To mention a few, thrown in the mix

Should I let go
And come to u
Should turn around
And run the other way

should I believe u
Would u catch me
Would u leave me
Are u for me

All u say is..
Let it all go
Come to me
U r safe
U r mine...

So u say..
Chinny Maia Feb 2020
High on pain
Extra high on pain meds
Extremely drowsy on sleeping meds

I am so restless
I am so dizzy
I am drowsy

But I can’t lie down and sleep
I’m walking around like a drunken sheep
I’m nuts and i know that .. yep I’m deep

So what do i do?
I blast afro beats
And dance and stagger and move

I may be down but I won’t drown
I may be in excruciating pain
But I’m not going to whine or wail

**** this pain tho
It’s you and me
We are going to dance this dance  as a duo

A mixture  of Pain, tears and drugs
A lovely combo we are
A unique trio , thats how we go

My pain , meds and me....
Chinny Maia Jan 2020
I’m so overwhelmed and glad to feel the sun, rain and wind on my face..
To hear the birds in the air
The insects in the grass..

It was almost all lost to me..
It was almost all gone
Almost all taken from me

Things we take for granted till we can’t have them no more
Love, laughter, strength , family and friendship ..

I’m eternally grateful to feel..
To be given another chance
And this time it’s much more real

All of this and much more-
a second or is it a 3rd chance?

I’m just grateful...
Chinny Maia Jan 2020
For the first time ever
Since the day i was born...
I am truly and completely

It feels weird
And oddly humbling
This is me- NAKED

I am finally looking at myself
In my true image
The way i was originally made

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