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Tana Sep 2018
Remind me again why i ever looked down on myself
Remind me again why i ever thought i was not enough
Remind me again why i ever compared myself to them

Remind me again why i ever felt like i was not whole
Why i ever felt like this was my life
****! How did i just completely lose myself like that
because out of this little box of negativity
I found another part of me i never knew
I found happiness
I found myself
And here i will stay.
Tana Aug 2018
Sometimes i just want to be reckless
Drink until i cant walk straight
smoke until i feel like i'm in Nirvana

Yes its now that bad
I've got to that point

but then i remember that there's more to life and even though it looks cloudy ahead
I'll get there.
Tana Aug 2018
I just want to run until i'm tired
i just want to run to a place where its only me
I just want to cry without anyone watching because i don't want anyones' sorry
And i don't want anyones' pity
because they will never understand.
There's more to my frustration and i'm the only one who knows how it feels
There's more to my sadness than anyone will ever know

" Shes got issues they say"
And its true i do
And i just want to get them out of the way but
I cant .

— The End —