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Hannahsue Nov 2013
Don't tell me to..
"just stop cutting"
"just eat"
"just get over it"
"just leave them in the past"
"just forget about it"
Because if it was that easy don't you think i would've done that already? Its not like I like this constant pain.
Hannahsue Nov 2013
You tell me you love her smile.
You tell me you love her vibe.
You tell me you love her happiness.
You tell me you love her outlook on life.
You tell me you want to one day be in a relationship with her.
You tell me she doesn't love you back.
You tell me that her lies hurt you.
You tell me you've been waiting for me.
You tell me that you just want to be with her.

I love your smile.
I love your vibe.
I love your happiness.
I love your outlook on life.
I want to one day be in a relationship with you.
I know you don't love me back.
Your lies hurt me.
I've been waiting for you.
I just want to be with you.

I am going to give you advice; let her go. Telling your self that she can go as long as she is happy is a hard thing to do and a rough reality to face but it does your heart a little good.
Hannahsue Nov 2013
Her grades dropped from a 95 to a 90.
She began eating one meal instead of three.
She slept six hours instead of nine.
These changes were small, not visible to many.
She slowly began to fall to pieces, tiny pieces.

Her grades dropped dramatically, shes failing now.
She stopped eating, hasn't taken a bite of anything in such a long time.
She stopped sleeping, shes lucky if she gets an hour or two.
The changes were once so small, but now are visible to all.
She fell apart a while ago.
It's too late for her to be put back together.
Hannahsue Oct 2013
You put your hands on her, you must love her, right?
You told her to not tell anyone, you'll keep her safe, right?
You told her that if was okay to touch her, it was legal, right?
You told her you could touch her bellow the elastic of her pants, it was okay, right?
You told her that you wouldn't be too rough, so that made it safer, right?
You told her girls are touched like this at some point in time, that made it acceptable, right?
You told her she didn't have to give consent, you didn't need it, right?
You told her she deserved to be ******, it would be fun, right?
You told her she needed to shut up and enjoy it, that made it better, right?
You told her to remove her top or you would, that wasn't a threat but rather a suggestion, right?
You did not tell her is that she was being *****, taken advantage of.
You did not tell her she would be insecure for a long while after.
You did not tell her she'd be afraid of every man who stepped near her for the rest of her life.
You did not tell her she'd have to learn to love again.
You did not tell her you were sorry.
You did not tell her how you would be ruining her life.
You did not care that she would be ruined.
Hannahsue Oct 2013
She fell in love with feeling pain.
She fell in love with being hurt.
She fell in love with wanting to let go.
She fell in love with sadness.
She fell in love with her tears.
She fell in love with her cuts, her bruises, her scars.
She fell in love with her razor.
She fell in love with broken promises.
She fell in love with lies.
She fell in love with heartbreak.
She fell in love with hopelessness.
She fell in love with incompetence.
She fell in love with crying.
She fell in love with ignorance.  
But most importantly, she fell in love with you.

— The End —