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Oct 2018 · 239
Charlirae Oct 2018
Love is beautiful but it can be bad
It can be terrible in so many ways
I hate love
You get attached and then you’re trapped
Last time I loved...
He left,
He dropped everything that we were ,
Everything that we could have been and left

Red, red is the color of love,
It’s beautiful
But it can be dark
And thick like blood

When I was with him everything slowed down,
Time just stopped,
Time was non-existent
I hate it

The sound of our song when it comes on the radio,
It’s like cries to get out,
It’s bitter sweet,
Like salty carmel
I want it so bad
Yet I hate it so much

It’s like the night sky,
Dark but the stars make it beautiful  

I hate it
But I love the thought of love
what is it?

Love is when you get an  unconditional feeling for someone
Love is addictive
Love is a habit
I hate it

It’s the sound of out song when it comes on the radio
It’s like cries to get out,
It’s bitter sweet,
Like salty caramel,
I want it so bad,
Yet hate it so much

I want to love someone,
But I can’t
I can’t stand to sit there and give someone my heart only for them to throw it away
I want , but I can’t
I hate it

Love is beautiful but it can be bad
I hate it
But I absolutely love the thought of it
Oct 2018 · 458
Charlirae Oct 2018
A girl who is very caring. She's very sarcastic but super fun to be around and very funny. She loves to help people out with their problems but sometimes doesn’t work out her own. She has many flaws but her flaws make her beautiful. Music is one of the most important things in her life, after family and school. She's very athletic, competitive and doesn't have any hesitation to cheer you on. When she loves you it’s the best feeling in the world. She is amazing and very beautiful.

That girl is a Charli.
Oct 2018 · 186
Charlirae Oct 2018
He’s everything,
Everything I’ve ever wanted,
Everything I’ve ever looked for..

He makes me go crazy!
He makes me get butterflies!
He makes me get as red as a tomato..

I’d do anything,
Go anywhere,
Just for him!

“Why, why, why?” people ask
My answer is always the same
“Him, he’s everything,
My best friend,
My love,
My favorite athlete,
My favorite guy,
My world”

“What if he leaves?” They ask
“Then he leaves but he’ll always have a piece of my heart and he knows that”
Oct 2018 · 102
As I stand in the shower
Charlirae Oct 2018
As I stand in the shower
The warm
Soothing water runs over me
And I think
   I ask myself
Do you think the water could wash off more then just dirt?
Can it wash off all the shame
Can it clean me?
Can it make me new again?

As I stand in the shower I think of these things

I think of yesterday  
And tomorrow

Today was just a continuation of yesterday
It’s not over

Some say what’s done is done but No
It’s just starting

As I stand in the shower I think of what tomorrow is going to be like,
I know I’ll have to stand in front of my peers tomorrow and put on that perfect little, fake smile

I stand here thinking about these things
I turn off the water and the thoughts run away like roaches when spoted

This is what I think
When I stand in the shower
Oct 2018 · 107
I’m a girl
Charlirae Oct 2018
You’re a girl
You’re beautiful
You’re kind
You’re caring
You’re creative
You’re independent
You’re a girl

But what does the world think?
Girls always smell good
Girls take forever to do something
“They only like the color pink”
Girls don’t drive well
“Girls never take chances”
“They are only here to ‘please’ their man”
Girls are less than men, like a mouse is less than a cat
Well that’s not me
I’m a girl

I like my hair in a messy bun, rather than perfectly curled hair with every hair in place
I like big clothes rather than form fitting attire
I drive better than than boy who sits behind me in class
I like video games
And getting dirt on my body
I’m a girl

I don’t need an approval from a man
I don’t need an approval from you!
So, I’m a girl
I’m a lady of class
But I can be a messy wreck at times
I’m not what the world thinks I am
We are perfectly imperfect
We are girls, and we are proud

I’m proud of my rats nest for a bun
I’m proud that I can walk around and hold my head as high
As high as the sky
I’m proud I have a voice
I’m proud I can look past the things the world puts in front of me
I’m proud because, I’m a girl

They keep saying that beautiful is something a girl needs to be
“You need a bigger ****, bigger *****, and more makeup”
But honestly?
Forget that
Don’t be beautiful
Be angry, be intelligent, be witty, be klutzy,
Be interesting, be funny, be adventurous, be crazy, be talented
Be your own definition of amazing
That’s so much more important than the word beautiful.
I’m a girl

I fight like a girl who refuses to be a victim
I fight like a girl who is tired of being Ignored and Beaten
I fight like a girl who is sick of not being taken seriously
I fight like a girl who demands respect
I fight like a girl who doesn’t believe in fear
I fight because…
I’m a girl

I’m a girl
I refuse to be pushed around

I’m a girl
I know who I belong to
And I’m proud
I’m the daughter of the creator of the world, the king of kings, creator of the universe
I know my worth
I’m a girl

— The End —