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Charlene Sep 2018
Early morning the birds arnt even awake . There's only silence and a vague sound of dew drops falling on the ground .
In a distance a cat walks across my path as I sit on an old tree stump .

I take one last drag from my cigarette I flick it and then I look up at the sky, at that very moment a tear falls from my eye.

I then mumble quietly to myself  I miss you . I really do
Charlene Sep 2018
My heart is hurt its weight is heavy as wet dirt.
My heart is bruised from the fact of being used.
My heart is beating a very slow pace my heart has been lied to abused and trampled on each and every day. You were here in my space telling lies with every word you spoke.

That is my heart if I would have led with it .

My mind just confuses me and at times leaves me to regret.

My little voice that whispers in my ear .The conscience the one most people ignore that's the voice of reason it's the voice that steers u clear.

I took the advice it had to give I payed close attention and this is why I don't care. Because I always knew the end results I always knew the words u spoke were not true and I always knew that every thing u say Is a line you use all the time .
      I play along to get mine as well . If I don't succeed I continue to charade So I can be sure all hand were being played. I'm not sorry nor am I mad I'm just foolish to waste time I can't get back.
Charlene Oct 2018
1,Don't take no wooden nickels

2 Don't write a check your *** can't cash

3 A closed mouth doesn't get fed

4, Why buy a cow when you get the milk for free

5 You reap what you sew.

6 Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

7 Less is more.

8 Take it to the Grave.

9 No pain no gain.

10 You don't miss what you had until it's gone.

11 When it rains it pours

12 If it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have no luck at all.

And there's many more.

I know you heard at least one of them.
what's the meaning behind these sayings ?

Does anyone know?
Charlene Aug 2018
You don't have a lot of money yet you spend as if you do.

Your not a player but you try to play people all the time.

You are not a magician but you try to make me disappear

You arnt a comic yet you make jokes of me all the time.

The only thing you really do have but never try to use it

Is a Heart..
Charlene Oct 2018
Inside I can see me when my eyes close. Although the darkness only provides little light just enough to see the shadows
Thick and numb is the feeling I feel when I mentally feel who I am.
A reflection in the mirror is a person I do not know I have never seen me when I was young and pretty.

My heart is not right for my body. It feels love compassion kindness and yearns to give help and comfort to anyone who wants.
But I have never met anyone who can do the same for me .
I feel I'm invisible and to deformed to be seen .
When will I know it's time to cry . I need to cleanse me.
Charlene Dec 2018
I remember summertime days on the beach amusement parks birthday parties all day at the mall drive-in movies always having a ball
Where did those days go ?They're not coming back.
Life is just about cell phones new tennis shoes fancy cars and the internet look at our future all the kids getting high celebrities dying on opiates people spending their money on edibles and **** and vaporizing ,sad to think we have to work two jobs just to pay a few bills a big ole house too big to fill.
Woman having kids in 2018 that's crazy to raise a kid in this Society .Where did those days go they're not coming back it's all about cell phones brand new tennis shoes fancy cars and the internet smoking **** eating edibles and video games it's not logical where did those days go they're not coming back

— The End —