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Charlene Nov 2018
One can never see the light if they don't walk out from the dark the heavyweight of hate will never be lifted if we don't learn how to forgive
Charlene Oct 2018
When every last soul is dead .We will rise to meet our maker. And when we are called for judgement lets hope our answers are the right ones when questioned about the wrongs we did in life. And could those who done horrific crimes be sent back to earth to relive those crimes.
Or cast down to watch a never ending tape of his wrong and pain he must feel just like he done to others. Every minute of everyday for eternity as the fire burns beneath the feet.
Charlene Oct 2018
To miss someone brings time almost to a stand still.
To miss someone makes an hour feel like many and a  day feel like a week.

To miss someone makes mornings gloomy and the nights long and cold.

To miss someone takes away energy and turns it into misery.
To miss someone heavies the heart and bruises the soul.

To miss someone creates an hate to light and befriends the dark.

To miss someone is an absence  in the heart.
Which causes torture within ourselves.
Charlene Oct 2018
A cold damp foggy October night.
As mist falls onto the ground and a slight breeze moves the fog sideways as the thick fog slams faces that are out and about roaming the streets of this small quiet town.
The sky is grey not one star in sight. The fog is so thick trees and roads can not be seen.
Growls and howled are heard in the distance . As we walk the road that's known for strange happenings.
Not one car has passes us in the past half hour .Feet and fingers are numb nose has a slight run and my eyes are wide open from fright of the creepy October night.
In the direction of the trees and thick brush a dollar is heard but it's faint as we walk towards it it becomes clearer sounds like a baby crying . I'm shaking as I walk towards it a shadow passes me and my heart stops it's beat lying in front of me is a mutilated baby pig with its mother hanging from a tree above I turn around and I'm hit hard as my body fell to the ground .
Charlene Oct 2018
You left leaving me wide open, you have broke my spirit, crushed my heart, cracked my soul , in a minute. Will I ever come back from such devastation? Will time heal my wounds ?Will I ever see you again? Will I ever love again ?Questions I cannot answer . I am a soul drifting aimlessly,with my nights  restless and my mornings worse .
I cannot eat
I cannot sleep
I cannot think
cuz you are not here with me.
    What have I done to you so cruel that you have left me wide open, with a crushed heart, a broken soul , and a cracked spirit . I have roamed into the unknown a deep hole I cannot recover from. Hopelessly positively absolutely broken by your absence .
I love you forever my love
Charlene Oct 2018
Little boys cry to get what they want.

Young men lie to get what they want.

A man tells the truth and always gets what he wants.
Charlene Oct 2018
1,Don't take no wooden nickels

2 Don't write a check your *** can't cash

3 A closed mouth doesn't get fed

4, Why buy a cow when you get the milk for free

5 You reap what you sew.

6 Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

7 Less is more.

8 Take it to the Grave.

9 No pain no gain.

10 You don't miss what you had until it's gone.

11 When it rains it pours

12 If it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have no luck at all.

And there's many more.

I know you heard at least one of them.
what's the meaning behind these sayings ?

Does anyone know?
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