How long before you noticed
I was absent?
Would you boot up expecting
me to have my sunshine
waiting like someone
breathing in the air of your
expensive cologne, alone?
That is the important part. Would
you pay no mind to the
unspoken fragility of my delay?
Can you see me through the glare
of my absence?
My hands, so still, make no move
to flex, the prelude movement, to
lightly brush the keys which spell
your name. The button I do not press to
start the bubble of exuberance, tingling. .
My chest contracts deeply and i
breath your name in a ritual obeisance
you might call a whisper. I land
on the keys rubbed too shiny from use,
as a supplicant might continually rub
the Chalice.
I exaggerate, here, the thought that
you would notice the omission
of a stain on the white cloth of my
restlessness. I bow to yesterday.
Today waits. Unexplain my
heart, call me by my name.
Caroline Shank