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allmrc Oct 2018
You were once my medicine, now you're a heartache.
allmrc Nov 2018
I love you so much, I'm so sorry for not being there when storms drag you down, when seas are so rough to cross and when the sun doesn't seem to shine no more. When the time you want someone to talk with, I'm always unavailable. I'm sorry. forgive me. I cannot promise to give you the love of a sister that you deserve, but I swear to the stars that you'll always be in my prayers and that I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
This is for my sister who doesnt know how much i love her.
allmrc Jan 2019
I cannot define you with words,
I cannot sing you with lyrics
And I cannot dance you with rhythms
I can love you with feelings.
allmrc Oct 2018
You are the lines at the tip of my tongue
allmrc Oct 2018
All she knows is her dreams have been lost to the wind, her passion washed away with the rain, her faith flattened neath the hail of her shame and her joy shackled away in the dungeons of her self worth

But you fail to see what blinds me, her past cannot hope to taint her beauty. Her eyes deep wells of flowing life. Her soul a melody that forges swords of passion. Her hair flickers with the darkness like the day fighting the night. When she smiles a tapestry of lights surround her

You tried to **** her, and you will regret it
allmrc Oct 2018
When I say I love you, I'm sincere.
allmrc Oct 2018
Go, and love the person you have become. It's alright.
allmrc Nov 2018
Just because you don't see her cry,
doesn't mean she's strong.
allmrc Oct 2018
Good night, I made enough memories for a day.
allmrc Oct 2018
It is more beautiful than a rainbow, the aesthetic of a rose bowed-down to its glory, the simplicity of a sunflower gave up its way. It sounds a like daydream to you to believe such thing breathe, but no, it’s not a myth, you just have to believe…
allmrc Jan 2019
Your eyes are wells so deep,
You color your lips with ripe apples.
Your mouth tastes like a love at first sight
And your touch is honesty.
The depth of your voice paralyzes
The deepness of your eyes.
I want you, only you.
Can that melanin rich skin touches mine?
Yes, this scarred but sacred tanned skin.
I want you, only you.
When eyes meet, the endless horizon
Doesn’t seem to beat.
Heart stops.
Your love fills the emptiness in me.  
I want you, only you.
Imagination draws a colorful future
With me and you.
Only you, and you, and me.
allmrc Oct 2018
Pain is a necessity of one falling in love.
allmrc Oct 2018
Alone on the pavement of a lonely night comes symphonies of memories.
allmrc Oct 2018
Revenge is a disease that eats your mind and poisons your soul.
allmrc Oct 2018
Goodbye seems like the end,
Farewell is like forever.
But in my heart is a memory,
And there you will always be.
allmrc Nov 2018
There are tears meant to be hidden in silence...
allmrc Jan 2019
i saw that downcast soul
i beg my pardon for ive been staring too long
then i saw a smile
a smile that can amount a lifetime
of bliss
then i told myself,
every feeling has its own pace
own path and own time
Whatever you're feeling right now, buddy it will pass. Take heart!
allmrc Oct 2018
I like the breeze when it touches my skin
The honesty of the clouds make me humble at least
The moment when it whispers in my ears
Telling me that life isn't just about cupcakes and sweets
But also heartaches and tears.
allmrc Oct 2018
The rain may still fall when
the sun is shining.
allmrc Jan 2019
Life is a mystery of an unsolved cases
Life is mysterious, always be on guard. Because you'll never know what's next.
allmrc Oct 2018
"Found pictures I don't like from memories i don't want to remember"
allmrc Oct 2018
Words can be decieving,
It wilts when It's not true
But it heals when it's honest.
So be sweet when you speak.

— The End —