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135 · Jul 2019
Candyokumu Jul 2019
This man of mine
dear reader
this man of mine
makes me human,impossibly human
I hope someday you will read these
my lover
doing this life thing with you
i need wine
125 · Jul 2019
Candyokumu Jul 2019
I feel like i could consume you
like my favorite dish
I feel like my being will explode
my love for you has been dreadful to me
and beautiful for you
my lover
my man
Is it dangerous? Dear reader
Tell me
will love destroy me?
100 · Jan 2019
My lover
Candyokumu Jan 2019
I am annoyed
Its raining heavily outside
Its been 2 hours
I starred at the celling
Willing my eyes shut
He hadn't come back
7 months in
I am obsessed
I don't even mind his snores
They are mine too
Part of me
Oh I love him
Where are you my love?
I think silently
He comes in
Holding the ugliest bottle of wine
My favourite
Smiling so hard
I look at him
Dear reader
I love this man
Oh how I love him
99 · Jan 2019
My lover
Candyokumu Jan 2019
Day two
Silent treatment
We weren't even 2 months in
What next
I thought
He refused to speak
We moved around each other
Like ghosts
The fight had been too explosive
Harsh exchanges
So many what ifs
I drank my wine quietly
Stood up and kissed his face
Oh how beautiful he was
I love this man
I'm sorry
He whispers
Me too.
I love him
I love him
He will be the death of me
I swear it.
95 · Jul 2019
Candyokumu Jul 2019
my lover
where do I begin
where will we go
how much time do i have
i long to experience you entirely
will fate let me?
will God be on my side?
will my love for you ruin me
75 · Jan 2019
My lover
Candyokumu Jan 2019
We are out tonight
It seems like all our favourites
Are being played today
Friday Night out
We had fought about it
4 hours
Long Calls
Short texts
Angry and confused
I am tired
I say almost shouting
You are always tired
He fires back
I don't like your friends
I say
You don't have to
He answers back
Not looking at me
His voice is low now
He is relenting
I think
3 hours?
I asked tentatively
Thank you he answers,looking at me
I'm sorry,he says
Me too.
We hug
We are okay
"I love him",I think.

Oh I love him
72 · Feb 2019
My lover
Candyokumu Feb 2019
4 weeks
We haven't seen each other
Spending my nights
Come back
Is it normal?
Dear reader,
To be this in love?
"Too much"
"Too obsessed"
"You will hurt"
Risking it all
Oh my lover
I cannot live without him
Dear reader,
I think I am doomed
65 · Feb 2022
Confused Girl
Candyokumu Feb 2022
In a perfect world right now, I would be happy. But I’m not…surprise
I met a guy I suppose…I don’t remember much of our encounter only that I was speaking too fast. I was too nervous and he was calm
You might wonder huh…why didn’t you have everything under control. I’m not sure.
Is it because he was white? Is it because his whiteness was too cliché to my dark skin?
Is it because the stares nerved me in a way I haven’t experienced before or is it because of the assumptions of what my countrymen would think mattered most to me?
I think it’s because I went on the internet today and my heart broke dear reader…I wanted to understand what I was doing wrong.
It turns out this person and I are too different…different seems like an insult to me right now.  I’m not supposed to feel this way. Different is not a bad thing I suppose?
Okay, I’m mumbling at this point.
We are culturally different he says…we have to step one stone at a time and mind his feelings. he wasn’t raised in an open way in his country. Who will mind my feelings? Wasn’t I raised differently too? I don’t understand. I don’t understand what I did wrong
Our brains are different. I hate this word now…different.
It has such a distance to it. Separation, aloofness.
Dear reader, I went online to read about his people. He checked all the boxes.
I’m sad every time he doesn’t text back after 8 hours…8 hours. In my country, 8 hours is enough for a person to develop feelings of hatred and lack of affection? I’m not sure.
I met a man dear reader but my mind tells me I haven’t. it fights every day with my heart. Leave… read the signs…don’t be patient. He doesn’t like you.
Dear reader this man is very affectionate in person. It baffled me the first time we met. I’m not used to such kind of affection from my people, the tenderness. The small kisses on my face and forehead
Yuck, I sound like a 20-year-old girl who has never experienced such emotion before.
But oh, dear reader you should see us discussing everything under the sun…where did I I go wrong
Why am I sad?
I don’t understand why I feel this way.
Is it because he is different?
Oh, how I hate the word different.
It says I should take initiative, approachable manner with him, take my time with him if I really like him. Why? why all the effort?
Different cultural upbringings
Language barrier. We both speak English dear reader.
I must confess. I am a bit drunk
The author Charles Bukowski used to be drunk half the time he wrote his books Not a role model. But I like him
Why should someone make me question myself so?
Why should someone also make me feel like I get him immensely, I get all his books and politics?
I don’t know what I am writing
I might be overreacting dear reader but what should I do?
Ignoring a being who texts you back at odd hours of the night and morning is difficult for me dear reader. But what should I do???
What should I do if he has the prettiest eyes? okay, I’m lying here. His eyes scare the living hell out of me.
They remind me of a snake. Green eyes and speckled yellow in them.
I’m sorry if he replies to my texts with indifference and I rush to reply to them. He is too interesting for my liking dear reader
What does it even mean when someone calls you cute? So vague. I have never liked the word cute or beautiful.
I am foolish dear reader; did I miss out on an opportunity or something. Did he get tired of me?
They are known for being overly nice. On the surface. But what does it mean when people say they are aloof ish to the extent of being mean? They are used to a close-knit circle of family and friends? They do not like strangers or foreigners?
I’d expected him to be different dear reader. He has traveled and met many different people
Why is he still tied to his country’s understandable archaic upbringings?
I’m so confused.
My heart has betrayed me, dear reader.
And for a man. I am very disappointed. I am disappointed because in a way we made a pact with this body of mine you see.
Men are not to be part of our heartache. Not ever not anymore
But I like him. I like him, dear reader
And I hope he texts me soon. So, I can delete all this foolishness and go back to normal. Go back to the girl who affected and controlled the emotions of men…. not the other way round
Do you think he is aware of how much I bore him so? Or he has foreseen I will fall too soon?
I think it’s the alcohol dear reader. These feelings do not belong to me.
I refuse to accept them and I hope to rid of them as soon as possible
Lovesick. My heart is lovesick
Oh, **** I’m 20 years old again I suppose. I hope I return to 27 soon enough
61 · Jan 2019
My lover
Candyokumu Jan 2019
You pace around the room
Heavy breathes
Finally you see it across the room
Quite visible
The TV remote
Your eyes light up
You are happy
It was there
But you had been too anxious to properly see it
A bit of a break,you thought
Baby,what day is it
I turn
Put down my book
J.D Salinger
I can hear Holden Caufield smirk
I had anticipated this question
I know you
My love
I know you
My life
Its Friday
I answer
Your show aires on wednesday
You've already watched it..
Till next week.
I wait
You're sad
I can see it.
7 more days
But I'm here
I tell you
Oh I love you
I think as you walk towards me
Eyes lighting up

I love you

— The End —