It really hasn’t been that long
No, not all that long at all
Since you and I began
And I began to fall
But looking back I see
So much feeling so much fear
Fear that what I havn’t said
You have been unable to hear
So now for better or for worse
I will confess to you my thoughts
It might not be my smartest move
But please pardon all this verse
I used to think my life was good
And wonderful it was
I could not ask for anything
And indeed I seldom should
I used to think I knew happiness
Knew it well as any squirrel or bird
Knew it well as any free living thing
Rejoicing in this Earth
Yet knowing you has changed all this
Not even the sun could contest
The brightness in my pounding chest
Masked by an overwhelming shyness
But present nonetheless
You highlight the landscape of my life
With strange metaphors and charms
For surely if you were to be removed
I would be in a state of great alarm
My one true comfort in it all
Is that looking back I think
I see you looking back at me as well