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700 · Aug 2017
Hi. I'm Depressed.
Bunny Aug 2017
Hi. I'm depressed.
No, that doesn't mean I wear black makeup. I don't wear contrasting black eyeliner upon white foundation. I've already contrasted myself enough from the rest of society.
Hi. I'm depressed.
No, that doesn't mean I cut my wrists with razor sharp blades. I don't create lines because that lets people scan my red barcode, only further proving that they own me.
Hi. I'm depressed.
No, that does not mean I want to guzzle all the bleach I can. I don't want to corrode my physical insides as much as others have corroded my spiritual insides.
Hi. I'm depressed.
No that doesn't mean I want to hang myself from a ceiling fan. That would only break my neck, only adding to the number of wounds from the countless times people have beaten me down with their words.
Hi. I'm depressed.
No, that does not mean in a life or death situation, I will just lay down and accept my inevitable demise.
Hi. I'm depressed.
No, that doesn't mean I want to die. That means I'm not afraid of death.
I feel like my first poem should be a formal "Hello."
405 · Sep 2017
Sticks and Stones
Bunny Sep 2017
Why did this happen?

This wasn't supposed to happen

Does God hate me?

What reason did He have for making me like this?

"It's a blessing."
Those were the only words I've heard.
Are they true, though?
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.
I've seen them insulting me, I'm glad I didnt hear it.
You can
Point and
But your
Putrid words will never
Pierce my ears
Because I'm
332 · Aug 2017
Bunny Aug 2017
it came down
it landed hard
on the one that controls
the one that speaks let out a bloodcurdling shriek
unwholesomely accompanied by small giggles
the assaulter came down once again
the one that speaks became weaker, letting out a muffled cry
the crowd drained the voice
as the voice got weaker, the crowd got louder with laughter
the fur was not enough to brace the one that thinks
it came down again
the innocence crumpled to the floor
the shrieks and pleas for life pried from its body
were the last sounds it made
fresh meat.
Bunny May 2018
The room stayed silent
Not a sound, though it wasn't expected
Then again, none of it was
Autopsy showwd an infested brain
Filled with ants
Crawling and skittering away from the light that should have been shown to him in death
Suddenly they weren't there
They died with him
They were responsible, but only because someone put them there
The ants did the killing
But the people made the ants
244 · Aug 2017
No one
Bunny Aug 2017
A child was born.
And another...
And another...
And 7.5 billion more...

Some of them grew up
Some of them are going to school
Some are working
Some are bums or thugs on the side of the street

Beggars, roddlers, teens, schoolchildren, office workers, tokers, addicts, gamblers, prostitutes...

All these people...
Who in the world wants to know what's wrong with me?

No one.
228 · Aug 2017
Bunny Aug 2017




The voices are screaming at me.
With each time I get more...

The voices are threatening to **** me
Telling me
Dead. Carcass. Dead. Carcass.

STOP. Dead Carcass.
A misinterpreted word.
Stop taking more
Dont take any more...

Resisting the urge to take more
Is almost unbearable
Resort to taking artificial remedies
Looking down at it as a lump begins to form in my throat.
It's pure white.

The lump is washed away by the water...
And the lump, watered down and soppy
Was not enough to stop my tears.
Rolling down my cheeks

Walking eventually becomes a challenge
My frail body collapses...
It's fuzzy and fading.

Is this the end to my eternal pain
My bones almost seem to protrude from my skin
I was slowly killing myself by stopping....
They already were protruding.

— The End —