drowning out these thoughts is a hard thing gotta make it work somehow
and i tried you cant take that away from me
sometimes there is no "you" to write about no unrequited love long distance fight to get noticed just loneliness and sometimes thats enough to crowd me
i never want but i always need. need companionship, love, affection. doesnt matter who its from. doesnt even matter if its real. if i believe it for even a moment its enough until tomorrow
things are the same they cant ever chage things that cant change always stay the same things will be the same from day to day if you want change do it yourself
they ask you not to leave wishing you would mocked and ridiculed by "friends" who were never there a joke to many but it was never their fault blame is abundant but it was always on you change is never easy you need to want it spiraling into a pit of depression and bad decisions that was never the answer go back to the drawing board make your own change you hurt more than you were hurt fix it love fix keep at it
under the weight of expectations buried underneath regrets and failures and what if's and buts and questions of why maybe someone needs you more than you need to protect that image of you that never really existed anyways so should it matter how many times can you fail before you realize there is no "better"
come to me in a way any be it in a dream or when i need you the least i wont know it and i wont need to all i would need is a way to see you i hate me but dont fix it dont you dare even try find me bruised, beaten, disgraced, hated just find me
scribbles on a notepad i cant keep going with these clichés but if you crave originality will it come to you is it earned is it made practice makes perfect is there even a right way
the thick air and the feel of the asphalt on our bare knees unconditional love and unwavering trust hand in hand now its only a moment a snapshot as i drift asleep if we could go back would things even really be better