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126 · May 2018
Bri May 2018
You see one thing yet I see another.
When i look into the mirror I see nothing but someone who needs to change.
The rolls, how my stomach is too big, my thighs touch, I have too many chins for a small girl.
How can you tell me I am beautiful when everything I see about myself is the opposite?
When I look into these magazines or look on the internet, and all I see is girls who are as thin as a tooth pick and that is the idea of beauty that is portrayed everywhere, how am I to believe you when you say I am beautiful?
The image I see when I look in the mirror is warped by the impossible  expectations that are expected of us every single day.
Rise above and love yourself.
124 · May 2018
Bri May 2018
Reassure yourself it will be okay
Enter a place of peace
Calm your fears
Overcome your self hatred
Venture out of your comfort zone
Eat without regret
Remember you are beautiful
You are more than a number on a scale
102 · May 2018
Bri May 2018
The feeling of his lips
It's something that lacks explanation
It takes me to another universe
Pressing on every inch of my body
He takes me away from all the bad
I escape myself even for a moment
No one has ever had that power
And Yet he can do it with one touch
With him I am free
88 · May 2018
Bri May 2018
Some are on the fast track to forever,
Some are on the fast track to disaster,
And some are just here.
A roller coaster that continues to have twists and turns
Ups and down
Never knowing when you will reach the end,
The top of the ferris wheel when the ride stops and you look down and reflect on every regret and wish you've ever had
88 · May 2018
Bri May 2018
Its hard sometimes to express how i feel about him,
Everything he does just makes me fall harder,
Its like im in this dark world one day and then i opened my eyes and he was there,
Like a light in a long lonely night that was never ending,
Like i was drowning and he was the voice in my head that said,
"Come on, swim up its okay"
Like every doubt ive ever had, every bad thought or regret i had,
Became extinct when he pulled me in,
He lifted me and gave me the strength i needed to live,
A smile that was once lost was brought to the surface once again,
I never thought i would be able to love again,
Little did i know it was right infront of me,
I just had to look,
He is every hope and every dream ive ever had,
And it is so wonderful to have something that you love so much it hurts you,
To be so vonerable to another person,
He is my forever and for that,
I am forever grateful

— The End —