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759 · Sep 2018
Brianna Sep 2018
He lives in a filthy prison locked behind bars.
The only thing that soothes his darkened heart,
Are the significant words she writes in light ink.
She writes of seas full of life and a sky with white clouds.
How she can make music by blowing on grass.
He is astonished by her words; hypnotized by them.
It gives him something to look forward to.
She gives him hope with a few simple words.
302 · Sep 2018
Brianna Sep 2018
Shadows we call them
And shadows they are
Until you unravel
The mystery they hold.
They hold the things
We're afraid to say,
The love we've lost,
The endings we fear.
I've walked with them
As a dead version of myself.
Among the many others,
As you yourself.
If reading this you know what I felt
Maybe then you too
Have walked with the shadows.
They locked me within their chains
In a dungeon you've not yet seen.
"Tell me young woman.
What is it that you seek?
Well find what you've been missing
We'll finally set you free."
In a dark room, chained to the wall
Out in front stood a mirror
A reflection of myself.
"What does this mean?
What am I missing?"
You see, the mirror shows your weakness.
Mine was my appearance.
I began to love myself and accept defeat.
They let me go and taught me a lesson.
No matter what love who you are.
281 · Sep 2018
The Monster
Brianna Sep 2018
Tell her monster, are you happy now?
Somewhere in the dark,
In some foreign land,
You left her alone to fend for herself.
I want to raise her spirits
But that's nearly impossible.
The damage you've done is written
Within the shallows of her heart.
She can't be awaken from her slumber
Not without the words from others.
No one ever comes.
Just me left to fight a war
Within a woman whose broken.
Cages, traps, demons lurk in the depth.
She speaks of you in sorrow.
In her words I then felt pain.
The monster you are broke
A loving innocent soul.
230 · Sep 2018
Brianna Sep 2018
I don't much like the darkness.
It brings out the worst in people
Because they think the world can't see.
I'm past my breaking point.
My nightmares make it hard to sleep.
My stomach hurts when I try to eat.
I'm not sick, no, it's much worse.
I've literally lost my mind.
Trying to place the pieces
Of what's left of my broken heart
Back into the slots they go,
But it's impossible.
I'm to far gone.
210 · Sep 2018
The Man Who Woke Up
Brianna Sep 2018
Friends come and go like a leaf in the wind.
They can throw shade like a flame that goes out.
Once along the darkened field he saw her.
The one who would soon bring light to his world.
She came without ribbons and things made of plastic.
She waltzed right in and turned things around.
They spent what seemed to be years together.
Got married, had kids, you know the works.
Years go by and with each day that passed
The fire within them burned even hotter
His children had children and loved him so
He got very sick and is laying in bed fighting
Surrounded by loved ones his wife grabs him
He slowly takes his last breath as cries fill the air
He then awakens only to find he's stuck.
Back into the life he once hated and destroyed.
This is a darkened story of a man I once knew
This is the legend of The Man Who Woke Up.
188 · Sep 2018
Wild Beasts
Brianna Sep 2018
How do you tell someone it's okay
When they die more every day?
Bit by bit and piece by piece
Shes torn apart by wild beasts.
Feasting on her heart and soul
Breaking the warrior sent to destroy.
She was supposed to slay them
But ended up being slain.
181 · Sep 2018
Locked away
Brianna Sep 2018
She's a prisoner
Locked deep within the darkness.
Not many see that side of her
But those that do often freight.
She's dark like midnight without the moon.
She's a beast in the wild surrounded by blood.
That's why she's a prisoner
Locked deep within my head.
181 · Sep 2018
The Devil
Brianna Sep 2018
The devil isn't a man who lives in hell wearing horns of fire.
He's a man with a beautiful smile and words of confidence.
He plays these games deep within your mind.
He leaves you lying in the ruins battered, bruised.
With nothing but your own self pity to dwell on.
This devil I speak of is more than one man.
He lives on within many men; tearing apart innocent souls.
Beware of the man with a beautiful smile.
For he may to be the devil in his horrible disguise.
180 · Sep 2018
A Hero.
Brianna Sep 2018
Sips of coffee in the early morning.
  Slient monsters come without warning.
  She often wonders what she might find
  If someone were able to tap into her mind.
  She hears the sounds within the night
  Some loving, others filled with fright.
  He found her once lying alone in the dirt
  All battered and beaten with a tear in her skirt.
  He wrapped her up and showed her love
  Without a sound, just a touch, a simple shove.
  She found in him someone true
  He made her into someone new.
171 · Sep 2018
Brianna Sep 2018
Love is the madness that arises inside
When you see someone phenomenal.
Hate is the feeling that consumes you
In darkness when the world cumbles.
Us as humans have many emotions
They can take over if you aren't stable.
Find someone who balances all these
And who endures pain along with you.
166 · Oct 2018
Brianna Oct 2018
Death soon joined her on her magnificent journey.
Not the death of others, but her own ****** death.
Her body is still there but her heart and soul aren't.
They are missing along the treacherous path.
Amongst the demons and devils walking along.
They've played a clever game of hide and go seek.
As they hide her broken heart and freshly darkened soul,
One hiding in some foreign land underneath the ruins,
The other hiding within the body of an innocent man.
Not sure about this one. Feedback would be great guys.
149 · Sep 2018
Brianna Sep 2018
When the grass is red and the skies are dark.
This is the day that teen made his mark.
Deep within the damp wolf cave he reside
Finding someone beautiful to stand beside
He found a human watching from a distance
He wondered why she stayed in her stance.
No fear was shown upon her face
It was almost as if she knew his race.
He spoke to her softly in his wolf tongue
"Today you will die. A new story has begun."

— The End —