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Jan 2018 · 160
Briana Saiz Jan 2018
I see you in my dreams every night
You haunt me

But if i'm being honest
I want you to haunt me forever
Do I haunt you as well?
Jan 2018 · 143
Internal Inferno
Briana Saiz Jan 2018
I felt the fire
When you spoke
My body lit up

Heat all around me
Like I was a log burning
Waiting to be put out

Except you kept it burning
My insides were hot
Ready for your scorching touch

Each stroke created another flame
No longer could I bare it
As the heat rose so did my body

Your hands burned my hips
Your mouth blistered my neck
All at once our fire exploded
Dreaming of you
Jan 2018 · 271
Tired Heart
Briana Saiz Jan 2018
She was strong in the way our hearts pump blood
Never stopping and always working
Others around her used her.
They knew what she’s capable of
And that made her dependable
But who did she have?
Once she needed someone to pump
Blood for her, everyone seemed to
Quiver away and she grew tired. Beating
Slower by the day. Finally,
She stopped beating altogether
Everything around her imploded.
And instead of helping, they
All said it was her own doing
And that she should’ve beat harder.
Sometimes we need to be selfish to avoid burning out
Jan 2018 · 136
Broken Toy
Briana Saiz Jan 2018
When you look at me
Do you see something that needs to be fixed?
I struggle every day to prove to you that I’m fine
But my word isn’t enough
If I was broken maybe you would feel more at ease
Being with me so then you could fix me to be the way you want, Apparently when you look at me then
You see something that needs to be fixed
But you know how the saying goes
If it isn’t broken don’t fix it
thoughts to myself at 3am

— The End —