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May 2018 · 195
Brianna Davis May 2018
I wanted to know what moving on from you felt like
I wanted to know what happiness felt like
I did not know where to turn when you made me believe I had no one

I wanted to know what true love felt like
I did not know why you did what you did
But because of it I can’t move on without the memories coming back

They flood in like heavy rain
the memories of when we once were happy
Or was it just all pretend
When I see the memories I know the truth behind my fake smile
When I see the messages I know you did not mean what you said
The fake promises you fed me
When you told me not to tell anyone because you wanted to change

Did you know it would break me
Did you know I scream in my dreams
But its not loud enough that anyone can hear
So as I sit here I just have to let the memories past and you stay on my mind where you don’t belong
Brianna Davis
Brianna Davis Apr 2018
Dear…that guy who said he knows what I am going through
(you don't)
Dear… that guy who promised not to be like the previous
(you will be)
Dear… that guy who said that my smile was all he wanted to see
(it's fake half the time)
…that guy who said that I am perfect and I have no flaws
(you are wrong)

Before you say that.. remember the guy before you said the same thing
That guy before you said how I was all he ever wanted, needed, cherished, and loved
That guy before you told me things you said but in different phrasing

Dear…that guy who wants to get to know me
(Just know that I am broken and I am hard to fix)
Dear… that guy who calls me beautiful, precious, wonderful, special
(I will deny it over and over until you get frustrated with me)
Dear.. that guy who questions why I am single
(I tend to fall for the wrong people to fast and give my all to those who don't deserve it)
..that guy who mentions how I deserve more than I was given
(I do not know what that feels like)

Before you are willing to get to know me
take the time to see the struggle that I went through
Take the time to see the broken pieces that I have in my hands
The blood that traces my finger tips from the process of picking up the pieces
The scars that were left behind because I said one word when I was told to shut up
The mental images that race through my head when one little memory hits home
The loneliness at night when I have no one to kiss my forehead and whisper “Goodnight Beautiful!”

To that guy who comes into my life next… remember it won’t be easy
You wil have to show me difference
You will have to show me respect
You will have to show me love and patience

I will push you away, I will tell you I don’t need anyone
I will cry because I feel so worthless, I will ask for constant reassurance
I will tell you to find someone else, I will tell you to prove things you don’t need to

To that guy who comes into my life next… just know it won’t be easy and I will compare you to the last.
Because I was broken by the same person who said “I love you” and “Forever and Always!” just like you are saying it to me now
Brianna Davis
Apr 2018 · 146
That Night
Brianna Davis Apr 2018
I remember it like it was yesterday
The way you looked at me like there was no love left
Like you did not love me enough to let go when I said so
You couldn’t hear the hesitation in my voice
As you continued to block my ability to talk
The marks did not phase you it was more of an award
You asked me why I make you do this
Why do I make you like this?

I stuck by you like it was going to change
I was stupid to think this was going to pass
But it got worst
It went from verbally tearing me down to physically tearing me down
I stopped communication with friends and family because I did not want them to suspect anything
You controlled me to the point where I was scared to make you mad
I was scared to come home to you because I was afraid of what was going to come of the night
I forgave you every time you called me a *****, stupid, worthless, and a ****.
I ingested those words as if they were who I was
Brianna Davis
Apr 2018 · 370
Its Been Awhile
Brianna Davis Apr 2018
It’s been a month since I last cuddled you
Kissed you
Held your hand
Called you babe, sweetheart, ***

It’s been three months since I laughed
Felt loved
Was told I looked beautiful
How much you appreciate me
Or made love to you like we use to

It’s been awhile since I called you my friend
Support System
Partner in Crime
True Love

Its been a year since I last felt those butterflies that night you kissed me in the courtyard
Its been a year since I saw love in your eyes like the first day
Its been a year since I felt like we were for each other and only for each other

Its been awhile since I felt what love is suppose to feel like
Its been awhile since someone has told me they loved me and meant it
Its been awhile since I cuddled with you and felt protected in your arms
Its been awhile since I knew how you felt about me without lies and fake smiles
Its been awhile

So now that I realized I did not want the kind of love that is shown with violence
The words that cut like daggers, the names that do not reflect my character
Or the emotional put down that I got from you
I know it will be awhile

So when people ask me why I don’t love
It’s simple… he took the love that I once gave and gave me a reason not to let it show again
When people ask me why am I protected
...because I was shown that even the ones you love can hurt you in ways you can’t imagine

It cuts like a knife when you want to open up to someone but he is there in their reflection
Its been awhile
my traumatic past can not cover up scars
Every night I have those vivid dreams, they reopen like a scab that you pick when you are bored
But for my situation I have no control over the vivid dreams, nightmares, or illusions of you.
I just have to lay there and let it repeat like that night you did not care
So when someone ask, I just say…. Its been awhile
Brianna Davis
Mar 2018 · 265
Brianna Davis Mar 2018
When I was close to giving up
When I was close to letting go
You gave me purpose
You gave me reason

Reason to push through
Reason to stay
Reason to step back from the edge
Reason to see the positives and fight

I was ready to accept lonely space
I was ready to leave all my troubles aside
I wanted to blame the things that happened on myself
You came along and showed me comfort
You came and gave me reassurance
The positive in myself when I did not see it

Reason to smile
Reason to laugh
Reason to say yes to socialization
Reason to step out and be myself

You took the feeling of being useless away
You replaced it with worth
You took the feeling of loneliness
and replaced it with love
You took the feeling of disappointment
and replaced it with success

The scary part about letting go
is accepting the better opportunity ahead
You are the reason I know my worth
You are the reason I won't let go
Brianna Davis

— The End —