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Brandon Oct 2018
I've wasted it all
Nothing to spare besides these memories
Happy ones are the rarest to spare the least
All l see now is the down-spiral of despair

It's been months since I've been happy
The curvature beginning to unfold
Then abruptly coming to a halt
I wish l could say why it occurred..

I've received limited time
Only to do nothing with it
To change myself to become happy
But only to waste it and be neutral

It'll be fixed one day
But today is the day l reminisce
On the ways I've wasted my time
"Cheers", to the singular thing l wish to have more of.
Brandon Oct 2018
Her emerald forest green eyes
The joyous smile l see in the reflection
She's the reason why l smile
And how l keep motivated everyday

I love her so much
l'll be seeing her soon <3
Brandon Oct 2018
You don’t know how much l cherished loving you
Waking every morning, seeing your name on my phone
It reminded me that l mattered to someone
Not for a second but for months of compassion and deep connection
Now you aren’t here….

It takes countless stabs and insults to break my barriers
“You’re worthless, you’re fat, and you don’t deserve me”
This shattered me like a mirror hanging from the thinnest shred of string
Trying to glue back the mistakes, showing all the imperfections l have

I see you around at school, joyous as anything l can preserve
Why aren’t you broken like l, why can’t you feel the pain l endured?
You aren’t human, the devil of burning hatred weaved in layers of despair of fallen foes
Wishing no one else could go through the reckless mistakes l promise would never end

My heart can only take so much, you pushed it to the limit and beyond
This took me to another of level of mental pain l could never imagine
Crying and sobbing to show that l had enough, you always kept going further
These were the words you spoke, the person l could always trust, now a stranger

Tormented, l walk through the world with locked secrets and a broken smile
Thoughts of how l can try to fix this issue, nothing has worked, you disgraced a living person
I don’t know how you live with such a high status of popularity because it consumes you
Everyone adores you, l did until now, having your secrets and the key to your weakness

I’ll make you feel the karma, the promised negativity from deep within
Shaking with the thoughts of unimaginable sights
The pain you put me through, is just about to occur
But anyways im broken now its your turn :)
Brandon Oct 2018
each time l look in the mirror

all the memories of us remain visible

seeing standing in front of me

now those sights cant be unseen

l try and smile because its over

but the glass breaks and cuts me

each cut showing the negativity between us

constituting karma as my sins for revenge

I’m sorry you don’t realise my pain and misery

you got another man in your life so suddenly

trying to mask the pain with fresh people

the pain never heals and so does time realising it won’t

each day unfolds knowing you aren’t here

the aromas of your perfume still remind me of you

shadows lurking around every corner

making me realise l didn’t deserve you

constitutions always seek the fears l have

forcing me to risk the chance l have of forgiveness

just to hurt other people with accusations you said l did

lies are like glass you always break

its been months and l haven’t recovered

feeling so worthless and full of regret

i seriously hope you’re happy because I’m not

thanks for the good and the bad.

Sincerely Your Ex.
Brandon Oct 2018
her love is as cold as the frostbite from my hands
its as her love is the only remedy for survival
i can't fathom that this is the only idea for success
sometimes l just take chances for my own gratification

It worked, ill see you soon

— The End —