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Jun 2022 · 139
So so
So, so

As I ponder, as I look, as I see, hear and watch life transpire

I look, not ever sure, not even clear of my desires…

That is my curse, never sure, never knowing

Never, Never committing, apologies to those I hurt, at least my pain is showing

So many that have crossed my path, trusting but realizing, to move past

I always am happy for you, but thankful many of our friendships last

Can’t explain it, don’t even know… a part of me has grown from all of those that I held close

I see, see you happy, and have some remorse, but truthfully I see you in the meadows

So, so

Meadows of life and embrace the time we had, I am lucky, to you all, my love perseveres

So, so

I simply have taken all my interactions and built, become who you see…  it endears
Jun 2022 · 104

Life, love, and relationships are full of trials and tribulations

Too many to list, yet we continue to exist

Finding a way, a street, a world, that will give us strength and less frustrations

See clearly who you are supposed to be, be it, don’t resist

Challenges are sure to appear

Don’t fret, don’t fail to show your resolve

There is only being, only life, without fear

See, see clear, face trouble and solve

Challenges, yeah they will come

Challenge yourself, persevere and never be undone
Jun 2022 · 111

See, look, know, even the blind can see, see people for who they are

Listen, feel, touch but always see and look beyond the stars

Grasp life, hold it, embrace, see,  truly observe

Watching, knowing truths, not being clouded, just obtain what you deserve

See, yes truly be, stay humble and be a guide

Guide those that are in need, you’ll be surprised

Rewards that have no monetary value, are the goal of the wise

Learn everyday, see clear, avoid conflict and others demise

Look close
You will know
Your life will be fulfilled
Your experience, life, defined, without obligation
Just simply see, be
Jun 2022 · 94

Many roads, many travels, seeing the world, people and who they are

Some I have met near and some from afar

Sharing stories of life family and our struggles

Avoid the boastful few who seem to be all around

Salt of the earth types those are my people, I have found

Let’s talk of love lost, family and our travels

Before things get difficult and the world unravels

Find that being alone, in a crowded space, is my safe place

Love to see interaction, love to see others embrace

Embrace their world, their people and their being

So enriching to observe those loving and living

Time slips past quickly, take hold of what you can, and never relent or give up

Do what is needed, and forge a existence you can leave behind

A life, friendships and family that will always have you on their mind…

A life that is lost is only one that simply had no one

No one to carry their torch and continue their journey

I want my time to to have gifted others friendship and love, I want none to ever mourn me

Please, my time is not up, yet I want it known, I live for my children and my friends

For that I know my story will never end
May 2022 · 107
The Song
The Song

Life it moves quick, and we don’t realize, time is precious, not long

All of us carry a burden, but also a song

A song we follow within our hearts
Music taps into it, that is where it starts

Follow it, don’t repel
It’s like a spell

A spell that allows you to endure all life has to offer or take
Music, the song it keeps you moving and awake

Feel the beat, feel the rhythm, let it sink in
Your song is playing, inside you, if you follow you win

Be present, show you listen and know the song
Do it now, before you are gone

Feel the song
Live by the song
Hold it close and live
Remember your song is there to give
May 2022 · 168

Well we’ve been down  the road a few times
We think we know, learn, but we are truly blind

Unknowingly, instinctively we succumb to our desires
Yet knowing what will surely transpire

We end up where we began, no passing “Go”
Sent back to the same life as we know

When will we move ahead and buy “park place and boardwalk”
Not in the cards unless a change is made, grow, and stop the talk

Hate the game, hate the rules,
But it is simply how we chose

Can’t go back, only ahead, only one direction
Don’t stray, don’t seek acceptance or perfection

Simply be true, honest and have compassion
Certainly with that, great things will happen

Yeah life is twisted
But unravel the code
Be you, show you, and you cannot be resisted
Apr 2022 · 126

Here, there… nowhere
I ponder I think
Should I do different, does anyone care
I believe in others and that is the link
I enjoy life and will always  share

Share my ability to make friends

Is that where it ends

There is a connection to what’s to come
Finding my purpose
I strive,feeling things have been left undone
My true feelings are sure to surface

Can’t hide the truth
Or who you are
No questions, simply you,  don’t need to be sleuth
Be real, be a lucky star

Questioning the life I chose
Reasoning, wondering what is right
In the end I will be judged I suppose
I think, wonder, did I provide darkness or light
Apr 2022 · 84

Life at times can fulfill, can lift us up and for a few hours time stands still
Yet, those are rare times, not enough to sustain
There are warm days, with summer sun, but selfishly I prefer the rain
Cleansing my soul and lulling me to sleep
Rain, Rain never go away, I want it, something to keep

Crazy how worlds collide
Who we chose, who we confide
Crazy, yeah crazy is what we seek
To be honest, true, crazy is not for the weak

Embrace your time because it slips by
Live true and tell no lies
Crazy how a word can change
Change it’s meaning, kind of strange

So crazy is both a blessing and a curse
So just be you, things could be worse tb

Stay crazy, while you’re on this earth
Apr 2022 · 73

Sometimes embrace the pain, just as some endure the rain

We all seek comfort and content
Yet troubles present and they never relent

Hold close the times of no despair
They’re sure to go, pain will return, who will care

Your choices in times of trouble, shape you, and reveal
Reveal you truth, your soul, how you truly feel

Don’t run from the pain, or the rain
Sunny days are sure to show
No need for talk or to explain
Those who value you instinctively know

Know who you are, where you have come from
Pain is needed to embrace the fun

Pain is a healer
Comfort is a stealer
Stealer of souls
Pain is a remedy as you grow old
Apr 2022 · 93

So strange how music can take you back
To a place a time deep within your soul
The artists are unaware of this, playing entertaining, it’s truth not abstract
Listening it takes us to places we long for, or want to avoid, life takes a toll

I wish everyone could see what I see
These experiences large or small impact us all
Eye opening, showing all we could be
Simply put… simply put, respond to the call

Listen up remember where you were and where you are
Ups and downs we have all had
Be with others, be true, even at he bar
Experiences shape us, don’t miss out, resist the sad

All of us hope and dream
All of us hope and dream
Never quit life
Apr 2022 · 266

Strange it seems to me, we celebrate our day
As we age it’s a step closer to the end
I tend to reflect and find my way
Think, recall, am I on my way, where I intend

Be cognizant of your place in this existence
Are you making a difference are you making a mark
If not, use the time you have left to not pose resistance
Be a shining light don’t go dark

It’s taken some time to learn
We forge only one road and there is no going back
Don’t end up regretting, that wound will burn
Move forward, keep people close  and don’t react

Be strong and enjoy your day
But learn and celebrate another way
Mar 2022 · 165

I sit and ponder, do I live in the past
Unable to move forward, missing what’s here
At times I feel like an outcast
Social and adept, yet connection I fear

This is a penance I carry around
Superficial, it feels, which is odd and strange
I believe, truly that I can rebound
From what I do not know it, can I change

Late nights, early mornings alone, thinking, and content
Some think it’s lonely but I see it clear
Prefer it, an existence I feel it’s well spent
I love, I live there is no fear
Mar 2022 · 80

Lost, found, lost again
Searching, wondering when

Destiny has its plan for me
I certainly can’t imagine what it will be

Hopeful at times, destitute as well
My path leads nowhere I can tell

Yet to carry on and do what’s required
Makes me less and less, inspired

A journey awaits, that I am certain
And all will see what’s behind the “curtain”

A man that cares, cries and try’s
I don’t want to wait until it’s “goodbyes”
Mar 2022 · 90
Why write
I write

Why, why do I write the things that pass through my head
It’s a need, a passion but often it’s hard
I could be doing a lot of other things instead
Yet, to clear my mind, to feel and understand this world is something I can’t disregard

I write
I write

It’s a way to learn, a way to show
Show empathy, show acknowledgment and a way to grow

Not sure if my words are heard or if they matter
However I will continue because it feeds my soul
I do a lot, I live, I love, there is much on my platter
I write to inspire, to challenge and to console

I write because when I am gone there will only be what’s written

And that’s why I write, to make a difference
Feb 2022 · 85

We never want to admit we are solo
We establish bonds and make friends
Yet, truth is, we’re ships at sea, navigating, what do we know
Our bonds, our connections end

I need, I want to see
See importance in front of me

What is it that we strive for, desire
Years pass and I tire

Happy, a place I do not know
Relevance, put it in place
Weakness, need, I can’t show
Decisions made, it’s a disgrace

Where to turn, where to go
Feb 2022 · 85

Starting again, a new chapter, new beginnings,new challenges
Can’t be complacent, can’t be sure, can’t be content
Life moves and we need to have balance
Balance our obligations and our desires, never resent

Seems easy for some, yet a struggle for most
Needing a purpose, a place, this existence seems wasted
What path, what journey should I take, I feel choked
Breathe, Breathe it will work, your destiny is or will be satiated

Move, move forward and don’t look back
Stay the course, diverge as needed, but never slack

Live strong
Love long
Feb 2022 · 87

Explore, explore, and explore some more, see past, look beyond, explore
For that is where life’s treasures are that’s for sure
Tragic is a life spent unknown
Step out, seek, never stay down
It’s near, it always is, behind a “curtain” you just need to see
Then your world will change, you will simply be
Leave no stone, don’t be alone or afraid
Live a life, be in, know that you played
Participate, and be all that is you
Time runs constantly so choose
Make a decision to not be silent or a castaway
Go forward, live, tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day
Feb 2022 · 136

Funny we all worry about our time
Time for this, time for that, clock watching, for what
All that matters is the experiences, the wine
Wine as a metaphor, good times, people, no rut

Surround yourself with friends and love
Stay true, be you and be alive
Walk, run, through this life, a destiny determined above
Stop pleasing, stop doing, time waits for no one, survive

Survive and be the best you
No waiting, time is now, your due
Feb 2022 · 66

It’s difficult to realize that you may have let you child down
Life moves, we have a perspective that we build up
How couldn’t I have known, why didn’t I see, I was around
It’s very tough

I wanted to be an excellent parent but I somewhat failed
Failed to adapt, failed to learn
Time to move on and try to prevail
Show I can do better, time to turn

Turn, yeah… change a few things and hope our future improves
Time… time… sands falling, got to see clear
Time to change, make some moves
My children, they don’t know how much I need them near

Not near as in living , near as in life
Failing them is failing me
I have lived, I have advice
Experience, journey’s, I just want them to see

See a man, a father they can trust
That is a must
Feb 2022 · 77
Worn. Well traveled. Not one I seek
My choice, my life I want to breathe
At times it’s not for the meek
Strength and courage it takes, and never leave

Don’t leave your choices don’t leave your past
Carry on, sustain and maintain
Enjoy your days, as they grow shorter, time moves fast
In the end there will be no one to blame

We all have a path, it comes from within
Be smart, be thoughtful, forge ahead
Spend your time enjoying and laughing
Walk the path and don’t look back and wonder “instead”

Instead of this or that
No going back
See life see friends,
family intact
Certainly all that matters
Jan 2022 · 78

So strange the roads we choose
The journey’s we embark
We hope we pray, that we don’t lose
Lose our way, our sight, it can be dark

Troubled is a state I live
Guessing, wandering, why
Just trying to love, to give
I hope I make an impact before I die

Never have I been one to hide
My world, my feelings are there to be seen
Wishing I had someone to confide
Life it seems has some irony, I ponder my dream
Jan 2022 · 124

So it seems things continue to be convoluted
Despite my love, it’s difficult, maybe I should be substituted

My wish, is that I don’t infect others in my scheme
I have hope, I dream

Yet, those that fall are left without
They see, they doubt

Worthiness is an expectation that often I cannot meet
Told before my mind, my thoughts, defeat

Can’t be the regular guy, one who simply exists
I have a mind, ideas and they twist

No changes needed, it’s a walk I must endure
soulmate, friend and lover, I am sure

Truly inept at keeping those close
Tragic, lonely at times, life continues, happiness and I oppose

Days will be great and nights fun
Yet in the end, absent of commitment who has won

Moving, never slowing
Choices to be made, never knowing
Jan 2022 · 80
It’s Time
It’s time

Difficult life can be, decisions, choices who does it serve

Often mistakenly, selfish I am called

Despite my heart, my love, I simply observe

So I have built a wall

A wall that keeps me safe, content but ultimately alone

I trust those close yet sometimes expectations arise

Pulling me, to a place unknown

Just living and trying to satisfy others, that is my prize

The next chapter the next life I hope to do better

There is another chance? There is more

I sit, ponder, should I send a letter

The world spins, circles the sun, I continue to be unsure


Now what?
Jan 2022 · 78

So the year changes and we’re supposed to change as well
I am not certain if that is truth or a spell

Life is what it is, turning a page is a metaphor for change
Yet most of us continue the path, it’s all arranged

New year new me, not, awake and see clear
It’s simply a new year  

A calendar page that lets you know you’ve aged
Grown or not, new year is a figment of imagination, how does one gage

I like to think of life in stages
Hopefully the upcoming year will have you engage

Interact, be present and show you care
Happy life, happy friends and happy new year
Jan 2022 · 87

Deep in thought, seeking some clarity
What the hell is wrong with me

I have the best of friends, family that loves
Yet, happiness eludes, what becomes

Destined to watch and wait
I believe happiness is too late

Too late for me, my window has closed
Will just enjoy those that I know

Sip wine, tell tales of a life I once had
But honestly I remember and I am not sad

Given a good life I made my mistakes
Mistakes, choices, I am awake

Own your past, your present and future

Own it
See it  
Move on
Jan 2022 · 76

So life it seems never pans out
Expectations fall short and there is doubt
What to do, decisions appear, what now
Be thankful they say, but thankful for what, how

How does one move on from the past
Find something true and that will last
Never worthy of love that is me
I haven’t ever been truly able to see

See the things that matter most
Afflicted with a state, unable to sustain, not yet diagnosed
With a yearning to find a quality life
I stay mired, stay solo, wallowing in strife

I could change it, I could learn
Yet I have a pain that still burns
Unknowingly I travel the roads, looking for something I do not know
Someday, yeah someday, I am hopeful, my destiny will show
Nov 2021 · 79

It seems like only yesterday that I left what I knew
To begin a journey, make a fresh start somewhere I would know few
I have made my way struggling at times
Yet there is comfort and peace as the sun shines
Returning “home” brings mixed emotions
Leaving that place was an elixir a potion
It has made me who I am and has brought joy
Being here again, reminds me of why
It is painful, I’ve often cried
Moving on was a decision for me
It has shown me the way, I can finally see
Nov 2021 · 94

So as I think, review and contemplate

Realize that, oh, forget the state

State of my life, state of relationships and all is intertwined

The things I review, instead of moving ahead, keep me confined

Unsteady and unsure

Trying to keep up, but failing I am sure

Why, why do I not see past the trees
See what is in front of me

My pain is self inflicted
My life self… self conflicted

Time to grasp what is important and dear

Time to be and no longer care

No longer care what others say

Live my life, tomorrow is a new day

Others can judge and think they know
Yet, what do they show

Most are faking and wish they could be me
Simply living and being free

Go away all you judgmental fools

I am me, I like what I see, drink your drink and continue to be cruel
Nov 2021 · 408

As I sit and reflect on this world and life
I can’t contain or ignore feelings of joy and also strife
These yearly traditions only stand to remind of time gone by
Good and bad, fun and heartbreak, I may cry
Cry because of both joy and pain
Wishing I did better but I sustain
The season of change has begun
Leaves fall, cool evenings begin, and change occurs
Fall is here, the past year is all a blur
Time to look within and like season
Prepare, reflect, and and come to reason
Life, expectations are sure to fail
Yet live to not gain, but give and you will prevail
Nov 2021 · 85

The days change but life moves on, and at times it seems,  I am more lost than found

Existing, is easy, living, is hard. Continuing to smile yet troubles abound

Simply we all have a desire to succeed

A presence, a place, we all have needs

A need to show what my not be true

Searching for happiness someone/something new

There is an envy for those that have found, life’s meaning, and how they thrive

Just being themselves and happily alive  

Never content is a curse for sure

Minute by minute, day in day out, searching and searching is truly a chore

Time I have learned,  is not on our side

Many choices have been made and I’ve often cried

Where it began I will never know, being a loner… amongst a crowd

My final desire, my gift, is that my children are happy and proud

Spent, yeah spent, and a little bit tired

I write hoping someone will be inspired

Inspired to learn from my lessons

Go forward, move, give and make a lasting impression
Oct 2021 · 76

So difficult to live a double life, and never truly exonerate the past
So many things I have missed and so many things I’ve gained
Yet it haunts me, and at times I am ashamed
Not able to truly commit to a life
Simply put… it has caused me strife
Choices made with one foot in
Realizing the struggle within
Unable to give to the people that have loved me
My world, a work in progress, yet I cannot see
See that I have let so many down
My inability to trust, my temporary nature, a detriment, I may as well drown
Knowing the cause offers no relief
It simply and succinctly creates a path of grief
I promise there will be a time I make amends
I hope in the end, those I have “infected” we can be friends
Oct 2021 · 78
It’s a bit tangled the lives we lead
We try to balance, try to appease everyone’s needs
Yet it’s not enough at times and expectations are not met
Leaving a path of disappointment and some are upset

We can only satisfy the needs of one
Be honest , be real, and it’s done
Stay true to who you are and dance to the drummer that you feel
Everyone respects those who are real

Enjoy the time because it is fleeting and there are no guarantees
Don’t pretend, don’t fake it, stay the course, navigate the angry sea’s

When all is done what matters is who you have impacted
Don’t placate, don’t settle, maintain and don’t be reactive
Life will always sneak up and challenge our fortitude
Be you, no apologies, get after it, and sustain a confident attitude

Strange as it seems
We all have dreams
Aug 2021 · 78
Troubled times are surely ahead
Like a boat captain, quarterback you expect it prepare, accept challenges
Yet those times allow you to enjoy the peace, and not be misled
It’s alway a struggle no matter your station in life, it all balances

Enjoy the good times, take every moment, savor, certainly it could be your last
Forever be true, honest and develop relationships that endure
Moment to moment things could end, cultivate, maintain, stay steadfast

Time ticks away, we often let minor disputes cloud our path
Friends for years should never end over a trivial matter
Regret will take over, longing to repair, you’ll be left with only the aftermath
So reach out, compromise or everything will be left in tatters

True friends never separate
True friends never separate

Repair what you’ve lost or let go
Honestly, relationships, friends, their the ones that truly know
Aug 2021 · 72
It’s a struggle at times, no manual to give guidance
Kids, moving on, showing independence and defiance
Been there myself, understand completely
Yet watching it unfold, realizing full circle, so overwhelming and there is uncertainty
As life changes and the people in my life go, some stay
I just try to be present,  aware, show no dismay
Our challenges never relent, never rest
All we can do is exist and provide our best
Life moves fast, and the ever changing world makes no sense
Yet in the end, you stay focused and provide defense
No end in sight, no light at the end of the tunnel
Just be true, honest and truly it is a struggle
Aug 2021 · 80
So strange how fast the time goes
how quick you move from wiping noses
How quick you’re now faced with, a young adult, insides battling,
It opposes

Keep them safe, make a better place
First days of school, an event, a milestone
Dismissed by the child, they crave to explore, be them and alone
Moving through this life has changed over time, more them than us
I realize you have to let go, and adjust
Go forward, seek and yearn
Every parent wants their children to learn
Know that wherever you may be and the choices you’ve made
Parents have been through it, it’s a road already paved
Reach out and know you are loved, and cared for
Because we actually know what’s in store
Family and friends provide a strength for you to succeed
Remember my children your Dad is here if your ever in need
Aug 2021 · 144
Well, decisions are to be made, choices, life
I take a lot of input from my inner people, my clan
I believe my path will pan out alright
Some may see, that all choices come w a cost, but I feel I am a wise man

I will see it through and handle what is needed
Not selfish as some may see
Taking into account all that matters, I’ve wrestled with my decisions and have pleaded
Pleaded with those above,  to show me they way, the person to be

Days turn into nights, nights to dawn
I continue to search and seek
Navigating through, evaluating, nothing is forgone
Life is not a simple hike, no maps, just you and those you keep

Everyday is new, a chance, an opportunity
Seize it, be better, and continue the journey
Aug 2021 · 85
The days pass, the people come and go
Slowly we slip into our mature years
We are supposed to be chill, home, no fun, and slow
Yet, the difficulty is I have people and care

Used to say I will sleep when dead
That, mentality is stuck in my head

No regrets, or “regerts” no worries
When done no problems and no Sorry’s

Hope that when gone,
the ones I have faith in me will understand
I did my best, as a friend, son, father and a man

I don’t answer to anyone except the guy I see each morning
Don’t expect flowers, money, or things when people are mourning

Celebrate, I hope those that truly know me will not compare
I am me, not perfect, I am well aware

Navigating my way way through
Just like you
Jul 2021 · 222

Yes now, be in the now
Don’t get trapped in the tomorrow
Be you, enjoy, and avow
Promise you will stay true and be your best, let go of sorrow
Move forward, be kind and a friend
Those are all that matter in the end
So challenging to move through this life
So many twists, turns it cuts like a knife
The one thing that matters is the path you forged
Did you do well? What is your reward
Rewards are not our ultimate desire
Be content and maintain that fire
Fire that burns to ensure you are present and alive
That is truly going to help you survive
Survive and prosper, love and live
Because at night that is what we sleep with
Jul 2021 · 72
Life, difficult at times
Most of my poems rhyme

Today a little off track
Thinking, a crossroad ahead
Know I have friends that have my back
Yet, some things are difficult, can’t believe all that is said

I need to do what’s right, but so many choices, so much to ascertain
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
A poem, one kept within, one I always entertain
Stuck, thinking, contemplating, go, stay, I could

I could, can make my way
Yet tomorrow is a new day

Not figuring it all out right now or maybe never
Life, relationships, friends I am lucky to have many forever

Listening to those that support and care
Those are the friends I endear
Hold them as family, since I am away
Thinking of Someday

Someday, Someday… probably never occurs
But my today’s are often great, that is for sure
Jul 2021 · 95
Maybe it’s time
So many fun times, fun nights w friends
Yet maybe it’s time for it to end

Chose a new direction, make a true connection
A new path a real destination

I should make a change, go forward and forget the past

Yet, so many friends and people to meet, and have blast

It is a struggle to chose and do what’s right
Yet, who decides, who is accountable for your night

As I say, the mirror holds all the answers, all the truth
If your content with what you see, who you are, it doesn’t take a sleuth

Own it, be you and go where your destined
And no one should ever question

We all find our road, our place
Time is irrelevant, do you, create your own space
Jul 2021 · 80
It is a difficult road we travel
A difficult life we lead
Managing things, but it can always unravel
Pulled, decisions, choices, who is most in need

Struggling, and the kids never know
We hide it, we keep them safe
We put on a glorious show
And provide them comfort and space

As a kid I was oblivious to the true sacrifices my mom made
I did me, I was a child, never afraid

Now, I see through the eyes of my mom
How parenting is, and things go wrong

I can’t fix it all but I strive to
Finding their own way, being young
Parents, we are always aware and in tune
But, the kids grow up, life, we are left “hung”

Just hope the kids value your love
That is truly what is important, and what life consists of
Jul 2021 · 72
It’s not often you can be amongst the best

Spending time with friends and meeting others

We often don’t realize we are blessed

Blessed to have people who have your back, these guys are my brothers

Brothers I care for, and will keep them close

Family first, and adding new people in

I have a great crew, and it’s a win

No matter what transpires and where it ends

These people, my gal, and my friends  

Days of laughter and fun times are the best

I hope we all have enjoyed, laughed, cried, and expressed

Days like this are to savor


Don’t fake, be real

Love, embrace, it’s ideal…
Jul 2021 · 80
Unsure 😐
I spend a lot of time inside my head
Makes it difficult, sometimes impossible to go to bed

I fear I have made many mistakes
I review, redo, and I contemplate

What did I do to end up here?
But realize soon after, it has been simply fear

Fear to change, fear to move on, fear to commit
At times I think I am an idiot

However, when the night is done
I look in the mirror and realize I have won

Won, a winner, whatever because I have been true
true to what life is about, and realize there is always something new

New friends, new experiences, new opportunities
And in the end, we leave behind, simply a legacy
Jul 2021 · 89
Come and Go
Some people pass through your life, and move on

Others, stay, are always there no matter the miles, or time gone

These are special people, ones to cherish

The friendships last through everything and it will never perish

If you lucky to have one or two of these friends

You are blessed, you will have people til the end

Having my Hull crew is the best

Don’t ever have to talk, not able see each other during the unrest

Yet, I know , and I hope they do too

Friendship is not defined, it’s fluid, but it’s true

To those who are in my life, Mass and Cali

You all are important, loved and my allies

Til the next time
Til we all can hang as a “posse”
Brothers/sisters we are entwined
Love, laughter, reminiscing, and legacy
Nov 2020 · 101
So many words... why?

Incapable, that is what haunts me
Trying to hide from it so no one will see

Incapable, that is a word you cannot avoid
If it is there, you own it, yet it destroys

Incapable, incapable it follows you around
What is it, why, it completely surrounds

Unable to fit in the box that is required
Pretending, pretending is tedious, so tired

What can you do?
Just live, just laugh and continue
May 2020 · 116
Enough is Enough
Again! Why and when will it stop
Another life lost due to an entitled and empowered white cop

So many years of profiling and brutality
Others can’t fathom or know a black man’s reality

Daily events we others take for granted
Justice is never served, the playing field is slanted

Rights of all people should be respected
If we sit idly by, we become infected

Infected with inaction and perceived to not care
So stand with our brothers and let’s end the despair

This racism that plagues us has been eradicating “blacks” for years
It’s time to move forward, ending so many families tears

We are one people, human, same blood for sure
MLK Jr had it correct and his word endure

Yet words alone can’t change our lives
We need to stand as one so all can survive
May 2020 · 81
I contemplate all that has transpired
Mentally exhausting, weakening, I am tired
Tired of the drama that I created
Tired, just tired of all we debated
It’s empty now, my heart that is
It’s empty now, my heart that is
Dreaming of the day I wake without you on my mind
Dreaming, dreaming of who I may find
It’s empty now, my heart that is
It’s empty now, my heart that is
Moving on is honestly hard to do
The voice inside, please, please say something new
It’s empty now, my heart that is
But not for long, promises, promises
May 2020 · 103
Missed opportunity but...
Another time and possibly another place
Our souls may have outlasted the chaos
Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough space
Fourth in line, outside in the raindrops
That was how it felt and where I landed
I could have asked, pleaded for more
I chose to just exist, and avoid, I should have commanded
Commanded what I needed us to become
But my apathy, yours as well, is why we are done
Moving forward I hope to change some of my behavior
Value the one that matters most, and savor
May 2020 · 87
Fearing love
Passion sets me apart
My ability to love and show my heart
I care so much but won’t give it all
I fear loving too much and taking a fall
U love me back at times too much
I feel it, I want it but push it away as such
Something I want but can’t contain
I am content and independent like the rain
Rain is what I seek
Cleansing me as I weep
And now I sleep, sleep
May 2020 · 96
Deep inside, it feeds my soul
It needs to come out or it takes its toll
It flows like a river after the rain
My mind, the words, are the remains
I have to release what I feel
Keeping me sane, it’s surreal
My goal is simply to share my pain
A way others can avoid, and maintain
Words flow through me, versus appear
My head on my pillow, yet it all is so clear
Destined to a life, unfulfilled
Is a prison, a world, a constant rebuild
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