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Aug 2015 · 486
Ja Aug 2015
           does never die
           like the setting sun
           slowly sets and fades
            it just moves on

WIZDUMBs BY JA 608                 06-08-2015
Aug 2015 · 349
Ja Aug 2015

We live our lives
And then we simply pass away
Leaving behind
Just those memories of yesterday
As time goes by
They’ll surely fade away
If there’s no place
In some ones heart to stay

We leave behind
Family and friends that we have known
Hoping with each
The seeds to our memory we’ve sewn
And nurtured them
Till now they are full grown
To blossom forth
In memories we'll live on

So live your life
As if each moment is the last
Don’t pass them by
You can’t bring them back from the past
Special moments
In our hearts must be cast
If they’re to be
Those memories that last
Aug 2015 · 234
Ja Aug 2015
Do you poets never rest
Do you not thirst or hunger
How despair and misery sustain you
That is what, I wonder

Do you not need some sustenance
Are your eyes not, in need of sleep
Does your body not ache for nourishment
Or is your obsession, way too deep

Far be it for me to question
How those feelings you maintain
Desires, should be wrapped in life, not death
And kept alive with happiness, not pain
BOEMS BY JA 422                                                  19-08-2015
SORRY, this poem was not meant as a critisism of anyones writings. It was meant as more of a lighthearted jab {to the ribs I know} so if I have offended any one please accept my apology. We all have our demons that need to be unleashed to free our soul.
Aug 2015 · 339
Ja Aug 2015
Our life is like, an empty book
Each year, we print a page
The story, of our life we write  
With each year, that we age

Some books are short, others long
All based on what we’ve done
Every journey made, and challenge faced
Each ordeal, we’ve lost or won

The good we do, or love we share
Is set in bright, bold print
Each wrong we’ve done, or didn’t care
Is veiled, in light, grey tint

Then when complete, each page is bound  
With a cover, that won’t bend                              
The front engraved, with our NAME                      
The back inscribed, THE END
Then when complete, each page is bound
With a cover and its twinning
The front engraved, with our NAME
The back inscribed, BEGINNING
WIZDUMBs BY JA 338                  30-04-2014
Aug 2015 · 406
Ja Aug 2015
I can see you are in pain
But I can’t feel it
I can sense you are in misery
But I can’t relieve it

I can listen to your fears
But I can’t protect you
I believe you’re reaching out
But I can’t embrace you

I can ask you not to cry
But I can’t dry your tears
I can offer you advice
But you’re wiser than your years

I can say I love you
But I can’t mean it
I would plead to save your life
But I can’t save it

I could touch all of your scars
But I can’t heal their reason
I can only wish I could
Release you from your prison
BOEMS BY JA 412           12-08-2015

Aug 2015 · 552
Ja Aug 2015
Happiness should be spread
As if it were diseased
Then anyone infected
Would not be sick, but pleased
WIZDUMBs BY JA 282          11-12-2013
Aug 2015 · 331
Ja Aug 2015
Those people, that don’t give a ****
Do they never wipe their ***
Must be waiting till it dries  
In hopes, the stink will pass
WIZDUMBS BY JA 565           18-05-2015
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Ja Jul 2015

Oh Vincent, too soon you said goodbye
Each time your love rejected, emotions set awry
Your hand above, the lamps hot flame
To prove in time, your love won’t wane
Each failure then, became your bane
That memory faded, but love, came not again

Your brothers love, the only one
Throughout your life, you counted on
And those few friends, which once were close
Each in their turn, did you dispose
Like those bad seeds, “The Sower” threw
Were tossed aside, and never grew
Regressing shades, of grey from white
Lights that flickered, through the night
You became a somber, tortured soul
You tried but could not, find your role
The acceptance, which you hoped to find
With each descent, you lost your mind
On your release, from “Madhouse Garden”
Your senses dulled, your “Sorrow” hardened
You still envisioned, “Flowering Orchards” blooming
Contrasting days, frustrations looming
Shadows formed, in weightless plumes
From the “Old Cemetery Tower”, and its tombs
Soon days of joy, your senses rouse
Bringing renovations to, “The Yellow House”
Long travels through, the countryside
Those paintings that, you did with pride
Enormous swings, from “Wheatfield In Rain”
To “Wheatfield With Crows”, that caused you pain
For years you searched, just to belong
Your madness proved, your choices wrong
So for Gauguin, your friend and peer
For his desertion, a severed ear
Then long drunken hours, at “The Night Cafe”
A “Man In Sorrow”, on display
Like a “Wind Beaten Tree”, your emotions bared
Your faith now lost, but no one cared
Your world then flares, into sweeping swirls
As “The Starry Night” its hues unfurls
Beneath the sky “Sunflowers” so bright
But yet again, the dark sides blight
Those years of struggle, to regain your sanity
Brought your biggest loss, trust in humanity
So with colors dark, the image jaded
Your love and dreams, then finally faded
And now you weep, “At Eternity’s Gate”
Your field of dreams, await their fate

And so
The moral of his story
Now becomes fourfold
And lessons not then learned
Shall now by me be told

When you lose in love
Your hand, you should not burn
Just because, it’s fried and crispy
It’s not, “Kentucky Fried Chicken”, Vern

Always, to your friends
Try to lend an ear
Just, don’t cut it off
And gift it, as a souvenir

If life just drives you crazy
And painting, keeps you sane
Just pretend, you’re painting life
And drink lots of Champagne

When you’re young and life’s gone bad
Don’t put your life on hold
You do not need to **** yourself
Unless you’re really old

But no moral, can be learned
By committing suicide
Cause you can’t dream, nor paint your dream
Now, that you have died

BOEMS BY JA 299          15-05-2014
Jul 2015 · 349
Ja Jul 2015
I had a dream, of days gone by
Misread my dream, as living
Back then it had, all gone awry
And thus perceived, as not forgiving

I was naive and unafraid
Those many chances, I then wasted
My life’s debts, not yet repaid
So then, remorse had tasted

I dreamed this dream, bred by guilt
Of choices flawed, of times I erred
And each offence, on me engraved
Till now my soul, I’ve bared

Those visions struck, in the night
Each wrong, as loud as thunder
And dreams of mine, so torn apart
Those youthful whims, my blunder

Thus, I exposed my heart and soul
For all the world to see
In hopes my sins, soaked in my tears
Would flow, like a river, out to sea

But such distress, gave no forgiveness
Brought not, my sorrows end
It was the penance, I had to pay
So that my life, could mend

Still, while I dreamed, it seemed to me
Some years did come together
Yet others could not, last, nor be
Like storms, I could not weather

I had this dream, how it had been
So different, from the one I’m living
Misunderstood, my dream it seems
Found life, was more forgiving
BOEMS BY JA 233           10-12-2013
Ja Jul 2015
Tomorrow, is the future
Yesterday, is the past
Today, is the present
So make it last

Because, tomorrow is unknown
Yesterday, you can’t change
Today, is the only time
YOU, have the stage
Jul 2015 · 252
Ja Jul 2015
I had a thought        
The other day
About the things
We do and say

From vicious words
To words of praise
Our acts of love
To our malaise

Why, we as humans
Have such extremes
From mass destruction
To building dreams
Jul 2015 · 369
Ja Jul 2015
I had a thought        
The other day
About the things
We do and say

From vicious words
To words of praise
Our acts of love
To our malaise

Why, we as humans
Have such extremes
From mass destruction
To building dreams
BOEMS BY JA 196          copyright 27-08-2013           sfD

— The End —