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Nov 2016 · 2.1k
Ja Nov 2016
I stared out the window
My brain, completely disengaged
No thoughts, no emotions
But a war was being waged

I could not move or even think
Stood lifeless, as I gazed
But, inside my brain
This awful darkness blazed

Outside the window, light
It seemed so warm and pure
Still, inside my head
A madness did me lure

I could not raise my voice
Could not, say a word
That evil’s lock on me
Seemed to be assured

But then an angel’s voice
So sweetly to me said
Come with me my dear
And let us go to bed
BOEMS BY JA 583      
Nov 2016 · 855
Ja Nov 2016
It’s not the essence
                                    of his speeches
That all this
                      uproar brought

But the ignorance
                                 of his words
Which he expressed
                          before he thought
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Ja Oct 2016
When sunshine hits my window
Its beams dispense their plume
Just like you, light up my heart
By entering the room
Oct 2016 · 909
Ja Oct 2016
If you see
A poor old man
Sitting on the street

Then pick him up
Dust him off
And put him on his feet

But if he starts
To complain
By giving you some lip

Then sit his ***
Right back down
And don’t leave him a tip
Oct 2016 · 642
Ja Oct 2016
It’s not on “WHAT” you believe
That all your hopes, you should pin
But rather on those things
That you, “BELIEVE IN”

It’s like this, “WHAT” I believe
Is the chicken first, not the egg
But, I “BELIEVE IN” you
I know you’ll make the grade
Oct 2016 · 576
Ja Oct 2016
To give up on life
Would be a bereavement
But to live it, to the fullest
Would be, an achievement
Oct 2016 · 2.1k
Ja Oct 2016
Why is it that, a cuckoo
Is locked up in a clock
While lunatics with guns
Are left, to run amuck
Oct 2016 · 797
Ja Oct 2016
The only real true loser
As we can all surmise
Is one, who just complains
But never really tries
Oct 2016 · 479
Ja Oct 2016
Life, is like a bucking bronco
Throwing you a curve, at every turn
But without those, up’s and down’s it gives
How would we, ever learn
Oct 2016 · 536
Ja Oct 2016
Living a long and happy life
May bring us, a good feeling
But, it’s what we’ve done with it
That really, gives it meaning
Oct 2016 · 554
Ja Oct 2016
There is life after death
Will gladly take
Last breathe
If it’s going to be
Suffering and pain
Which only
Devil will gain
I’ll accept on earth
I have wrought
By all my peers
Be forgot
There is no use
Going on
There will not
Some fun
Oct 2016 · 790
Ja Oct 2016
Each day I ****, on a Whiskey bottle
As my life, also does **** on me
My worth on earth, about as much
As my **** is, to the sea

Inside this swashing jug, a raging sea
Sets me adrift, atop a cresting wave
Then pulls me under to such depths
That my soul, I can no longer save

With each gulp, I stir the bowels
Arouse the sediment and silt
And as it settles, I hope it hides
Or at least, obscures my gilt

Every mouthful, flays my throat
Like waves, they break into the rocks
Smashing, spraying, then dissipating
Where the Devil stands and mocks

I drink until, my mind goes blank
Then plunge into the floor
At last, a drunken blissful peace
Until I wake, once more

So as I lay here, on this deck
Inebriated, dying in this flask
I think of you and what we had
If forgiveness, I could only ask
Oct 2016 · 965
Ja Oct 2016
I am a son
You are a daughter
We’re not related
But, it doesn’t matter

I am a father
You are a mother
We each have a child
Just, not with each other

I love and cherish mine
As I’m sure you do yours
And yet somehow
This hatred of others occurs

Love does not discriminate
We know that it endures
If, I can love a child of mine
I can also, love a child of yours
Oct 2016 · 514
Ja Oct 2016
Humanities premise
Is a births promise
When passions ache
Our dreams awake
As youth unfolds
Our love beholds
As hearts break  
Our fears awake
Our age degrades  
As beauty fades
As the time flies
Our life dies
The spirit lives
As God forgives
The new dawn  
And we live on
Sep 2016 · 974
Ja Sep 2016
Like a giant Sequoia tree, well aged and outwardly still tall and firmly anchored                                        
I proudly display, my outer senescent bark, but inside, I’m pitted and cankered

Still majestic and straight, branches spread, with fingered needles reaching for the sky                            
But at each limb joint, those cracks lay hidden; not yet visible, to the naked eye

Those blisters ravage and rage, at my inner trunk; but not, so you can clearly see                                                                                    
Hidden by the sap; like those morning rheum tears, which seep out and crust on me

I reach skyward, extend my branches to the sun; my sieve tubes there unplugged                                                                                  
But below, my veins congested, and my arteries full of sap, are fully clogged  

And yet I stand, without an outward tremble; disguising well the tremors in my roots                                  
With all my strength, I will them hold; do not cede, to the pain that in them shoots                                                        

I will perceiver; not able to bend with the wind, I stand firm still; until I break                                              
Stiffen my resolve; until my fluids coagulate, and rigor mortise does me overtake                                
Sep 2016 · 601
Ja Sep 2016
People who have beauty
Usually, have all the luck
While people who are smart
Always make a buck

People of importance
Invariably, have the ****
And people with persistence
Seem to have the pluck

But, people that are lazy
We usually call a schmuck
While the rest of us one gives a ****
Sep 2016 · 623
Ja Sep 2016
When life is fresh, fun and new
That is when we should do
Because in time, this lovely perk
Just becomes, a lot of work
Sep 2016 · 860
Ja Sep 2016
If only, we were young again
For those days, will ever remain
In our thoughts, and memory

We were young and fair
Most things we would dare
And not, have much of a worry

Friends were easily made
Differences, didn’t make us afraid
Always eager, to strangers query

The problems seemed lighter
The nights were much brighter
While we, basked in all our glory

We could run and sing
Do almost anything
Were more carefree and merry

Oh the things that we dared
And never got scared
We were naive, but never wary

We were taught not to tease
Always say please
And to work, never tarry

Our friends were more fun
We got much more done
But not, in much of a hurry

Disappointments were rare
Life seemed more fair
Everything was, just hunky dory

The grass was greener
The air so much cleaner
We were neither, liberal nor tory

The jokes were funnier
The days far sunnier
And the movies, not as gory

The air was fresher then
Can you remember when
We played, and were never sorry

For the things that we did
Or the goodbyes we bid
Only now, we tell the story

We saw all the beauty
Fulfilled our duty
But now, life’s become blurry

How did we all miss
It would turn out like this
Father time, make us feel his fury
Sep 2016 · 795
Ja Sep 2016
Where are you going and why are you going there
What is it that’s happening, and why do you care

Why do you go, what is the purpose of your quest
Too, the mysteries of love and compassion, be blessed

Or to bear witness to a life,  that was put to death, yet forgave
While you were not there, you ran away; your life to save

By persecution and fear, your faith you spurned
yet, in the caverns of your mind, it still burned

Your servitude, put in question by your cowardice
Is rewarded only, when you realize, you are powerless

Returning there now, that you’ve been confronted
To spread the word, while being pursued and hunted

Now, why do you go, and of what do you speak
To your death Peter, for those words we all seek
Sep 2016 · 867
Ja Sep 2016
His verse, like a precious petal, from an exquisite flower
Slowly unfolds, leaving a luscious space, for a poesy to devour

So each breadth, between every efflorescent petals bloom
Is filled, with his alluring words, as one by one they spume

Every phrase, so intricately woven into their beauty, inlaid as a ransom
For his tendrilled script, like a florets mantling, to expressingly blossom
Then, like a nectars infusive fragrance permeates through the air
So do his words, release bouquets of love, for all of us to share
BOEMS BY JA 587             copyright 09-18-2016
Be well Stephan
Sep 2016 · 468
Ja Sep 2016
                 Come not
                                            How well  
                                                            Life’s work you do
That is but life’s plight

                 Only come
                                             How well  
                                                             Life works for you
That is life’s delight
Sep 2016 · 466
Ja Sep 2016
T’was not the winter
Of my discontent
But rather one
Of wonderment

They stopped my heartbeat
So I was dead
But then replaced it
With a new beat instead

My life was saved
And now extended
My heart was broke
But now is mended
BOEMS BY JA 294          copyright 02-04-2014
Written in hospital 2014
                                                     THE OPERATION AND REHAB
                                                      WERE A GREAT SUCCESS
                                                     THANKS FOR READING
                                                      AND MAY GOD BLESS
                                                      The end
Sep 2016 · 561
Ja Sep 2016
OPERATIONAL EPIPHANY                            
For a time
I was alone
And I was frozen
To the bone

But then an angel
Spread its wings
Gave me warmth
And all my things

The angel said
Just hold on
We’ll find out
What went wrong

So I waited
While it hovered
Over me

Then, a blinding light
Came right at me
I could not look
I could not see

But from the light
A voice came forth
Hello, it said
I’m Doctor North

I’ll be your surgeon
On this day
How would you
Like to pay

We take Visa, MasterCard
Cash or American Express
But, if you have neither one
Then…. may God bless
BOEMS BY JA 269        
Written in hospital 2014
Sep 2016 · 365
Ja Sep 2016
MY QUIETUS                                                  
Having long ago gone past
The equinox, of my being
Now, it’s only atrophy
In myself I’m seeing

Yet, I grudgingly march on
To the solstice in my life
A meeting with that grim
And hooded thing, with scythe

But, this journey to my destiny
At the end of perdition’s road
Is made, not with heavy heart
But with joy, from easing of the load
BOEMS BY JA 286          
Written in hospital 2014
Sep 2016 · 434
Ja Sep 2016
THE COLLECTOR                                                                                                  
Hello!  My name is Azrael

I wield no sword, I swing no scythe
I bring no death, I take no life

My only purpose, collecting souls, and to them guide
To their rightful place, where they will then reside

I come to do a task, that still
Confronts you all and always will

There is no reason, why I come
No great plan, no rule of thumb

I just appear and do my deed
There is no list, from which I read

No names are called, no judgement made
No restrictions placed, no homage paid

It makes no difference, young or old
Sick or healthy, shy or bold

I dispense no blame or fright
I walk among you, day or night

My sweep is wide, my path is straight
I do not hide, or lay in wait

In the end, I take you all
And over each, I spread my pall

I wear no hood, nor wield a scythe
I guide your end, to your new life

I from your body, take your soul
But, I do not, your sins annul

Some with ease, take this extraction
While others have, a pained reaction

I assist you only, to a certain place
That good or bad, you then must face

My work is done, once you are there
It’s not for me, to judge or care

I follow the course, in life you laid
That now in death, your journey’s made
BOEMS BY JA 289          
Written in hospital 2014
Sep 2016 · 602
Ja Sep 2016
ALWAYS BE CAREFUL IN HOSPITAL                                                
They hooked up nitro
To my arm
At first it caused me
No alarm

So I dozed off
And had a nap
When I woke up
I felt like crap

I looked around
But saw no hand
I wracked my brain
To understand

Then asked the nurse
How this could be
She said Dear Sir
I am sorry

But while you slept
A catastrophe
We still don’t know
The full story

But that nitro drip
That we had loaded
Ran down your arm
And then exploded

But you must have
Some lucky charm
You could have lost
Your ******* arm
BOEMS BY JA 279      
Written in hospital 2014
Sep 2016 · 611
Ja Sep 2016
A MAN CALLED SHAUN                                
Each morning at six thirty
Arrived a man in white
Pushed his cart, through the door
And then, turned on the light

We could hear him coming
Right from the very start
Because, we heard the jingling
From the tubes, stacked in his cart

Each morning that whole week
He’d rouse us from our sleep
So I planned revenge
On that little creep

I said to roommate Warner
Don’t say a single word
Today’s the day that payback
At last will be incurred

“Good morning Ja” he whispers
“Are you by chance awake”
I pretend I’m fast asleep
Not a single move, I make

“Can I take some blood”
He sounds a bit disturbed
So I just lay there quietly
I’m not the one perturbed

He says “O.K.”
“I’ll do Mr. Warner first”
I’m thinking to myself “That’s great”
“Go ahead and do your worst”

I lay in wait
Till he returned
I hadn’t moved
I hadn’t turned

As he came close
I snored a bit
I knew that he
Was in a snit

“It’s me Shaun again”
“Are you awake”
I thought “Of course I’m not”
“Give me a break”

“Give me your arm”
“This won’t take long”
I thought, “O.K.”
I’ll play along

I extend my arm
He grabs my hand
And on my bicep
Ties a band

“Just a little pinch”
“And then, we’re done”
That’s exactly when
I planned my fun

As the needle pierces me
I scream like *******
He’s taken by surprise
He starts to scream as well

He drops the tubes
And his tray
I’m laughing hard
What can I say

“I’m sorry Ja”
“What did I do”
“To cause this pain”
“Did I hurt you”

I laugh so hard
My stomach hurts
Into our room
The head nurse bursts

“What’s going on”
“Is someone hurt”
“Shaun stuck my arm”
I laugh and blurt

“Now look, old man”
“It’s not allowed”
“To on this ward”
“Be so loud”

“Another outburst”
“Of this sort”
“And I will put you”
“On report”

I’m laughing still
And Warner too
Warner can’t stop
He’s turning blue

The nurse gets mad
“This day you’ll rue”
“It’s the ****** ward”
“For the both of you”

Poor Shaun is lost
Still holds my hand
Proceeds to take
That rubber band

Puts all his things
In his tray
Takes his cart
And walks away

Said not a word
And to his bane
We never did
See Shaun again
BOEMS BY JA 287        
True story. Sadly, my roommate Warren didn’t make it. Written in hospital 2014.
Sep 2016 · 442
Ja Sep 2016
HOSPITAL IRREGULARITY                                                                                            
While I’m here, in hospital
I have lots of time to think
Trouble is I’m constipated
And only **** and stink                                                                         b

They gave me this emulsion
Which I was told to drink
It made my stomach turn
Took my ******* to the brink

I rushed to make the toilet
That place where doggies drink
As I got there, it exploded
Even got some on my ****

My nurse came running over
She said, you rotten fink
Just before she gagged
And threw up in the sink
BOEMS BY JA 278          
Written in hospital 2014
Aug 2016 · 388
Ja Aug 2016
MEASURING VITALS                                  
They checked my nerves
For too much stress
But only found
A garbled mess

So hooked up wires
To my brain
But no signal
Could attain

Then they wired
Up my chest
But found the signal
Not the best

So to my fingers
And my toes
But no signal
Came from those

The doc got mad
And said at last
Stick them up
His ******* ***

When they did that
It did me irk
But, made their signal
Start to work
BOEMS BY JA 270          
Written in hospital 2014
Aug 2016 · 536
Ja Aug 2016
NURSE KRACHET                                                    
I’m scared to speak too loud
So I’ll whisper, just in case
That nasty nurse Miss Krachet
Comes in and shows her face

She’s quite a nasty woman
And looks just like a witch
Her face and nose both posses
This long and gnarly stitch

She walks around limping
Unsupported by a broom
She has this air about her
Must think she’s Heidi Klum

I asked her for my *****
When I once had to ***
She said, get it yourself
You won’t get it from me

But I’m confined to bed, I said
So I can’t go nowhere
She said, ******* old man
And that’s no lie, I swear

When she left, I asked my roomy
To get me that pissy ***
I had waited for so long
I had to **** a lot

I filled it up, right to the top
The next move quite the chore
Since I couldn’t bend or stretch too far
I barely made the floor

As time went by, I forgot
Where that ***, now rested
So when nurse Krachet, walked right in
Her anger, soon was tested

Up to my bed, she sauntered
Thus did not see the spot
Where I had put that silly thing
Until she kicked that ***

It all splashed out, on her foot
The floor, her socks and shoes
And then her face, turned bright red
Which did, just me amuse

I marveled at how nicely
Things sometimes turn out
She got herself, all ****** on
But didn’t even shout

Since then I’m keeping quiet
My mouth closed really tight
I don’t want her to come around
And get into a fight

So I’m holding, everything I have
Remembering what she said
And hoping that her shift will end
Before I **** my bed

My bowels will soon let loose
So I’m praying to high heaven
Now that it’s, six fifty nine
Her shift will end, at seven
BOEMS BY JA 280        
Written in hospital 2014
Aug 2016 · 404
Ja Aug 2016
ABOUT ME                                                        
I’m sitting here in this bed
Doing things, that I dread
With all these nurses, round me

I can’t seem to, get ahead
They just make me, lay in bed
And do things, which confound me

I must ***, in a jar
For number two, can’t go far
And the food, it just astounds me

I have wires, here and there
Gadgets hanging everywhere
And all these tubes, surround me

Ticking machines, which blink and beep
But never seem, to go to sleep
They put them here, to hound me

But, I’ll stick it out
Without a doubt
Even if, it kills me
BOEMS BY JA 274        
Written in hospital 2014
Aug 2016 · 414
Ja Aug 2016
THE I.C.U. SMART BED                                        
In the intensive care unit
I got my first, Smart Bed
Worth sixty thousand dollars
At least that’s what they said

This bed could move
This bed could talk
This bed could sing
This bed could rock

It was so advanced
It dispensed my medications
Displayed all my vitals
And their fluctuations

If I hummed a tune
I don’t know how it guessed
But it would always, somehow
The right song, finesse

This made me apprehensive
To myself express
For even if I sneezed
It would say, “God Bless”

It could measure temperature
And also what you weigh
Give you, a heads up
And the time of day

It could tilt and lift
Had settings to vibrate
And each of those vibrations
It could modulate

If I couldn’t sleep
Or if I tossed and turned
It would start to rock me
This at night I learned

To get into a rhythm
Became the nightly trick
Cause if you weren’t in sync
You would get sea sick

And waking up
Became a rousing charm
First the soft, sweet music
Then that ******* alarm

If I was sad
It read my mood
Then cheered me up
Dispensed snack food

And if by chance
I blew a ****
It printed out
An air flow chart

The mattress was
Just full of air
With all these pockets

If I sat down
It receded
Then puffed back up
As I needed

For with a move
Of any sort
It was right there
To give support

And when I lay
But did not move
It seemed to fill
My every groove

So when I sat
To have my snack
It spread my cheeks
Then filled my crack

But when I had to poo
A hole would open up
Just big enough in size
For my **** to drop

When I was done my movement
It gently washed and dried
Quite the nice experience
I really was surprised

But, my biggest thrill
Was when I had to ***
Oh, what it could do for women
If it so pleasured me

This suction tube extended
And did my prostrate meet
Then, attached right to it
Like a Bovines ****

It ****** out all the *****
Now that was quite a trip
And then it took a pause
Awaiting that last drip

So, I was quite upset
When, they rudely me dispatched
For I was by then, to it
Very much attached

But, before I left that room
I cannot tell a lie
I gave my bed a hug
And it told me “Goodbye”
BOEMS BY JA 273        
Written in hospital 2014
Aug 2016 · 879
Ja Aug 2016
SHORT AND SWEET                                
I woke up one morning
Surprised, I was not dead
Found myself in hospital
Restricted to my bed                                                                                  
They gave me Nitro Glycerin
In a tiny cup
Then told me not to move
Because I might blow up
BOEMS BY JA 275      
Written in hospital 2014
Aug 2016 · 356
Ja Aug 2016
DAY THREE –MINUS ONE                                
My last day, before the dawn
When this ordeal, should end
The outcome preordained to be
A death, or on the mend

The odds are good that I survive
But thoughts of death creep in
What’s out there, I should have done
And am I filled with sin

I’m not that bold, to be the judge
Of what should be or not
But am resigned, to my fate
This life has on me wrought
BOEMS BY JA 284        
One day till the heart operation 2014
Aug 2016 · 378
Ja Aug 2016
DAY TWO-MINUS TWO                                          
Today its two, with two to go
They say the sun is out
I can see but four grey walls
So can just sit and pout

Each day the Doctors wander in
Their trainees fast in tow
Asking questions, asked before
I guess it’s all for show

Monotonous hours, just stuck in bed
With nothing else to do
But think of what could be or was
If only we all knew
BOEMS BY JA 283          
Two days till the heart operation 2014
Aug 2016 · 492
Ja Aug 2016
DAY ONE- MINUS THREE                                        
It’s now day one, to minus three
Stuck up in this, proverbial tree
Just hanging on, for dear life
Not knowing what’s to be

I try to not, share my thoughts
With family or my friends
I hide them deep, within my heart
Until, this ordeal ends

That way I seem, unafraid
So brave without a care
I keep them under lock and key
And to speak them, do not dare
Three days till the heart operation 2014
Aug 2016 · 868
Ja Aug 2016
It very rarely happens
You get to see your heart
But I saw mine, the other day
At least, I did in part

I watched it on the screen
Pulsating with such might
With veins and arteries all around
It sure was, quite a sight

I marveled at, the depth to which
It bulged and then collapsed
Was mesmerized, by its beat
As that rhythmic time elapsed

Then the dye, like ink from squid
Thru turns and bends it streamed
Filling tiny thread like veins
Thru never ending strands, it seemed          

My heart collapsed, the dye was gone
As if by magic, disappeared
The muscle poised, to bulge again
Exposing every vessel cleared

A sudden flash, the scene is gone                      
A new view takes its place
Then once again, the dye begins
Probing, for new pathways to retrace                  
A wondrous gift, that made me think
How it all comes to be
The ebb and flow of each heart beat
And what it meant to me
BOEMS BY JA 281        

Cardiac dye test prior to my second heart operation in 2014
Aug 2016 · 595
Ja Aug 2016
What we hear
We remember
What we see
We don’t forget
What we think
We do not render
What we say
We may regret

What we try
We are uncertain
What we do
We understand
What we give
We are certain
What we need
We should demand

What we ignore
We don’t respect
What we hate
We throw away
What we adore
We think is perfect
For what we love
We hope and pray
Aug 2016 · 508
Ja Aug 2016
We look with our eyes, but cannot comprehend
Where, our tapestry starts and where it will end
Like actors on stage, our tapestries as background
We perform life’s role, as our designs are unwound

Invariably attracted, to the beauty of others
Our own unseen background, inattention then smothers

Their life more exciting, more beautiful, more grand
And ours becomes a protest, for life being bland

But our background keeps unfolding, it’s elegance unseen
All the brights and the bolds, of our colour scheme

So we leave unaware, of what we’ve achieved
As our endeavors have thus, our tapestry weaved

Sad that some of us exit, from this wondrous planet
Not realizing what we, have accomplished in it
Aug 2016 · 892
Ja Aug 2016
Empty words, won’t heal a heart
It’s the binding, which falls apart

Wishing won’t, make dreams come true
That is all, left up to you

Hope is not, the final word
That’s what’s left, when life occurred

Life goes on, until it dies
What’s left behind, is the prize

Only love, will make life whole
And only love, will save the soul
Aug 2016 · 422
Ja Aug 2016
I guess I was mistaken with all the name changes. Apparently she was Hello Ginger then changed to Virtual Insanity and now to VI so when I went to VI to check, there were no poems and no following just followers and I did not recognize the name. I've been spooked out twice before so assumed it was them again. My apologies to all concerned.
Aug 2016 · 715
Ja Aug 2016
How many smiles, every day
Do I miss and thrown away

Which kind words, did you entrust              
That I ignored and now have lost

What kindness that, you had displayed
Did I forget or just mislaid

Which beauty that, in you exists
For all these years I’ve gone and missed

There is no heart that I know of     
Which gives me more, than you my love
Aug 2016 · 554
Ja Aug 2016
If it’s me, that they malign
Should it hurt, if I don’t know
If it’s them, that I despise
Does it, on my face then show

If I say I will, but don’t
Should it bother me inside
Does it matter if I care
If my pleas have been denied

If I’m feeling all alone
Would I feel better, if ignored
If I confess to you my sins
Will my conscience by restored

Should I tell you that I love you
If my heart tells me I don’t
Should I commit my life to you
If I know that yours, you won’t
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Ja Aug 2016
We always question, why
When a soul, says goodbye                            

Misunderstanding death, we fear it            
Its sole purpose, to free our spirit

Thus, unencumbered of flesh and bone
It returns to heaven, which is home
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
Ja Jul 2016
While we struggle on this earth
Not a word of praise is said
We so lovingly are eulogized
After, we are dead
Jul 2016 · 449
Ja Jul 2016
You only need light
To see in the dark
Perform a kind deed
To leave your mark
But you need, a lot of dirt
To dig a hole

You only need food
When you are hungry
Ask for advice
When in a quandary
But you needn’t, throw any dirt
To reach your goal

You only need water
When you are thirsty
Put away your ego
To have some modesty
But you must, wash away your dirt
For your sins, to annul

You don’t need to worry
About life after death
Don’t rush to the end
Stop, take a breath
Because, you mustn’t have, any dirt
To save your soul
Jul 2016 · 873
Ja Jul 2016
I’ve decided to accept my life
Exactly, for what it is..............
?                                               ­                                 
?                                                           ­   
?                                                            ­                                                  
Just another magnum of fine Champagne
But without the fizz

As for those
Who don’t drink or smoke                              
You can substitute
A can of Coke                                                        
Jul 2016 · 972
Ja Jul 2016
I look through eyes
Which seem to be blind
Searching for beauty
I cannot find

I listen with ears
That must be impaired
I only hear words
Which make me scared

I think with a mind
That cannot deduce
Why am I here
And what is the use

I feel with a heart
That searches for love
But it’s only you
That I can think of
Jul 2016 · 617
Ja Jul 2016
I must thank you for the praise
That you just sent my way
For it’s not often you reply
Or have something to say

I write these prose as best I can
Providing WIZDUMBs to the masses
Lifting spirits, and warming hearts
To get them, off their *****

Some are good, and others bad
But, I try my best each day
So don’t bemoan, those that I’ve blown
You’ll put my mind in disarray

It does at times, just wander off
Which seems a bit risqué
And other times, that flash of light
Is just an old cliché

So, do not be, so quick to judge
It is mere prose, for Heaven’s sake
And I am but, a poor old man
Who doesn’t need, a headache
Jul 2016 · 489
Ja Jul 2016
One day, my wife
Gave me a kiss
So I asked her why
Now why is this

She said that she
Felt bad for me
So I quizzed her, what
What can it be

She said it’s just
Because you see
I’m real cute
And you’re, ugly

Oh, I’m only joking, she sighed            
Don’t get yourself all riled                        
And as she turned and walked away
She winked, and then she smiled              
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