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Mar 2018 · 100
Precious Mar 2018
To seek solace in another that understands me
is to not be lonely,
i deserve to not be lonely
to not be alone.
Dec 2017 · 164
Precious Dec 2017
I understand today is probably not the day you want to hear about blackness
Or my blackness in particular
You, you have a nice high going
You is looking good today
And the last thing you want to hear
Is about how Kendrick Lamar embodied my blackness
In a series of 14 songs-1 album
And I understand that this late at night
You are not really feeling like talking about what the differences
Are between an African American and a Black person
That I can understand
But I think you can understand how I
   do not get to forget blackness
My blackness in particular
It sticks with me
In case you had forgotten it is painted onto my skin
I am stuck in this shell which prevents you from seeing my excellence
And so I must resign myself
To talking about blackness
At this particular time
You see I must make you understand why
Me being black is not just something we get to joke about
you see the world is not equal
There is not
This equality
   Or this equality
I will always be black

So when you forget I must remind you
I must remind myself
Why am I doing this?
I am doing this for my mother
Too I do this for my father
As long as there is hatred for black, I will always speak about being black
I do not care that you do not want to hear it
I do not care that you did not perpetuate it
Dec 2017 · 189
Relationship Advice
Precious Dec 2017
i was not angry when he broke me
i did not know to be angry
it had been relatively new to me
to give this out and not receive a hundred percent happiness guarantee
i was relatively young too you see
so how could i be angry
anything but fine and dandy
how to tell a girl she is not happy
at any age is not easy
i remember when i used to be neutral
and do nothing, say nothing
and now i am angry
but i wish i could go back to the day he broke me
i was just a girl
a baby
so yes now i am angry
and ill sufficed for those who come next
tell me now please
what does one do when they are angry at men
but not just men but a man
and not just a man but her father?

— The End —