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Billy Aleyan Feb 3
Welcome to a country, where when you first come in,
Before thinking about love
You need to think about job
Because here no money, no love.

Welcome to America,
Where first, you need to use your eyes
You need to use your mind
Army yourself with strength, to fight with life.

Welcome to the land of opportunity. Where from your mind,
The system makes you believe you are free.
When you are musing
you realize,  this freedom frees everybody to slavery.

Slave of what?
Slave of taxes
Slave of bills
Slave of everything that everyone would like to own.

Some slaves are very proud
by being a slave in the land of slavery
that makes them believe that they are free.

The greatness of a country is
The capacity to hide the weakness you might see.

Welcome to the U.S

People overseas see things differently
compared to the life they are living in their country.

For immigrants, U.S. consideration often presents as a paradise.
But a paradise full of lies
Like a sky full of stars.
"Welcome To America" is about the reality of the United States.
Billy Aleyan Jan 6
From a small mouth, a big truth can flow.
A kind word can help someone grow.
Two ears to listen, one person at a time.
One mouth to speak to a person or a crowd.

Two hands and ten fingers can make a thousand works.
Eye sees everything but cannot see itself.
I see everything but I cannot see my heart.

When my heart hurts, I cannot see the blood.
What is painful is when a face is crying without seeing the flood.
If it was true when you are poor, you cannot be in love.
Rich people need to be more careful with whom they fall in love.

Self-love, self-love  helps twice to choose who you want to put in your life.
A shadow is the best follower that everyone always has.
I called this poem "Truth in The Air" because every single statement I stated, is a truth  that every reader can agree with.

— The End —