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976 · Jan 2015
The Uncommon & The Weird
Biko Dylan Jan 2015
In the entirety of my sobriety.
I realized I'm high off life
and belong to a special society.

The uncommon and the weird

We wear a language of mystery
Seeping through the walls of our secrecy
Tip-toeing into galaxies
Not known by the Forgery

And so when they ask us "how do you do?"
We reply by saying "super" as their minds move over
With stars in their eyes something similar to a supernova

And then You as you are will see a black hole
And You'll think the hole is in the wall and You'll come closer

We're the uncommon and the weird
What do You know about expression
And exposure?

We turn average pathways
Into nostalgic lanes
Twisting your fairy tales
From great friendly giants
To interrupted miscommunication

Living in a world
Who will never understand
Rolling our tongues
Trying to express the disparity

Hush, hush
Don't share
Sworn by oath
"Never tamper there, those kids are special dear"


We once exposed these certain words
These certain secrets of inner worlds

To a reader like you

That reader bellowed

"I'm neither here nor there
You're nowhere...
and yet you're everywhere


I believe
I'll never tamper there
I believe
Those kids are special dear

I believe
Being the real you is special, yeah"

Take a pen and make a note
This society rules deeper than your coat
Deeper than your veins

When stranded and mishap become
Your middle names
Welcome to
The Uncommon and the Weird
Co-writing often has an amazing outcome. This is a piece I co-wrote with a very talented writer (and friend) by the name of Lauren Pillay
916 · Jan 2015
The Uncommon & The Weird
Biko Dylan Jan 2015
In the entirety of my sobriety.
I realized I'm high off life
and belong to a special society.

The uncommon and the weird

We wear a language of mystery
Seeping through the walls of our secrecy
Tip-toeing into galaxies
Not known by the Forgery

And so when they ask us "how do you do?"
We reply by saying "super" as their minds move over
With stars in their eyes something similar to a supernova

And then You as you are will see a black hole
And You'll think the hole is in the wall and You'll come closer

We're the uncommon and the weird
What do You know about expression
And exposure?

We turn average pathways
Into nostalgic lanes
Twisting your fairy tales
From great friendly giants
To interrupted miscommunication

Living in a world
Who will never understand
Rolling our tongues
Trying to express the disparity

Hush, hush
Don't share
Sworn by oath
"Never tamper there, those kids are special dear"


We once exposed these certain words
These certain secrets of inner worlds

To a reader like you

That reader bellowed

"I'm neither here nor there
You're nowhere...
and yet you're everywhere


I believe
I'll never tamper there
I believe
Those kids are special dear

I believe
Being the real you is special, yeah"

Take a pen and make a note
This society rules deeper than your coat
Deeper than your veins

When stranded and mishap become
Your middle names
Welcome to
The Uncommon and the Weird
Co-writing often has an amazing outcome. This is a piece I co-wrote with a very talented writer by the name of Lauren Pillay
721 · Jan 2015
Murdered Man
Biko Dylan Jan 2015
I found myself behind the wheel of a large automobile
A body kicked back in my trunk I drove off to the hill
****** wasn't in my plan but ****** came to be
Murdered Man was no stranger it's not like he just came to me

At the hill I dump the body sorely trying in vain saying I'm sorry
But a vessel without a spirit and a soul is literally really just a body
Still I'm saying sorry to the body while using my shovel I'm throwing dirt
When you know who Murdered Man was you'll be knowing why I'm hurt

I get myself behind the wheel of a large automobile
My body chills my mind fills with regret driving away from that hill
The Murdered Man was my Innocence that I had no intention to ever ****
But now my Innocence is gone because I buried him beyond in that hill

Guard your Innocence I say

Yeah if you have it still

Guard your Innocence everyday

If you still have it still
703 · Jan 2015
Supernatural Love
Biko Dylan Jan 2015
You fell
From a great height
I saw you
Land in the distance
I hope you're alright

All right?

On your wings
I'll place my wish-list
But if fallen angels
Don't get to heaven
Then I'll be wishing
Yes I'll be wishing

That they do because

You've got the charm, magic spells and a broom
You take my arm, I smell your potion perfume
We laugh and cackle; food and wine, we consume
We think we're good but we know not to assume

We are both from
Different worlds
I'm a cold one and you are
Just a burning girl
"Burn that witch, that girl"

Is what they say!

I know that we can't be
Together because this
Soulless sick society
Secretly tells me
And what they're told you
Is what they're telling me

But I don't listen because

You've got the charm, magic spells and a broom
You take my arm, I smell your potion perfume
We laugh and cackle; food and wine, we consume
We think we're good but we know not to assume

This is a supernatural love story
It's something that natural folks just won't get
When I meet you lover, they'll be sorry
We'll show them something they won't forget

Supernatural Love?
552 · Jan 2015
All The Way Down
Biko Dylan Jan 2015
I have a bear in my mind
I think it's a grizzly
Bare in mind that these things are vicious
If I could think I would think that it wants to **** me
I guess in a way I want what it wants
I just hope that it does so quickly

Before I die of starvation because
Laziness swallowed me whole
I have a bear in my mind
Bare in mind that the mind is the soul

This grizzly bear is called Depression
And he wants out so he's digging a hole

But he's so lazy and therefore dragging me down
I wanted this to end quickly
Instead of being stuck having to stick around

I wanna live forever
It's a guarantee that I'm going down

I might as well smile

497 · Feb 2015
I am May
Biko Dylan Feb 2015
Merry moments tend to leave my memories
Leaving me in the cruel company of miserable misery

I'm just a mere mortal- an organic portal who hosts a misguided spirit
And as I sip spirits I sink & search for spirit guides in the deadly distance

I am
Sipping, sinking
Smoking & sniffing

Continuing crazy- living life lively & lazy in this weird way
Will surely sow spoiled seeds in me ****** & destined to decay

I have seen so I've heard errors in my weird ways
Love's the Law and I want Love to live in me (read May)

It's simply a simple and sad thing
If I could sing then I would sing
But I will sing 'cause I do sing

"I am (May)
The last month of spring"
455 · Jan 2015
It's Good, I'm Sure
Biko Dylan Jan 2015
In the beady eyes of the beast who's a bully I can see my reflection
And in my teary eyes I can see a stream of unanswered questions

I think I may have spent hours before this mirror looking at this beast
As hunger pangs struck me starvation replaced food for thought as a feast

I'm filled up with nothing


(Us) Hollow men & these hollow women speak words that are hard to swallow
So follow men & follow women to my pity party & we'll sing songs of sorrow

And I'll tell you how I allowed the beast in so that you can avoid my pure pain
I'll tell you "have all the power & authority to remain in sanity yes sane"

I'm coming up with something


I just realized I have power & authority and it never occurred to me before
I guess it's true it's hard taking own advice but take it it's good I'm sure

Because way more than less
I'm more than a conqueror

I'm more...

— The End —