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Feb 2021 · 226
panier à linge
Belle Feb 2021
Quand je regarde toi je vois le soleil
Et je pense de la lune, ils sont toi et moi
quand l'hiver me laisse brûler
tu ne m'as rien dit, le silence se figea

as-tu fait la lessive
Je me suis allongé dans le panier
Serre moi
comme il la tenait en janvier

Hier il a dansé, je ne l'avais pas vu marcher depuis des années
aujourd hui je n'avais pas de pieds
Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait
hier il savait ce que j'ai dit
aujourd'hui j'ai parlé en français cassé


when i look at you i see the sun
and i think of the moon, they are me and you
when winter lets me burn
you didn't say anything to me, the silence froze

did you do the laundry
i layed in the basket
hold me
like he held her in january

yesterday he danced, i had not seen him walk in years
today i have no feet
I do not know what i have done
yesterday he knew what i said
today i spoke in broken french

i only know highschool french so please teach me what ive spoken incorrectly <3
Feb 2021 · 171
“panier à linge”
Belle Feb 2021
Quand je regarde toi je vois le soleil
Et je pense de la lune, ils sont toi et moi
quand l'hiver me laisse brûler
tu ne m'as rien dit, le silence se figea

as-tu fait la lessive
Je me suis allongé dans le panier
Serre moi
comme il la tenait en janvier

Hier il a dansé, je ne l'avais pas vu marcher depuis des années
aujourd hui je n'avais pas de pieds
Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait
hier il savait ce que j'ai dit
aujourd'hui j'ai parlé en français cassé


when i look at you i see the sun
and i think of the moon, they are me and you
when winter lets me burn
you didn't say anything to me, the silence froze

did you do the laundry
i layed in the basket
hold me
like he held her in january

yesterday he danced, i had not seen him walk in years
today i have no feet
I do not know what i have done
yesterday he knew what i said
today i spoke in broken french

i only know highschool level french please ease up on the mistakes or teach me <3
Jan 2021 · 235
metaphorically speaking
Belle Jan 2021
Metaphorically speaking
Youve found yourself at a disadvantage
Something seemingly self dug
The kind of place a rope would just laugh in your face
And hands cant pull you out
Metaphorically speaking

Written lines meant to pass time
Past thoughts meant to cast rhyme to fuel the pain i
Listen to the listless words that flood my
Mind i cant get out come and grab my hand and

**** man i dont know what i need to say
to make sense of this disarray
Just lay me back to sheets on someone elses bed
with arms resting over my Body

Cant some body come and hijack this pain

Or just ridicule me out of this shame

day to day
I wish youd pass me in the halls
Or wish my happy birthday in my dreams
Pray to god that she will keep her mind
I ******* hate to think i made u cry

And its by nature that i crave pain
Crave some soul to curl up to and call my own
Not the one im born with
I crave to idealize some kinder souls eyes
And drift away
Melt into softer **** and fade away into a warmer day

Into  kinder wiles, that isnt paired with tainted eyes and a faker smile
Hold me tight with intention of giving up
This life has ****** me up and id really really like to

Melt away.
Its the saddest **** to say but it has to get out somewhere

Dont push me away
Because no matter the ******* distance my mind will keep me restless about how your heart is doing

And on the final day
I keep my body closest
Feeling this earth, the realest that i have ever ever felt.
Sweep this haze above me
Recognize and turn unlove to me
Help me say goodnight

Say good night.
i spoke this and posted it on youtube too, this one means a lot to me
Jan 2021 · 223
something that is real
Belle Jan 2021
Hi, to the girl in the mirror
surrounded by whispered thoughts that she cant bare to let near her
After 365 days born bare to 'its going to be okays'
Ive found myself here
Writing lines of listness sentiments
Conjured by nothing more than the kind of days that just
Push you forward
Look back and acknowledge the wars that have hit
The first words i ever truly spoke were written in verse that intend to awaken the feelings, intense and resided in the deepest pits my heart prefers to just hide behind
And i spoke
"Whose to prune whats wrecked by june a stable mental health",
Sequenced by the conscientious tribute to the idea that no one gives a **** till we are too far gone

And i acknowledged earlier that we check up on one another by means of regarding our emotional well being
But turning that depth into a casual convening is as degrading as conveying thoughts of have a good day in simile to i hope youre okay
But we all still turn a cold shoulder when individuals confess that theres more to their thoughts like ideals and sick plots

Revolving around means to an end...
Meaning to end, whatever means that it takes to mend the loose thread that threatens to unravel our minds
Ends that means the meaning will suspend and life will carry on as it was meant to be drawn with out the sick pictures and sadistic gunctures pinched in mental health

So last week i confessed that i dislike being asked how im feeling.
Its hard when it feels like my thoughts are worth hearing but theres scarcely a stage set to display the things in my mind
Its just a hello and good by
Never a look you like you cried
Is there something inside that youd like to get out
Via a hug or a shout
throw **** down and surround yourself in the darkest of spirals
The hands reached are set higher than you can step towards in your mind
The pain aches from your thighs
Dear god can u listen
Step mom,  dad turn to my glistening eyes

Yes id love to listen
Switch paths and condition yourself to adjust that deep yearning
The thoughts, feelings meant to keep earning the right to be listened to
Ill listen to you and pour my heart out
Gut my emotions like its light out and ive got nothing to lose
Nothing was dark in june
Or july
Or august to december
Theres nothing in my thoughts that could ever drag me below the ground

So open up to me now.
I love you, sweetheart of course its okay.

And another day
More words are spoken
ive taken 2 seconds to confess my thoughts to you and no i wont re write or re read this.
Im not gonna edit or adjust speed to this
Authentic expression of thoughts that i dont let get out very often its just
The path that has brought me to this is a sweet cocktail of fuckery that lays waste to my mind
But in the case that it resides with you i thought id reach out with a hymme or two a few stanzas of thoughts that run rampid in my mind

Consider yourself aquainted, with a portion of me.
A fraction of the depth i wish will succeed me
A successor to the results that the pressure ive endured has sent to me
I lay now and recite to you these words
Forget that youve ever heard it
Don't yearn for it just lie down
Rest your head and let me kiss your crown and your temples

If youve listened this far i want to wish that those wrinkles set above your eyes will fade ever softer because listen to these lines

I know you aren't always okay;
I am proud of you;
I can tell that youre trying very hard;
I appreciate you;
You are precious and deserve the rest that seems to just slip from your grip and flow straight down the sink grate that holds gate to your mind
Trickle down spine to your heart
So let me fill you up with the kind words that youre starving of

I know i cant compensate for everything that has past
Just as i know these poems are worth nothing more than the past few minutes ive spent writing them
So good night to me then
The girl in the mirror
Jan 2021 · 328
wednesday morning
Belle Jan 2021
Its actually Monday
8am on a monday.
Tired and caught up on a Monday
Empty mind filled with depression on a monday
Nothing special about monday.
Just happens to be like every
I am fine, just waking up
Jan 2021 · 334
how little we know
Belle Jan 2021
control complex
strung tight around the bed posts with nothing around your neck
trapped by the manner of seeing with little review
years it will take to explain to you.
gripped by a man, her thoughts are course with no sifter
to shift her thoughts
to switch their bough's of anxiety
by definition an inner conspiring
of loneliness and obsession.
a generational connection where a father pesters his daughter about why she is the way she is and instead of hearing his desperate curiosity she feels like a first rate atrocity who deserves
to feel nothing.
Jan 2021 · 252
without saying her name.
Belle Jan 2021
Whole and rounded in her manner,
skin brushed by a hand of warmth and light.
Bringing contrast to the cool tones of this earth, it nearly kills me
to cast my gaze
on the orange essences emanating over every atom
that is vulnerable:
exempt from the shadows.
However fleeting the luring cycle remains,
the morning may not begin
    without her

as our chaperone.
sometimes words flow out and you did not realize what they held until you've written more than you intended. but just enough to keep them listening
Belle Jan 2021
"Helping me" isn't realistic,
however one can be fine with the 'as is'
Labels caretake to us
Not by definition
But an association in vain of an illness.
Your ignorance is what will get to us
There is relativity to being
There is humanity to being,
Listen to the beating
By day
A casual demeaning, you say

"Every body has bad days."

I dislike confiding my feelings into people without mental illness or trauma because they mean well but their words often just dont reach past the surface because they truly cannot comprehend what im saying.
Belle Jan 2021
cavities cart calamity,
creating creatures
Cured. Insanity instigates insignificance;
Idealism. Icarus might melt mere morsels
Made bleak
by burdensome barons. Baked solid
Sought suffering souls.
Searing severe reverence recollections-
Repeat redundancies,
Regard retentive wishes while
White whisky washes westward.
Well worn within
Made &
Jan 2021 · 116
*w o rd s*
Belle Jan 2021
In order to dive deep you need to learn how to swim first,
but after playing with fire the oxygen
                                               Burns worse.

Your heart weighs so, she pulls
your mind thin.
I beg the bodys marks allow me in;

Not to breach the paddock
where peace and marrow grow-
I mere wish for souls fingers to reach and handle mine
Between the cresent moon and

the wilting pine.
Jan 2021 · 135
My boy in nova scotia
Belle Jan 2021
What recharges you?
Which font regards to you
Like spineless piles perched slant against
Sturdy walls.
Sturdy drawls.
Sturdy, crawls
Steady Falls.
Steep toles, full loans, grows swift
Amongst the earths souls.
Dirt, cheep, hold on to meet my hand
Cut deep and burried  in sand
Sturdy home slides, security to rejection
Prepaid pensions grasp

It was a pleasure meeting your gaze.
What in the world do i put into the tags
Jan 2021 · 150
year of the sheep
Belle Jan 2021
An experimental zoo trying to take you
to the show
where all the wild animals go; we will look at the exhibit, in floor length mirrors, typed as
Inferiors. roots growing from our veins
Enjoy my mockery, beauty.
'Pick me'. the main source of comedy.
( :
you know the weird mirrors in a fun house at a fair?
Jan 2021 · 148
Human. Infatuation
Belle Jan 2021
Scarce are the lips unlicked by the fires tongue
Raised by the mothers nature, wild and undone
in the moments your will is pushed, ash tray

Hold to the weeds and strike at the rain
They are the unruly ones whose desire plays with the wind and burns everything within touches reach
But not to subject a detrimental flame upon which they came

No, we are water in an iced age burning to escape the pain.

We have ardent inclination to fetch whats ripped bare from our hearts
Baren, left, we hold nothing but our broken parts in a box
left by the bypass ruined by rain and grass stains, a product of the golden days oxidized and rusty. 
Look at my eyes, from pain

this must be virtue. 

I promise, in sickness and in health i will never hurt you
Jan 2021 · 76
look at me again
Belle Jan 2021
Please show me
Those eyes again.
The irus holds secrets
Pupils pent full of regret held suspent
Between lashes and lids
Tear ducts glued shut by
Those eyes again.
Jan 2021 · 138
Poets demands
Belle Jan 2021
Its so easy to
close my eyes.
Ponder the shortest of goodbye's
to then Drift away.

Courting the disorderly
Loving the ordinary looks
Of passable sanity
Engrained into blue veins and hearts
Beating- What are your pet peeves?
Well I cannot stand it when
I wake up to see the new morning.
I **** how annoying thoughts toying at
My sleeves can be.

Is it by my nature that I isolate
Distribute and demonstrate my existence
Then transcend expectant eyes
With an indifferent smile your
Foolish child
Believes me. Holds my tragedy
Blinded by my flatter you will never:
Wish me away.
In a pool of blood, broken, secrets that
The sea just denies.
A martyr upholding bruised thighs. Carries
Abet motives thus killed by the poets
Hello- im happy we crossed paths.
You deserve a real morning,
I wish you the best.

— The End —