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Sep 2019 · 102
Snow Globe
M Sep 2019
You shook my life like a snow globe and watched the ashes fall
Tracing their path with your finger, you smudged the frail glass ball

“How pretty!” you had said of the ashes of my fears
That had drifted from the burning of my self-destructive years

Or was that cry of praise for you and your own reflection
That stared back at your loving gaze of endless self-affection?

And when you smudged the glass enough to blur my inner self
You called me ineffective and left me on your shelf

For I could no longer show you the things you longed to see
By losing your reflection, you concurrently lost me
Sep 2019 · 112
A Manifesto
M Sep 2019
If only you could glimpse behind my eyes
And view the beauty that you juxtapose
A taste of you can quickly mesmerize
Me. These nascent thoughts grow like embryos

Most times I find I ponder thoughtlessly
Of the trivial and of the mundane
With you I cannot end my scrutiny
An endless stream of thought which you maintain

I have been found. Yet I am still confound
Ed not by life, but by death not by thought
But by soul. But by breath. But by profound.
I have learned you but you cannot be taught.

So pour me a glass of you to consume
And I’ll get drunk off liquid thought and mind
fulness. Gone. But who am I to assume
That you who can’t be found is undefined.

If you can touch my mind, my soul, my heart
If you can make me think and feel, you’re art.
Jul 2019 · 137
The Value of You
M Jul 2019
If only you could glimpse behind my eyes
And view the beauty that you juxtapose
Your grinning hazel eyes are lustrous skies
And freckles splash like raindrops ‘cross your nose.

If only you could listen through my ears
And hear the melody that is your voice
If I could listen to you laugh for years
I wouldn’t wish to have another choice.

If only you could live beneath my skin
And feel the way your arms embrace my soul
The way you stroke my body is a sin
And lights my nerves ablaze like burning coal.

If only you could comprehend your worth
Then you wouldn’t want to leave this Earth.
A sonnet!
Jul 2019 · 111
M Jul 2019
You dug into the porous dirt
And dug into my mind
The shovel pierced my soiled skin
Unearthing humankind

Your sweat rolled down your face like tears
And watered newborn grass
The stench of you seeped through the earth
And filled my lungs like gas

With a thunk, you struck my heart
Too large for you to miss
And eager to uncover me,
You crawled to the abyss

Your hands swept down my woody flesh
And wiped away the dirt
That littered my facade like ashy
Remnants of the hurt

Greedily, you gripped my lid
And brushed my thoughts aside
You cracked my coffin like a clam
Exposed my corpse inside

You thought you’d see your pretty girl
And not this dead disaster
But maybe I’d still be in love
If you had found me faster

A gust of wind pushed you inside
Or maybe it was me
I swallowed what we used to have
And stole what we would be.
Jul 2019 · 152
The Splinter
M Jul 2019
It only took a little ***** to wedge into my sole
A constant sting informing me that I am left unwhole.

I curse the infernal splinter and I tug at it in vain
But every time I pinch the wood, the sucker still remains

I smush my heels into the Sand to pack it like brown sugar
Which irritates the lousy wood and shoves its roots in further.

I wade on tiptoes ‘cross the Stream to wash away my doubt
But on the other shore I see, my calves begin to sprout

I chill my little piggies in the Tundra even more so
But as the blizzard clears, I find a trunk is now my torso

I scrape my arch against the Crag protruding from the Mountain
And at the top I see my arms spew branches like a fountain

I shuffle along the Ocean floor surrounded by the dark
But with my fingers I can feel, my skin has turned to bark

I squish the Moss like applesauce and curl my toes with glee
Splinter, ‘cause I left you there, I’ve turned into a tree!

I’ve now become a nature soul without a heart to lose
Why else would I roam across the Earth without a pair of shoes?
Jul 2019 · 121
M Jul 2019
I gave my heart to you, my dear
To plant its seeds and help it grow
You wrapped it in your loving sphere
And with your care, it reaped its glow

With whispered words and tender strokes
It shivered ‘neath your careful touch
I should’ve known you were a hoax
But it just loved you far too much

It never saw the day that he
Took the cursed knife above
And pressed the tip of it to me
Slicing through our deathless love

He grasped my pulsing heart in hand
And without his or blood it starved
He plucked each valve and gory strand
And with his knife, he cut and carved

He tunneled through the fleshy veins
And plugged each open artery
While cleaving through the plump membranes
He showed his morbid artistry

Molding my throbbing heart like clay,
He shaped me to his heart of dreams
Waiting for the pain to sway,
I tried to stitch the broken seams

Yet once he carved his perfect heart,
He gazed at me with love it missed
But I was numb and torn apart
I watched his hope cease to exist

Even though his mold was right
My heart was crushed and so was I
He cast my damaged soul aside
To find another heart to die

And as I saw him walk away,
I palmed my broken heart and knew
That I was weak and lead astray
I lost myself and lost him too
Jul 2019 · 130
A Sense of Elegance
M Jul 2019
I often ponder thoughtlessly
How I ought to be
Living flawlessly
But I can’t be free
Because honestly
I am lost.

I often wake restlessly
With thoughts wrestling
In my head maybe
The anxiety
That captures me
And I am lost.

I see your arrogance
Is rare in its
Lack of elegance
And he who admits
That he who is
Maybe never was.

I see the consequence
Of my ignorance
Causes hypocrites
from counterfeits
I have no sense
Of who I was.

I am found
I am confound
ed not by life
But by death
Not by pain
But by breath

I am original
I am aboriginal
Not to land
But to mind
Not to you
But to me.
Jul 2019 · 86
Craving Nyx
M Jul 2019
Oh, pour me a glass of liquid night
To soothe my aching soul.
The syrupy salve slips down my throat
And sates each gaping hole.
I steel for the silv’ry, viscous ink
To seep into my toes.
While veins embrace the anesthesia,
Neurons decompose.

Stars like freckles scatter across
My ebony skin of sky.
A moonbeat echoes in my ears
My eyes are Gemini.
A sketching of the cosmos is
Tattooed upon my skin,
Meandering down some unknown stream
To soak my bones within.

Are these My thoughts I start to hear
Resounding in my brain?
Nibbling at my consciousness
‘Til only they remain?
Is this My body I’m trapped inside,
This cell of endless night?
The numbness in this head and corpse
Have stripped my eyes of sight.

Now that I have depleted you,
I have no sense of time.
It has no meaning anymore;
A shift in paradigm.
This remedy once brought happiness,
But now brings only malice.
I thought I had struck gold with this
Aurora Borealis

Oh, pour me a glass of liquid night
To drug my sleepy mind.
Addicted to this *****
Fulfillment I can’t find.
Comet tears shower down my face;
A meteor filled sky.
The galaxy is unyielding
And now, so am I.

— The End —