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12.3k · Mar 2014
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
Can't live without you.
I can't live without you. You're my light, my life,
you are everything of that is made my existence.
I love you...

There are no words to vocalize what I feel. I give away
all of them  with my heart... My heart is full of you...
Only of you... You filled it entirely
of your marvelous, sublime,
heavenly essence. No, I could never live without you,
I swear.
928 · Mar 2014
She deceived me
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
Everything was ceased and now there's a limit, a border. I don't want borders,
you're infinite

imperfectly perfect, since it an excellence like yours
wouldn't be flawless, being so, because
it's imperfect and then concrete and
more the perfect things are real
more they don't seem so,

contrariwise, the perfect excellence can not be
true and enthrall us,
but it isn't like the defective imperfection
that appear us celestial.

Understand me
I am "She" in the title. Because I deluded myself, and it's like unless I was the same girl that now can admit this...  I don't know how else explain my concept
605 · Mar 2014
The end
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
I'm fine
I'm fine without you
I know it's sad but
I don't love you anymore, because you don't love me
even if you wish it

Maybe you think that I can't understand
but I just want to see you happy
with or without me
And my old love perhaps will return
But I don't want this

I want a new real love
without sufferance
Like the last one
Oh heart, why you're so hard?
Love does ask nothing.
Farewell David
583 · Mar 2014
He's my mad endless raving
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
escape far far faaaaaaaar away from here
stop to destroy
learn to love
because the greatest thing you'll ever learn (if you'll learn this..... And I doubt....) it's just to love and be loved in return
but you're too lost to understand, to create and to forgive or still hope
Alas... Please leave away from others..... Justice is mine, now.
I wrote this when I "opened my eyes", even if I was wrong (I deem).
524 · Mar 2014
only deceivers?
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
and the madness ceased
when someone else arrived
a light
a flare
perhaps an expectation
maybe just a friendship

Took her away from craze
whole was finally ended
leaving only the muddy ooze of memories,
stars mislaid in the sky, made of dreams,
of unbridgeable hollow, of lost hopes or discovered

The end... can not possibly be a new outset?
Love has no end
simply changes the source
and life goes on.

At all!
He'll never ends
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
It was a rainy day for me
I done your number when you were sleeping
and you replied me like the world was keeping
our promise, our love

I held your hand farther me
and you embraced it, even if it were cold
because our narrow hands never ends to hold
our promise, our love

I touched your chest infantilizing me
and you watched me asking why
so I tell you're the most precious thing existent while
I look at you hopeless, but in love
with you.

time is our enemy: it pass too slowly for our love and too quickly for our words.
472 · Mar 2014
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
Endless fear of
in the heaven.
406 · Mar 2014
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
I'm surrounded by people that sneer the real love, that they don't know. The kind of true love, everlasting and that makes us ridiculously slaves... Thralls of everything... Of ideals, of prospects, of delusions and even of figures...
And  blessed all of them, that don't know the boundless nooks of this thick and thorough petroleum... Clinging and sublime...

Love, Affection, Fondness... What are you? Why you're such?
I know the answers and my questions aren't these. I would say instead, What lurks in the intensity of those green
and luminescent emeralds... Those wonderful windows that I
can't observe for long...

I purloin the seconds
to the tense
, for allow that I stray sinlessly and unconsciously in those
vast voids that are nevertheless so brimful... They're packed. Two explosions of... Of... Of...? Of amazement, not. Of
sheer perfection...
An unconscious and fatal excellence, though for only one person.

Alas... As can be incredible our being. Overly manifold and over mere to the same time... Made of whole and of nothing...
But it's late and if I start to talk about that... Well, tomorrow I will be too weary to
can succumb afresh to the
green elixir of the love whereby I live.
397 · Mar 2014
Tears of doubts
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
I cry
I never cry for films
sometimes I cry for books
Anyway I cry
I'm crying

maybe you think that I'm just complaining
But the problem is the question,
that is "WHY?"

Tears of what?
I don't know at what my tears are due to

I think they're for the happiness found in his love
or maybe they're for the nostalgia of the liar,
who stole my love, times ago
And now I'm in my lake of tears, situated
in my middle earth, full of doubts, suffering and
heavenly happiness at the same time.

Oh I need a help
I ask for saving myself
I pray to my love but I'm thinking
about the liar

Therefore I die in the extremely wide, deep and
putrid lake in the
middle earth of my middle heart.
367 · Mar 2014
The help of a promise
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
Your eyes are two lighthouses of angelic glare
fell as if by enchantment, from a sky made
only of dreams.

Hope is located in your heart.
Quest ever and you'll discover
what do you wish, but I
will always be there for you.
345 · Mar 2014
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
I feel like I'm caught... Caught by everything.
Because he is everything,
he's everything for me. And I am the nil, thrall of the unaware
lord that the
everything is.
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
empty* life without you
I desire a door
that could bring me
to you.

Now I'm more alone...
because you, you're not there *anymore.

Times ago, in a school... You and me
we were together.
You told to me sweet
and unconscious words...
And I, I was so lost in me.
Because I was in love
with you. And now,  I'm
still so crazy about you.

Nine months are passed...
Is will finally born in you
the same love
that I've felt for you
and that led me to madness?

I don't know it,
but I still hope in us.
In an our possible future, that
could bring us in the love's heaven.
I'm not exaggerate.
I'm just crazy. Yes,
I'm crazy about you.

If you don't believe me, listen to this.

I see you everywhere and
I can't stop to think
about you. About some months ago,
so about you and me together in some way.
And it's sufficient that I read your name
to begin to tremble for my heart
that beats always and only for you.

So listen to me, give me a chance
at least because I'm  terribly fell in love
and now nothing can save me from my feelings for you.

See you soon, I hope. Because when I see you
my world is absolutely perfect, and without you
I couldn't live anymore.

Then I could continue for all my life
to write about you.
but I'm talking with a paper... You're not a paper.

Tell me how can I talk to you and say
all my hidden thinks about you.

I will never forget you, remember you this.
308 · Mar 2014
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
Everything has a reason,
you need just to recognize it, and
to do it the journey's long, but
I'll get there. I'll found my answers,

I'll discover them in
my onrush, in
my guide, I'll find my
sake of living

And thereupon I'll live, I will continue to live and
to expect.

Because a man, without the hope
is not a man.
251 · Mar 2014
Starting to hope
Beatrix Green Mar 2014
I was only a girl
and you... You were my creation.
Thanks to you, my life is changed completely.
But now... How can I find you again?
I was too stupid
and very much sad
maybe my heart was broken but I don't know...
Tell me why. What I have to do?
I love you
I will always love you.

if through a spoon I could see again you and me,
like any month ago...
We were together
there wasn't any girl except me, for you
But now, I promise!
When you'll be again near me
I will never leave you, I'll be always there for you
and I will think better

So maybe the things that we've loose
will return...
What do you reckon?
I love you!
Can you hear me?
Why you're so far? And why you're not here?
I wish you...
Save me.

— The End —