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Paul Skinback Jan 2019
What a magnificent person,
You stand strong when others fall,
Your hair of sunshine glistens,
You speak the truth for all,
Mexicans are coming over the border,
We need to build the wall
Paul Skinback Jan 2019
This is one small step for man, one giant nut for mankind
Paul Skinback Jan 2019
Never have I seen such beauty,
Until you came into my life,
The way you are brightens me.

Over the dark days,
Never do I rest.

Many ignored my wails,
Yet you did't.

Forgetting my dark days,
Ask me for my hand,
Come close to me,
Echo my smile
Paul Skinback Jan 2019
The long night within me darkens,
For my sins are beyond counting,
The long shaft of Jesus hardens,
For the lord is close to mounting,
When Armageddon comes,
He nuts in my hole,
And cleanses my once sinful soul
Paul Skinback Dec 2018
O wise one,
Why did they banish you?
O wise one,
Teach me how to cherish you.

For when a new day begins;
An old soul weeps,
Let my words strike anew,
For i shall buss one for you

— The End —