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Billy Leavitt Mar 2020
By Billy Leavitt
July 18, 2019

The moment you meet someone comes in slow with a earthly glow
time spent together progressively grows interestingly
the days start out long and the time becomes ever so strong
weeks run into months before you know it the years roll along.

In a world of love and hate nothing to relieve the heart ache
then comes the end reveals broken promises shattered dreams
in a world of love and hate nothing to relieve the heart ache
then comes the end reveals broken promises shattered dreams

Some where along the way a chill comes like a expensive bill
laid out for your heart to receive paid in full the experiences
as those payments were paid and your heart laid to rest in a ice chest like a landfill filled with waste and human foil your heart in turmoil.

In a world of love and hate nothing to relieve the heart ache
then comes the end reveals broken promises shattered dreams
in a world of love and hate nothing to relieve the heart ache
then comes the end reveals broken promises shattered dreams

Laying there unaware of shame and no one to blame but your own self voices in your mind echo through out like an old empty gold mine looking back at the ever strong days that were in a cloudless haze then comes to the end reveals broken promises shattered dreams.
58 · Mar 2020
Call of The Wild Loves
Billy Leavitt Mar 2020
By Billy Leavitt

Novemeber 14 2013

Lying there staring into each others eyes not saying a word, our eyes speak our most true feelings of one another, gazing deeper and deeper into our love filled eyes seeing the sparkles glimmering in each look, knowing needing wanting to speak what we truly deeply feel for loves desire to be wild passionate affectionate.

Lying gazing into our eyes we draw closer closer ever more passionate into each look, loves emotions feelings begin to emerge with great warmth from every sensations running through our love stricken bodies.

From every kiss to every heart beat pounding with great sensational passion wanting to say out loud our upmost feelings pleasures to one another, every look in each others eyes says do not stop with our hearts racing beating ever so pleasuring.

Lying there with our love stricken eyes the calling of the wild speaks, in arms reach we move closer feeling our hearts become one, filling all our passion affection we have found our true bond as Love.
47 · Mar 2020
Billy Leavitt Mar 2020

By Billy Leavitt

November 16 2013

The changing of seasons from the warm summer days into the sun setting shading the clouds with majestic colors of oranges and bright pinks,to the cooling of autumns breezy winds and leaves changing colors of gracious greens to the subtle yellows that ranges the country mountains, through the winters ice frosted tree's and the many amazing colors of freezing northern lights dancing so harmoniously amongst each other in the chilled night sky, into the warming melting snow from winter's past into spring's warming touch of rain and longer sun filled days returning peacefully into mother natures cycle of growing green fields and budding tree's and flowers blooming from the sun filled rays. At the end of the day I will always come home to you my Beautiful.

— The End —