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Aug 2017 · 258
Gusty tyrants

In a black sky; people of politics,
With darkened and gruesome policies;
Monitored by moons their enemies,
With the heart of a tiger in conflict.

Thugs and forerunners of Boko-haram;
Hijackers and defaulters of Greenland;
Foolish wise men and corrupters of mankind;
Ye all, are engineers of bloodsheds .

Due to the crying bloodstream of the innocents,
The forest of the three-wise-men died away...
And the heaps of grace in Heaven hollowed heads;
Because nature necked nails like one who's gone astray.

In a black sky: people of politics,
Murdered kingship and belted tyrants,
Politicians wrecked worthy warriors...
And sojourn into complete catacombs of crisis

Aug 2017 · 179

Wages of sin; death
After death; judgement
Good living; long life
Long life; epitome of truth

Sunset; leaves clap
Mid-day; busy wind
Sun down; cool breeze
Late evening; busy streets

Night fall; sleep yawns
Mid-night; owl's time
Owl's time; evil hours
Night fall; journey rest

Now; the dawn of the day...
Church bell calling a-high
Cockerels crowing a-loud
The cloud hissing-out dews

Humans; tussling and hustling
Activities; here and there
Time is of the essence...
In the "scenarios of nature" .

As written by

[A salient prolific author...]
Aug 2017 · 159

The early morning sun
Gradually heating hotter
Fading and glistening

The birds chirping,
Cockerels and hen...
Spreading their wings.

Humans for games; animals  prey
Pedestrians shading the sun
Animals n' trees enjoy the sun

The wind rustling sands
Sands making cones
Dusts,birds,Nylons fly a-high

The sea looks still
Practically; a slow flow
Sea creatures; admirable scenery

The early morning sun
Naturally penetrates the body
Scientifically proven energetic

As written by

Aug 2017 · 171
Flowers danced my song
Even when i tossed my tongue
And the palm tree touched clouds
Behold voices tilling grounds
A-fore was injurious state
Aback was deaths gate
And the stand of man vibrated
Yet man stood still like the deserted
His island of wisdom lost
As his shadows stood paused
Run run run!!!
A voiceless voice from nowhere
Dead became the prompt sun
And sweat drenched his hair
Hahaha! Laughed the soil
And the eyes of man began to coil
Till the ground made a sound
Gbuum! A man has fallen
And voices voiced a-loud
An innocent soul has fallen
Helter skelter ran the street within
And tears flooded the hearts of the living
Tragedy was at work that day
As it couldn't reschedule its day
For the man to live long
And tragedy raised a sorrowful song
From different tribes of tongue.
As written by ;
December  2⃣0⃣1⃣6⃣
[ a salient prolific author...]
Aug 2017 · 174
Loved with sword

I always adore her
I uniquely love her
I respect her more than my mother
With her I Learn to be a good father

I hear her voice at all times,
But, sometimes she skips my words,
Sometimes she would walk out on me-
And my soul left to feel the hotness of the sea

I can't compare her to another
Even though I haven't loved before,
I can't get enough of her
Because, all of me wants more

How would my Mummy bless us,
If she speaks of taking a court marriage
How would Papas blessing descend on us,
If she hears only but herself even when am in rage.

Every joy she wear on me adds more years to me,
My jealous can't let me be,
Heaven bless her beyond measures,
Mummy, you are the source and keeper of my treasure.


(November 7, 2016)

[A salient prolific author...]
Aug 2017 · 166
Devils Dude

Unto you, unto you
Oh, Devils Dude;
The chairman of fakes,
Benchwarmer of truth,
Firewall  for faults;
You are devils recruit,
As you take no brake
Destroying ones quite hut,
Because, you man deaths crew_

*     *     *

One day, one day,
Oh, devils dude
Someday so soon,
The dust shall eat you,
So blind and lifeless;
Shall become the once you,
And all ages around, a-far,
Some shall spit on you;
Vanity to your old days and evermore.

[A salient prolific author...]
If Tears Could Create a Crane

If tears could create a crane,
And memories were a-stood;
We would walk right up to death,
And burn death with our anguish pains

No goodbye words were said,
No opportunity to say farewell,
You exited before we knew it,
Our heartaches; only God feels it

Our eyes; gone blurred,
Our sights clogged,
What it meant to lose you;
May be known by just few

Grandma, we know you want us
To mourn you no more,
But, to remember all the happy days,
Life still has abundant in store for us

We pledge to you today,
Your prime never to be forgotten
Within the walls of our hearts; we say
Rest perfectly on the Lord's shoulder.

         Farewell Grandma
(who died on 24th of December,2016)
Aug 2017 · 183
Adieu Grandma
Adieu Grandma

Until that day, being 24th
Of December, 2016th
I came to know,
How jealous death is...
Grandma, till t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w
You remain an icon of peace,
Grandma, who could make
One laugh in her own ways
Of jokes and conversations,
Verily, you nursed great minds
As your children, grandchildren
And great-grandchildren,
Lo, I take your exit to be;
The Lords call to glory,
Though, is quite so unfair
You departed to glory a-bit early,
You should have waited
Till the pillars of earth bear wheels
So we bless you with more stars,
And gazillions of jewelries ...
Well, God rules and He decides,
In everything; all Glory to God
Ma Elizabeth Mba, rest on the
Shoulder of the Almighty God,
Amen, Amen, A-m-e-n !

Aug 2017 · 147
Thorny Leaders
Thorny Leaders

Hundredths of stitches on my skin,
Thousands of marks on my body,
Millions of insults descending on me,
Yet, the world can't let me be.

Wait, I saw him on those fraud records,
I saw another sucker jubilating joyfully,
I got so angry and mauled devil overly;
Because, I eat the whole world with a sword.

How bad is the slippery ***** of my fate,
How bad is the sting of a scorpion by night,
How true is the world leaders and knights,
Here and there loiters pipe-like-necks as gents .

Around the four corners of the world;
Smells like the bathing soaps of the Egyptians,
When shall all these sharks on seats...
Cease to exist and worship the Israelites God.

[A salient prolific author...]
» 30/06/2017
> 01:13AM

How the rich has lost its luster,
   the well-to-do become doom!
The sanctity gents are scattered
   at the gates of all peaceful loop.

Even jackals offer their *******
   to nurse their offspring,
But my people have become unsparing
    like ostriches in the desert crest.

Those who once ate pure delicacies
     are bad destitute in the streets.
Those nurtured in pink and purple
     now lie on dust and ash heaps.

How the precious sons of Nigeria,
   once their weight in silver and gold,
are now measured as pots of clay,
    the work of a potter's hands; clay ?

The punishment of my Nation
   is greater than that of Gomorrah,
which was overthrown in a moment
   without a hand turned to help her.

[A salient prolific author...]
>> 11/07/2017
⊙ 06:56PM
Aug 2017 · 231

Man waved away deformities of *****,
  man deserted hatred and violence,
Man merried in harps of righteousness;
  all these were delicacies of the ancient kingdom.

Oh, come to our world wherein whales fear,
Oh, our world wherein witches are preachers,
Oh, come to our world wherein worms steer,
Oh, our world wherein fates go on date with money-rituals.

Some heads blackened their hearts at dark,
  some eyes eyed the eagles to death by night,
Some mouths blundered rivers of nail on the risen spark,
  some ears ruined truth for gifts from heist.

If the raod to Babylon seem a-foot close to Lagos;
Then sharks in river Jordan would snap selfies with some corpse,
For a second the ruling Egyptians lived;
While, stars of years the Israelites lived.

      02:16 PM
Aug 2017 · 213
Travesties of tragedy
Travesties of tragedy

There was once beauties in my land,
  very fruitful from clouds to sand,
And advocates of bossmanship rode-in;
  dust of sands began to cry in sin.

When nature refused to be caged;
  walls of my nation began lying in heaps of ruins,
When gold could not find a path for seizure;
Calamity of integrity clash will flood amidst entities.

Goddess of "what-else and priestess of "pretence"...
   all I have seen lurking around our honeyspace;
For knights of blood is our rulers in distress,
  and forerunners of seven-headed mistress.

Again, when nature refused to be caged;
  politics became carnival of blood splash,
When peace, love and unity rejects immunity;
  female wombs will contest for "the best weaponry arsenal" .

       01:49 PM
Woe to the Apathy

Woe to you who are apathy in Nigeria,
And to you who feel safe in Aso-rock,
You dignitaries of fraudsters of Nigeria,
To whom the poor depend on for stocks.

Woe to you who are apathy in Africa ,
And to you who feel safe in  America,
And then weep hard in their prison wall,
Now, is their calaboose a-mourning mall?

Woe to you who are apathy in Nigeria,
And to you who feel safe in ritual-wealths,
Yet, you die young and rot in Hades ever;
As your casket drop amid beast of maggots.

Woe to you who are apathy in many states,
And to you who reign terrors daily,
And to bowlful drunkards and fate-pests,
Your feasting and lounging will end sadly.

[A salient prolific author...]
»» 02/07/2017
>> 11:57AM

When the sea shall voice like a trumpet,
And declare unto heads their rebellion,
And you have hidden the cats under vent,
Lo, hot stones of ravines are your portion.

Behind your gates, doors and windows
You have displayed your heathen symbols,
Weary and mockery are your perfumes,
Cry not loud for in hell shall you boom.

Wind shall descend , wind shall devour,
All your collections of idols you bow...
And you shall burn with lust amid the oaks,
As you moan mournfully like choked doves.

Like the blind we ***** along many walls,
Feeling our way like men without eyes,
We look for justice, but find none at all;
For peacefulness, but far away it hides.

>> 04/07/2017
»» 11:14PM
Deflowered Kingdom

Heaven shall bestow them the crown of thorns,
You politically addicts and dream killers,
Fire from Zambia and abyss shall rain your pathways,
You lawbreakers and certified nursed rulers.

See, darkness covers the earth and its admirers,
See, twilight seem the midday to idol worshippers,
A mere breath is a heavy fright to a ritualist,
As the cloud above shall rain bees on the ******.

Since, ASO-ROCK also rock adulterers and prostitutes,
Why won't witched sorcerers wear socks,
How can a nation that award the brutes...
Not adopt immorality instead of development lucks.

Our kingdom fainting in choked recession,
Our high gates of unity; wealth of blood,
Can a country be born in days of blood?
Have i not loss enough ink for my nation.

>> 04/07/2017
»» 11:49PM
Clutches of Adversity

If only her distress could be weighed,
And all her misery be placed on the scales!
It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas
No wonder her offsprings nuked her peace-eggs.

If only her pains could be rain,
And all her tears be flown to paradise!
It would surely outrank her wealth-eyes

No wonder her progeny merry in poison.

If only her sorrow could be quenched,
And all her afflictions be banked like gold!
It would surely oversize the four pillars of the world
No wonder terrors are marshaled against her world.

If only her hurt house havens in hell,
And all her agony be filmed in movies!
It would surely overshadow the kingdom of Israel

No wonder famine thwarts the plans of the milk.

[A salient prolific author...]
>> 11/07/2017

How the rich has lost its luster,
   the well-to-do become doom!
The sanctity gents are scattered
   at the gates of all peaceful loop.

Even jackals offer their *******
   to nurse their offspring,
But my people have become unsparing
    like ostriches in the desert crest.

Those who once ate pure delicacies
     are bad destitute in the streets.
Those nurtured in pink and purple
     now lie on dust and ash heaps.

How the precious sons of Nigeria,
   once their weight in silver and gold,
are now measured as pots of clay,
    the work of a potter's hands; clay ?

The punishment of my Nation
   is greater than that of Gomorrah,
which was overthrown in a moment
   without a hand turned to help her.

[A salient prolific author...]
>> 11/07/2017
⊙ 06:56PM
A knock; a faint

I slept but my heart was awake. Listen!
My beloved is knocking: “Open to me,
My sister, my darling, my dove,
My head is drenched with dew,and  dampness.”

I have taken off my crown and robe,
Beloved dove, must I put it on again?
I have washed my feet with ocean of myrrhs,
Beloved dove, must I stain them again?

My beloved ****** her hand through the latch-opening;
My heart began to pound for her.
I arose to open for my beloved dove,
Then my hands dripped with myrrh, on the handles of the bolt.

As I opened for my beloved dove,
But my dove had left; she was gone,
My heart sank at her departure,
I went cold like an iced block in juice

The watchmen found me and kicked me,
They bruised me; they off my cloak,
Those watchmen of my territory;
They are hounds of ****** and bee

My dear wind and breeze, I charge you,
If you find my beloved dove, tell her...
I've fainted with love and her love-ruins,
Let her make haste before the full moon.

⊙ 03:45 AM
Division of breath

Lost was the soiled sins of Lebanon,
while rats made tents in capernum,
History became the basket of Abraham,
while the egyptians yowl in river jordan.

Not too far, birds of the sky waved-by;
fear of abyss crowned all the standbys,
And heaven wept and wailed clouds of pain,
Behold, the moonlight stained her walls with pain.

Devil is evil; heaven is haven I say,
Deceive oneself to sin and death is your pay,
Rob a joyful soul and measles from Egypt ...
Will shelter your healthiness to six-feet.

Yes, your raging anger can't lit a banger;
Your ***-mouth can't swallow a leather;
Breath is an advocate of life and a-mole for death,
Heaven is for everyone and not for well ironed shirts.

©Author Kelly Juuz
[A salient prolific author...]
>> 26/07/2017
⊙  08:22PM

People reported to heaven of havens,
Minds clogged up with naivety-in-sevens,
Birds watched and mimed in styles;
The world is of no man but for all tribes.

Young and old sailors in Blue-land,
Sons and daughters of Anti-abyss,
Wheat and milk stars of dancing sand;
Breath is of no man but at a time cease.

Priests and kings of all honey lands,
Judges and advocates of clouded matters,
All Sorrowful-sinners and joyous-killers;
Some heads to hell and some to Canaan-land.

Presidential candidates and execu-thieves,
Prophets in *****; helpers to Israel-tyrants,
Oh yes, know so, heads die; death lives;
The world is golden and rains charcoal at some eves.

Theme: Limericks

Titled: Funny Dream.      

There was a boy called AUTHOR KELLY,
Whose body is like that of Jacob, so hairy;
  but dreamt of buhari's echo,
  and a-woke upon his photo,
Now his poetic lines gone saddy and scary.

Jul 2017 · 148

Worrisome for the services rendered,
where compromise rumble on guard,
Some hearts ran,
Some eyes stood,
And yet worries had my joy deferred.

©Author Kelly Juuz

— The End —