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Aug 2018 · 170
Don't Forget to Feel
Austin Maguire Aug 2018
Don't be afraid to cry
Love comes with pain
It's just for a little while
Life goes on the same
It's okay to hurt
The wound will seal
Don't introvert
Don't forget to feel
Often we distract ourselves from our pain.  The only way out is through -- move through your pain, process it, feel it. Don't shy away from it.
Aug 2018 · 148
Letting Go
Austin Maguire Aug 2018
I can't let you hold me back anymore
To be honest I'm not entirely sure
Why my grip is so strong.
But I am finally moving on.
I'm letting go;
I need to grow.
We must let go of those that drag us down, even if they are the closest people to us.
Aug 2018 · 107
Austin Maguire Aug 2018
The one we hold closest to us
Is the one capable of the worst.
We must either trust everybody or nobody;
If we only trust some, we are betrayed.

They say keep your friends close,
But your enemies closer.
But how can we tell the difference
If we are best friends with our worst enemy?

Honesty and vulnerability --
A combination that can move mountains.
Ironically we seem to run away from them;
Nothing plagues like the truth.
Aug 2018 · 118
Austin Maguire Aug 2018
How liberating is Freedom
If you did not know you were trapped?
My Soul has been in an Invisible Cage;
Thrown around, beaten, bruised.
A crab without its shell in a pile of sand
Left over from the fallen castles,
Thought to be made of steel.

The world around me, my experiences,
My thoughts, my feelings. Lies.
I have awoken from a simulation only I was in;
The experiences fake, the feelings real.
I carry the pain of false realties.

A nightmare in real life.
In dreams we experience the unexperienced;
You suffer as loved ones die, monsters chase you,
Storms destroy everything you have,
Unaware of the sleep you are in.
You jolt up in a panic that quickly turns into relief.
I don't get that relief; I didn't wake up.
I was never asleep.

The cage is open; I am free.  
But how liberating is Freedom
If you did not know you were trapped?
I have been psychologically abused and manipulated for four years, but I was unaware of the abuse until after the damage was done.

— The End —