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Athan Oparaji Dec 2017
The rope that defines all of us

A line of rope defines all of us
The equation of success
Like dotted spots we march on the ladder to the echelon
Some variables will **** down your back
and say it's raining up there
They will say it's lonely at the top
They want u to drink from the fire hose and get fired
They tend to cut the cord that connects us
They segregate and say some numbers are odd while others are even
They forget that the shade the sit in, someone planted the tree years ago
They forget we all are defined by the same equation

Never you allow them


Align with those variables who will give you a hand when you need them
Inspiration,motivational poem
Athan Oparaji Dec 2017
Show me the man who jails his fellow being
Yes affluence defines him
He is free but can he see his prisoner in dark clouds?
Is he actually free?
He is afraid because he knows not the mind of the prisoner
The true freedom comes
When he sets his prisoner free
When we are free from the shackles on our mind
When the storm is over
When our sweat evaporates, entropy zeroes and we feel the cooling effect of the wind speed
We find the ultimate freedom
We can only be free when we set others free
Athan Oparaji Dec 2017
I am free
I am the eagle
My wings are so great
I can fly so high
But I'm the sizzling bird
In a golden cage
Freedom In Boxes
I am free
I can create with the innate ability
I think of a box
But don't know its position
So I can walk in and out of it freely
I am only free in boxes
I am hurt
They apologize
I can't forgive and forget
I cross the rubicon and chills
Of hatred fill the spine of my life
I see freedom in boxes
Sometimes we may think we are free but we   are actually free in a cage.
Athan Oparaji Nov 2017
One sees and says I'm sorry while
The other sees and says I'll help
One sees a man on barefoot, the other tries to wear him one
One only sees an old fogey and say oh......poor man of old trend and the other removes the fog so he could see with the eyes and move with time
One sees the worth in something worthless and show pity while
The other goes to make it worthwhile
Both have the same destiny but one runs over to finish the race
One feels for me and has his heart when I'm down in the dumps while the other gives me a new heart and tries to lift me up

For one, the aura is truly ethereal

Only when we learn the difference
We can make a difference in our lives...Athan!
Athan Oparaji Nov 2017
For every life that shoots out from a woman's contour comes with a goal
When this life begins, lives in two worlds
The inner world
The outer world
The meaning of nature's duality

The inner world
Yes! People, places and imaginations dwell and resonate in our mind

The outer world
The world around us

Going for this goal
Do you know sometimes it's not fatigue that defeats us but the fog we see with our eyes
We forget we can see in our mind
We forget to explore our intersections of life
So when we have our faith intact and our goal clearly defined in our mind knowing
That somewhere behind the fog is the goal post, even when vision is impaired,
We could still move beyond the fog and
Athan Oparaji Nov 2017
Life in States!

Life is solid
Love, hatred and all we do  are solidly bonded
We do not let them go
They become  inertia in our lives

Life is fluid


As the clock ticks
These love, hatred and all we do
Begin to fade and lose bounds

As liquid the gently flow away
As vapour  the varnish in seconds

Life becomes the cheese  we never let go
Life becomes a series of partings
Life becomes the wind we catch….Athan!
Life is in stages....therefore we have to hold unto the good things of life and never let go but let go of the bad and ugly things of life
Athan Oparaji Nov 2017
My life in Circles!

I have a life to live
Finding meaning of existence
A life on curve centered on purpose

I have a life to live
A life of doing what I love
This life gives freely
This life makes lives better
This life is centered on legacy

I have a life to live
A life on purpose
It's legacy will be appreciated
This life is centered on mutual happiness

At the intersection of these lives leads
The Ultimate life - Athan!
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