But I don’t care this pain is too great
And the only power I’ve ever had is the power of hate
I have lived and raged in fear
Of what I might do
And I sit here in my chair
Will my legs to move
I have always lived a wild life
Forever cast in flames
I have always lived with unending strife
And unending unyielding pain
Suffering is my drug
And i smoke it down the straw
I always wanted to love
But it is always blood I draw
So I say to you,
Friends of my past
Today this day is the final goodbye
This breath will be my last.
I wish I could go through with it
But i am too scared
So I sit and torture myself
Strapped to my chair
Unmoving in my solitude
Unyielding in my pain
Thinking of things that I might do
To never see anyone again.
But this has been my life
For better or for worse
I have no more wise words
Just to finally end this curse
So I wonder what I might do
How the river will flow
And i wonder what my friends will do
When they finally see me go
I sit here in my chair
Longing for the end
I sit here in my despair
Longing for a friend
For someone to pull me out of this
Like the hand of god
That called my name when I was insane
And delivered me from the hod
God my insane belief
That talks to me when I’m psychotic
Seems to be a defense relief
From this pain that is chronic
But these poems are terrible,
These rhyming is oblique,
I type and write for my life
And no one will ever read
So I push on like the horse and cart
Willing myself to work
Carrying a mountain and broken heart
That has never seemed to work.
And I will get through this by blood and bone
By will and grit and strength alone
Grind my legs like a whetting stone
And push on to claim my throne
Because she said I wasn’t a king,
It was just defense
Of the pain I feel as sharp as steel
Around my heart is that fence
So i cut it open,
and let the blood pour out
And now I feel the pain I need to heal
So I can know without any doubt
That I will be whole,
That my heart will be healed,
That my shame and guilt and soul and pain,
That I will myself to heel
So I push on to give me time,
Yet another day
I push on and give myself,
Pain to keep it at bay
And I hope that one day I can be free
Of the suffering that torments me
Or at least darkness will let me be
For a while just so I can see
A son I do not have
A daughter I do not know
A family I wish i had
That I could love and watch grow
So for that I will try stay strong,
Forever and for love
And I will find a place where I belong,
Whether its here or far above.
Spirituality, Pain, Heartbreak